California Sunshine

California Sunshine


We moved to California when I was two years old.  I don’t have memories of moving there.


At Easter, Mom filled two jars with jelly beans and made rabbit head lids for them.


Mom and Dad had some friends over one evening and boiled crab legs.  I remember the adults being in the kitchen talking and eating and Kristi and I were in the living room sitting on the floor in front of the big console television.  We were watching Godzilla.  It felt scary and exciting to see Godzilla, taller than the buildings, breathing fire, and walking among the Japanese city and destroying all in his path.  It also seemed like if the adults knew we were watching that, they might have turned the channel.  It felt kind of forbidden, because it was scary.  Afterward, I sometimes had dreams that I was with my family in the city, running and hiding from Godzilla.


I had the record story of the Wizard of Oz and became frightened that we might have a tornado at our house.  My friend, JoAnne, lived next door, and I would run as fast as I could from my house to her house because I was afraid that a tornado would come and swirl me up into the sky.


Mom invited kids for our birthday parties and made Peter Pan hats for the boys and princess crowns for the girls.


My sister and I and the neighborhood kids had some cheerleading pom poms and we used to stand out on the sidewalk and cheerlead.

California Oranges, Texas Cactus

We think your team needs a lot of practice.

Kick ‘em in the knee, Sock ‘em in the chest.

Drag ‘em to the secretary, Yay! We’re the best!


Grammy (Mabel Warner) and Uncle Rich Warner came to visit us from Nebraska.  We went to Disneyland and I remember being in the It’s a Small World ride.  We also spent a day at the beach.  I had a patriotic stars and stripes swimming suit.


Grammy would call us on our birthdays.


I started kindergarten when I was four years old.  I went to North Star Elementary School and my teacher was Mrs. Mike.  I remember learning the alphabet and all of the alphabet people were posted around the room.

California Sunshine

We moved to California when I was two years old.  I don’t have memories of moving there.


At Easter, Mom filled two jars with jelly beans and made rabbit head lids for them.


Mom and Dad had some friends over one evening and boiled crab legs.  I remember the adults being in the kitchen talking and eating and Kristi and I were in the living room sitting on the floor in front of the big console television.  We were watching Godzilla.  It felt scary and exciting to see Godzilla, taller than the buildings, breathing fire, and walking among the Japanese city and destroying all in his path.  It also seemed like if the adults knew we were watching that, they might have turned the channel.  It felt kind of forbidden, because it was scary.  Afterward, I sometimes had dreams that I was with my family in the city, running and hiding from Godzilla.


I had the record story of the Wizard of Oz and became frightened that we might have a tornado at our house.  My friend, JoAnne, lived next door, and I would run as fast as I could from my house to her house because I was afraid that a tornado would come and swirl me up into the sky.


Mom invited kids for our birthday parties and made Peter Pan hats for the boys and princess crowns for the girls.


My sister and I and the neighborhood kids had some cheerleading pom poms and we used to stand out on the sidewalk and cheerlead.

California Oranges, Texas Cactus

We think your team needs a lot of practice.

Kick ‘em in the knee, Sock ‘em in the chest.

Drag ‘em to the secretary, Yay! We’re the best!


Grammy (Mabel Warner) and Uncle Rich Warner came to visit us from Nebraska.  We went to Disneyland and I remember being in the It’s a Small World ride.  We also spent a day at the beach.  I had a patriotic stars and stripes swimming suit.


Grammy would call us on our birthdays.


I started kindergarten when I was four years old.  I went to North Star Elementary School and my teacher was Mrs. Mike.  I remember learning the alphabet and all of the alphabet people were posted around the room.

Letter to Dad (2-16-2000)

Hey Dad,

How’s everything going?  I guess you know something’s up, here.  I mean why else would I be writing this letter?  I guess the last one I wrote was after I got my very first ‘real’ paycheck.  Wow.  That was a fun one.  This will be too.

I love you.

I guess this letter is about that, well, I KNOW it is about that.  You’re still a young guy…even though you’ve got a son that’s graduated over a year ago, another in college, and a daughter….well..she’s got a long way to go, but it’ll go by fast too—it’s a darn good thing you and mom got started early!

I’m going to take a t.o. right here, bear with me.

