Leuka was diagnosed a year ago with diabetes and she got really skinny, and she’s been on insulin for 14 months. She was always usually really good about taking her insulin.
I noticed on January 7th that she had to stop eating as fast as she normally does. Leuka, when she would eat she would gobble like she was afraid somebody was going to come to get her food. I called it toothpasting, and it’s hard to describe, you have to see her do it to understand.
On January 9th she started giving issues with getting her insulin she just didn’t want it and it was a fight to get her to take it and she continued this eating and I thought that maybe it was just the medicine for Cushing’s.
January 10th Leuka started vomiting, and she had diarrhea because I had to give her a certain food if she stopped eating her food from the vet cooking chicken breast and rice, with sweet potatoes to feed her. I have been cooking for her for a couple of months. The last time she was at the vet, they didn’t think she was going to make it through that Friday and that was back in November.
January 11th okay stop eating and I didn’t want to give her insulin not eating that would have brought her sugar too low Titania figured maybe you know her to stop coming he’s not doing well because she would get these upset stomach sometimes and dinner came around didn’t eat and was throwing up I was determined to take her to the vet the next day to find out have some test done.
Tuesday evening Luca was restless, she would get up, she would go drink water, ( she was drinking a lot of water) she had diarrhea but nothing was coming out just foam. She would get up she go to her kennel she would turn around a little bit lay there for about a minute get back up walking back to the blanket that was on the floor, do a little turn around there and repeat, and it went on all night long. I was so tired I was trying to get it just a little bit sleep been up all night sleeping until noon and it walked out of my bedroom and see it but I guess well I was sleeping and come by my bedroom and she had messed there, but all it was I saw was blood. she continued to worsen throughout the day I was taking her outside earlier that morning before it was about 11 I accidentally slept until about 11. I went out to see if I can dig a hole and the ground is frozen so there was no way I was going to be able to dig in the ice, as fast as she had declined I knew what was coming. At 4 pm., I was able to get her into the Vet, on that table was the same blanket Hunter was put down on. They were supposed to give me an imprint they’re going to take her back, inserted an IV, make the paw print, and bring it back.
Having to decide to put my little girl down was the hardest decision I ever had to make she lay there in my arms I knew the exact moment that she went from there from the overdose never remember looking down afterward at her limp body, her bowels that let loose and all that was there was blood clotted blood so as much as it kills me to have to do that, If I hadn’t got her into the vet, I doubt that she would have made it through the night, and I would have woke up in the morning to her passed in a pool of blood. I think it would be even more devastating to me.