Tell Them Why

Tell Them Why

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Tell Them Why
A young woman recently mentioned that the lovely necklace she was wearing had belonged to one of her grandmothers – and she was sad that she didn’t know which one, nor anything about the piece. When talking to her further, she mentioned sorrow about a beautiful, hand-made quilt she saw in a second-hand store, forgotten and abandoned by the family of the quilter(s). While it’s true that stuff is just stuff, if you have items that are precious to you, it’s imperative that you record why you’ve kept them. Include pictures in your StorySite along with the history of the objects; remember that you can include up to twelve pictures in each chapter, and up to 100 more in the Photo Box.  

So, what stories can we help you with?

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team