After I left Brewton for college, I felt I was at the point where, if I died the next day, man….I’ve lived the best 17-18 years I could ever ask for…I felt (feel) like I was so blessed to know you, mom, ty and court, and I felt I had lived a ‘complete’ life.  Surely you know what I’m trying to say, even though it isn’t flowing quite as well as it should – especially since I’M WRITING!—ever heard of the BACKSPACE key?  maybe a little proof-reading???  Oh well, now that I’m married, I’m definitely at the point where I think about how blessed I am to have Erin.  I’m into a new life here, and there’s a lot more that I want to do…with Erin, and my kids…etc.  I’m going through a cycle of life, and I’m not ready for it to end…it’s exciting.  I still feel like I’ve lived the best 22+ years anyone could experience.

Alright, t.o. over.  I just want you to know where I am.

You ARE young.  You know that.  (you know there’s a big “BUT”’s inevitable, sorry…)  but, there’s too many things that can happen to your lungs at this young age, because of the smoking.  First of all, this letter is NOT AT ALL INTENDED to make you stop smoking.  That’s not the point at all.  I just want you to know exactly how much I (and the rest of the family) care about you.  I love you.  There’s just too many risks that a guy takes that can affect the quality of life for an extended period of time.  I mean, I know you don’t want to have to worry about chronic lung problems, or heart problems — just a bunch of smoking related crap that can complicate other things.

Now that you are totally aware I am concerned, this is my view of the future:

In the not to distant future, Erin and I will have children.  I’m still convinced that I’ll have twins.  But I’m also convinced that I’ll have a boy first. Either way, it won’t matter, but that’s what we (ME & YOU) are going to assume for our entertainment, anyway.

My 2 year old boy will be crappin his pants occasionally, beating my butt in basketball…my knees may bleed from the carpet burn.  He’ll be fetching the remote control for me, just to make me happy.  He’ll get yelled at, getting asked repeatedly, “You want some RED BUTTS?!?” Then later on he’ll be starting kindergarten, drawing pictures of his family, and his grandparents…he may be drawing pictures of his grandparent’s house in Alabama…and his little sister, or brother!  He’ll be giving me good-night kisses, and come crying to me about his scary nightmares, or wondering about what ‘heaven’ is all about…He’ll be looking forward to me coming home every night for the next “game”, whether it be basketball, chutes & ladders, ‘see how many seconds it takes to get me a beer’…you know, the usual.  He’ll ask me if I’m the smartest person in the whole world, to which I’ll reply, “No, probably the 4th smartest!”.

Then there will be some intramural games in grade school.  I’d imagine he may grow taller than me, hopefully getting some of your height!   He’ll come home crabby, not wanting to empty the dishwasher after school.  Erin will do it—-I’ll find out….”————————-DAMNIT! What the %$#$% is this?!?….YOU BLEW IT!  You f#$^in’ BLEW IT”  He’ll be smart enough not to mistake ‘blue’ for ‘blew’…it’s MY boy we’re talking about here.  He will feel like I struck him 100 times over…without a scratch to be seen.  He will be better person than I am….mysteriously so.  I’ll give out stories to my co-workers, on how great he did in school, or maybe I’ll tell them that ‘he told me his math test counted one half of one third of his grade…so you know how he’s doing in math’…I’ll be there to console him during his toughest times, even though he WON’T go 1-13 in the championship game, and if he did…I’d share his pains with him, hold him, cry with him, tell him I love him, then pick him up.  I’d share my joys with him.  He’s so special.  How did he turn out so good?  Yeah, I’m a good guy, but man…he’s something else.

I want you to share all of this with me too.  I know you’ve shared these things before.  These emotions sure sound familiar.  I’ll only write this once.  Because I know you already know it.  SELFISHLY, I’d feel better if I knew you didn’t smoke. Those cigarettes are not worth the risk of your health to me.  LIKE I SAID EARLIER.  I’m NOT ASKING THAT YOU QUIT.  I’m just offering whatever I can do to help.  I am too, very aware, that health complications might not have a damn thing to do with the fact that you smoke, but hey, it’s just not worth the risk – to me.

As you read my son’s stories, I know you can see them…re-live them……if you think THAT is special, well, you can just multiply that by me, Ty and Court….and multiply that by the number of kids we (your children) will have.  We love you so much.  Man, oh man there’s a lot going on.

