Now, what was that again?

Now, what was that again?
Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Now, what was that again?
Does it happen to you too? You have a great recollection of a story you want to write down but before you can get to your StorySite, the memory has disappeared. Ugh! What strategies do you have to capture a reminder about the story before it’s gone? You could tell someone you’re with, so there are two of you to remember, to increase the odds. Make a quick note or voice memo on our phone? Or maybe jot a note on a piece of paper, the back of an envelope, or even on a napkin. (Hey! It works in the movies!) Whatever it takes, hang on to those remembrances and get them written into your StorySIte!

So, what stories can we help you with?

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We’re always here to help.
Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team