My Not-Favorites

Not My Favorites

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: My Not-Favorites

For the last several years as fall approaches, we start seeing “pumpkin spice” everything, as if it’s everyone’s favorite. Well, it’s not really mine, and I’m always a little baffled how it’s become such a thing. The taste of hot cocoa or tea sounds better to me, or the smell of a spiced apple candle.

Is there something in our culture with popularity that you just cannot fathom? Do you remember fashions during your lifetime that left you puzzled or repulsed then, or embarrassed in retrospect? (Ladies, remember that “big hair” fad of the ’80’? Whew, I’m glad we got over that!) Have there been technologies or gadgets you had no interest in, no matter who promoted them with, “But wait, there’s more!”

Tell your readers more about yourself by explaining notions or items that were not your thing, and why not. Everyone’s entitled to your opinion!

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

Thank You, Veterans!

Thank You Veterans

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Thank You, Veterans!

The eleventh hour. Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines the eleventh hour as “the latest possible time before it is too late.” If you paid better attention in American History class than I did, you might remember that the armistice that ended “the war to end all wars” went into effect at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. Each November 11th we recognize the valor and sacrifice of our country’s service members – and you probably knew that too.

But did you realize this year’s Veteran’s Day commemoration is focused on the centennial celebration of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National cemetery? At 11 a.m. that day, in the customarily solemn ceremony, a wreath will be laid at this memorial, to be followed by speeches and recognition of various veterans’ organizations.

From the Porch Swing family, thank you Veterans, for your service in the United States Armed Forces!

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Feeling Stuck?

Have you worked on your StorySite and gotten some stories recorded, but now you feel stymied or stuck? All writers sometimes feel writer’s block, where the words are just not coming. Letting the project rest for a short time might help you “reset.”

Were you too busy for a time to do much work on your stories, and now it’s hard to get back to the discipline of writing? Set a manageable goal for yourself; when you meet it, set another. And then another. You’ll get back into the swing!

Are technical difficulties hampering you? Is it something with your Porch Swing StorySite? Do you need encouragement? Please feel free to call and ask for help. We want you to succeed!

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

Supply Chain Disruption? No Problem!

Supply Chain Disruption, No Problem

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Supply Chain Disruption? No Problem!

If near-empty shelves in the grocery stores’ paper product aisles have you worried (Oh no! Not this again!), or you’re concerned that the items you planned to give this holiday season are still in the middle of the ocean somewhere, we’ve got good news!

You have a ready supply of personal stories that no ship from another country can disrupt! Finish writing and polishing the chronicles of your life, upload the remainder of the pictures that help tell the tales, and click on the magic Print My Book icon to get it published. This year, your family will enjoy a unique gift that traveled directly from your heart!

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

Hope for the Future

Hope for the Future

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Hope for the Future

A book about one’s life is usually most focused on the past, making sure all the important information and stories get recorded. Have you considered a chapter looking forward in time? You could include your predictions, realistic or comical. It could encompass what you hope will be reality, for yourself, your family, the world around you.

What about widgets that would be useful, but haven’t been invented yet? This chapter could expand your horizons, as well as those of your children and grandchildren You have the benefit of a lifetime full of experiences, change, and growth. That could translate into inspiration for the creative genius(es) among your readers. Maybe there’s a Rube Goldberg machine just waiting to be drawn and built — or a game of Mouse Trap waiting to be played.

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

In Others’ Words

In Others' Words

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: In Others’ Words
Have you sent friends and family members an invitation to give their input into your life stories? You can ask for big-picture impressions of your personal history; another’s thoughts can be so encouraging, even if you’ve heard them before. Or request observations about a particular event that you and someone else experienced. For example, siblings often remember what happened differently from how you do. (Of course, yours is the right version, but you can humor them, right?)

These outside viewpoints can add depth, color, and emotion to your book. On your StorySite, just click on In Others’ Words for assistance requesting your friends’ or family members’ perspectives. 

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team



Porch Swing Tip of the Week: My BFFs

According to, researchers have found that the happiest people have strong social relationships. And they weren’t talking about how many friends you have on social media either. confirms that friendships provide mental and physical benefits. Friends help us maneuver life’s stresses. But then, you already knew that, right?

Have you written about your friends, from childhood, from college, from military service, from work or church or whatever? Do you have a Best Friend Forever that you really have had forever? Tell about your friends, where/how you met, funny experiences you’ve had together, what you enjoy about them, why you’ve chosen to stay friends. It’s nice when your readers know your friends, but it’ll be more special to know why they’re your friends. 

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

School Daze

School Daze

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: School Daze

Most public schools in the country have started again after summer break. Yeah, watch out for buses and kids in the crosswalks! When you were a kid, did you hate when fall came and you had to go back to school? Or were you, like me, anxious to see your friends again and sort of tired of just your siblings as playmates on the farm? What can you tell your readers about the physical building(s) you attended, your teachers, subjects you enjoyed or hated, differences and similarities between then and now?

Maybe you could write a chapter to your younger self about how what you were learning then would become important later. (Dear Younger Me, get serious, pay attention, do our best! You’re gonna need this!) Your 20/20 vision in the rear-view mirror, big-picture insights, and hard-won wisdom might just inspire your younger readers to make the 2021-22 school year their best yet!
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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

It’s Okay To Be Weird!

It's Okay to be Weird!

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: It’s Okay To Be Weird!
Do your grandchildren say you’re weird? I mean, in a nice way, letting you know that they’re not so sure about you? Whew! Glad it’s not just me!

What practices or habits do you have that need explaining to younger generations? For example, you may always use some cooking trick that is uncommon and, upon explanation makes great sense and is adopted by others. Knocking on wood? Or throwing salt over your shoulder? Always eating the same thing for breakfast? Or sneaking up on unsuspecting youth with your own Nerf pistol? What else? 

Own it! Tell’em! Let your readers know why you do what you do. You might even mention unusual characteristics and quirks you remember about your parents, or grandparents, or that crazy aunt everyone warned you about. 

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team

Dreams and Aspirations

Dreams and Aspirations

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Dreams and Aspirations

Do you remember that Garth Brooks song, Unanswered Prayers? The lyrics explain that the songwriter’s younger self prayed for something he thought God never answered; then, later in life he understood that he really got a better answer than he had realized. Have you had that kind of experience?

For example, what did you want to be when you grew up, and did that match with where you ended up? Many children have aspirations that are never realized, for one reason or another. A chapter telling about what you have dreamed of — whether it happened or not — could be enlightening to your audience. There may be a goal you had as a younger person, and you’d like to explain what inspired you to lean that direction, how or why the goal was derailed, what you learned from it then, and what years and wisdom have taught you since.

Are there bucket list items you’d like to mention? This chapter would be a good place for that as well. 
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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team