I KNOW IT’S NOT RELATED, but I don’t want you to have to fight something for a decade like your mom has.  That’s going to be tough enough on me – let alone you and your dad, brother and sister.  I know I’m writing this letter very selfishly, and I apologize, it’s just got to be said.

It has done some positive things though.  I still have yet to try a cigarette (outside of the time you told me to suck it like a straw – though I don’t remember that), and to my knowledge, I doubt Ty has tried it either.

I really love you dad.  I wish I could spend more time with you.  It would be worth it to me if I could quit my job and work with you every day.  I really mean that.  I know I’ve got other factors involved…like a wife!  But I can sincerely say that I’d enjoy going to work with you everyday.  You have done SO MUCH for me.  I just want to do whatever I can.  Whenever you give it another shot, I want you to know you can talk to me.  I realize that it may be uncomfortable to talk about this, but damn, you are the strongest guy that I know…you must get it from your mom.  IF and when you are ready to tackle this, I would propose that YOU CALL ME when you get the insurmountable urge, just before you decide to pull out a cigarette and break the streak…even if it is 4 o’clock in the morning – when you get up.  Man, I’d do anything to help.  I love you.  I know this is echoed by everyone in the family.  Mom probably cares more than all of us. –if you end up dying from lung cancer, heck, I KNOW mom will have you cremated! No doubt about it! followed by a bigass ‘I TOLD YOU SO’.

Hey.  can’t say it enough.  I love you.  And ya know what?  As much as I’d like to see the smoke-free Bradley…well, not at all costs!  I’ll tell you what, if it means a smoke-free Bradley that is crabby and grouchy for the next decade? then the next carton is on ME!

Love you buddy.

I’ve done a little research, and I’ve added it on the next pages.  It looks pretty good to me.  The neatest part is the ‘recovery times’.   You’ve probably seen it all before, but this seemed pretty detailed to me.
A wide range of methods exist for quitting smoking. Family members, friends, and work associates may be supportive or encouraging but the desire and commitment to quit must be a personal decision. It may prove helpful to write up a specific list of the reasons why one wants to quit. A 1990 Gallup poll of smokers revealed that two-thirds of smokers state they would like to quit.

Past attempts to quit tobacco use should be viewed as learning experiences, not failures. Information from people who have been able to successfully quit smoking shows that 70% had made 1 to 2 previously unsuccessful attempts; 20% had made 3 to 5 previously unsuccessful attempts; and 9% had made 6 or more previously unsuccessful attempts before actually quitting.

Like other addictive behaviors, tobacco use is difficult to stop and maintain, particularly if acting totally alone. The best success in quitting has been noted with comprehensive programs that may combine various strategies, over time (usually 4 to 8 weeks with 1 or 2 hours of support per week) including education, peer support, behavior recognition, behavior modification methods, recognition of potential relapse situations, and strategies for confronting such situations. Medications that are nicotine substitutes, such as transdermal nicotine or nicotine gum, may be used temporarily in conjunction with such programs. These medications require a prescription, therefore seek the support and cooperation of the primary care provider for their use.

Comprehensive programs for quitting smoking have a successful rate of about 20 to 40% of participants. In contrast, 2.5% of people who choose to quit smoking spontaneously, without help, achieve success. Once a person has chosen to quit using tobacco products, it may prove beneficial to elicit a broad range of collaborative methods and support persons to enhance optimal success. If success is not reached initially, simply look at what occurred or what didn’t work, develop new strategies, and try again. Multiple attempts are frequently necessary to “beat the habit.”




  • within 20 minutes of quitting
    • blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal
    • body temperature of extremities (hands/feet) increases to normal
  • within 8 hours of quitting
    • carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
    • oxygen level in blood increases to normal
  • within 24 hours of quitting
  • within 48 hours of quitting
    • nerve endings begin to regenerate
    • senses of smell and taste begin to return to normal
  • within 2 weeks to 3 months of quitting
    • circulation improves
    • walking becomes easier
    • lung function increases up to 30%
  • within 1 to 9 months of quitting
    • overall energy typically increases
    • symptoms associated with chronic use decrease (such as coughing, nasal congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath)
    • cilia (fine, hair-like projections lining lower respiratory tract) function begins to return to normal, which increases the body’s ability to handle mucus, clean the respiratory tract, and reduce respiratory infections
  • within 1 year of quitting
  • within 5 years of quitting
    • lung cancer death rate (for average 1 pack/day former smoker) decreases by nearly 50%
    • risk of cancer of the mouth is half that of a tobacco user
  • within 10 years of quitting
    • lung-cancer death rate becomes similar to that of a nontobacco user
    • precancerous cells are replaced with normal cell growth
    • risk of stroke is typically lowered, possibly to that of a nontobacco user
    • risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases
  • within 15 years of quitting
    • risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker


Letters Ben wrote at Troy State

Some of these are assignments in an English class

March 3, 1996

Family Ties

College life has drastically changed my relationships with the members of my family.  I was born into the world with a mother, a father, and a lot of attention, because I was the first child and the first grandchild.  I can always remember having a very close relationship with my parents.  During my toddler days, my mom would make peanut butter-filled cracker sandwiches for me while I watched “The Bozo Show,” and then I would read books with her.  When my dad returned home from work, the two of us would play a very, very intense game of basketball on my Nerf basketball goal.  The intensity was so high in this competition because every game that we played always came down to a last second shot, and the result of this final shot determined, what I considered to be, the “Championship of the World!”   The loyalty of my family actually grew stronger as my younger brother and baby sister entered the world.  My family is very competitive, including my mom.  We have always played a variety of sports within the family.  My mom and dad really put up with a lot of abuse that we were enforcing on the property.  There were constantly two dirt regions in our otherwise thick grass lawn due to home plate and pitcher’s mound.  Our garage door took a beating when I would throw tennis balls against it and field the return ground balls with my baseball mitt.  My dad even let me cut portions of our lawn very short, emulating the green of a golf course.  I know that many fathers would not allow his kids to play in this manner because of the result of slight damage to the property.  There was a limit to what we could do, but my parents really let us enjoy our childhood.  I now realize that happiness is much more important than material items, because it seems as though I really abused some of the things that we owned.

I received quite a bit of attention when the time to go to college arrived.  My parents were very interested on how I was doing in basketball, and they kept in close contact with me.  I really started noticing changes in my mom’s actions when she started taking a defensive approach when I left for school. When she would call me at Troy, she would always worry that I did not have time to talk to her, and she would just try to make me happy.  She did not want me to get tired of talking to her on the phone, so she would end the conversation early.  This technique was not a part of her arsenal in my younger days.  I would have to talk (or listen) to her as long as she wanted no matter what I was doing, and she thought that doing this to me was genuinely funny.  During my first quarter of college, she would almost treat me like a king when I came home on a particular weekend.  She would not make me clean up the house with my brother and sister.  I think her biggest fear was that I would not enjoy myself at the house, and that I would never come back to the place that I consider “home.”   I never took advantage of the situation because it was just not like my mom to treat me like that, and I just could not accept the charity.

There has never been a  choice when my dad was around the house, and there never will be.  If he saw me watching television while my bother and sister were picking up the house, then he would shoot his BRAD KREHBIEL face right at me.  This gesture is a cross between a serious Clint Eastwood and an irate Nick Nolte (48 Hours), but it is definitely known as the BRAD KREHBIEL face.  Needless to say, I would be cleaning quickly without hesitation.  My dad has also changed in a way.  It seems that he is more interested in what I am doing in college than he was in what I did in high school.  He has always treated me like an adult, and I have always been in an excited or motivated mood after talking with him, but now it is evident to me that I am just talking to my buddy.  My upbringing was so tight in the family that I will always be best friends with my parents.

Okay — we’re close, but were not “The Waltons.”



March 7, 1996

College Life

The transition from high school to college can be very difficult if you are not prepared.  During Pre-College Orientation, many important tasks go unnoticed to the inexperienced student.  This is a time in which you are “babied” through registration, assigned an advisor according to what field of study you plan on pursuing at Troy State, and select a meal plan.  Most students find out on their own how to register.  You have to obtain registration sheets from the student center and make an appointment with your advisor in order to register.  Organization is the key to an easier registration.  Pick out your classes before speaking with your advisor, and pay any fines that are currently pending.  After your sheet is signed and approved by your advisor, take the registration sheet to the building of your major and pray that all of your classes will be open.

The first quarter of college can be very miserable, no matter what school you attend, if you do not know many people to enjoy the experience with during the quarter.  Alcohol is not necessarily the answer to having fun through your first quarter of college, because many people who party hard during this stretch usually fail out of school and are not around for their second quarter.  The grades during this critical period are very important if you honestly plan to climb to the sophomore level the following year.  There is an equilibrium where one can have fun and continue to make his grades.  I have managed to avoid alcohol, and I enjoy the parties.  I have been busy during my collegiate career, yet I have handled a 3.84 grade point average without having to keep my head buried into books all of the time.  I believe anybody who puts forth a sufficient, serious effort can maintain a 3.0 grade point average.

Adapting to a roommate can be a difficult challenge.  I am one of the lucky ones who got a nearly perfect roommate, but most people are not this fortunate.  When living with anybody, it is imperative that each roommate has his time alone.  Living with people all of the time can get stressful, and everyone needs his space.  Although a few sacrifices may be involved, cooperation is mandatory in a successful roommate relationship.  With only one television, each must compromise on which shows to watch.  Also, sleeping habits may interfere with past lifestyles.  Music is another item which will have to be compromised.  Living with someone can be very enjoyable if the occupants can settle a few of these differences.

The home cooked meals of long ago are no longer in effect.  Fast food and the cafeteria will be you options.  There will be plenty to eat in the cafeteria, but the desire to eat might not exist.  If you live on campus, then a meal plan must be selected according to your appetite.  There are a few different options, but the most popular among Troy State students is the 5-plus meal ticket.  This allows you to eat cafeteria food five times a week, while spending about 20 points per week on pizza or hamburgers at The Grill, next to the cafeteria.  The food is not bad and it should cure your dietary needs.

Using the information in this paper, one should be able to run through the process of registration at Troy State University without too much difficulty.  Having gone through the process myself, I understand the complications and the confusion that go along with committing to a university.  After getting past the first few days of shock, one can settle down and attend school without worrying about what to do next.  Just do not forget to pay the school!


Ben Krehbiel

English 101

October 20, 1995


Death is the cessation of life.  It is a mystery that neither science nor religion has ever solved.  Because death is something predetermined and unfamiliar to everyone, it is usually feared.  Death is a very individual subject because it is something that one experiences without guidance.  Some people are secure with religion and comfortable with death.  Other people are so miserable that they actually look forward to death, but most people fear death and try to escape it.  Death not only affects the victim, but also the people that were active in the victim’s life.  Many people believe that death is more cruel to the people left behind, rather than the victim himself.  Olenka, in “The Darling,” says to her deceased husband after his funeral, “I’ve nobody, now you’ve left me, my darling.  How can I live without you, . . . ” (150).  The problems of confronting death, the emotional stages endured while confronting death, and the response from a man to death will determine the feelings of that man at the time of death.

I believe that death is a problem because of the way people perceive it.  People are frightened of death and will try anything to escape from this fear.  In “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” seconds before Peyton Farquhar was executed, he frantically composed thoughts of fleeing his death.  I believe that he started his thoughts nearly ten seconds before his death.  He convinced himself that he had escaped, but then reality struck him fiercely.  Another problem of death is that people want to do more things in life that they have not had the opportunity to do, and dying would demolish these plans.  A twelve-year-old child could look up to his parents and want to experience a similar family lifestyle, but there is a possibility that he will die before he ever has these experiences.  Although the problems of death are rhetorical, solutions exist to cover the thoughts of death and have optimism toward life.

After one has been informed that he will die soon, the body goes through several stages.

The initial emotional reaction is shock, and the human realizes he is not immortal.  When confronted with death, a person is likely to lose sanity if he is not prepared for death. After the shock is gone, denial is the next stage.  This is basically what one suffers during his attempt to escape the doom.  From denial the fugitive from death undergoes an emotion of anger at himself, or more likely, at God.  From this point the position of the man’s emotional state can transcend one of two ways.  First, he could enter a hope or prayer to be saved.  Others regress into a condition of depression over the loss of everything.  Death steals all materialistic items away from the possessor.  This depression staggers into quitting on life and accepting the unavoidable outcome.

The stages of death tell the reader very much about the emotional state of characters near the time of death.  The manner in which the characters react to the crisis determines the result of their fate.

How a person responds to death depends on the quality of that particular person’s life.  Most people get used to living and the thought of death scares them very much.  Another approach to death is from people who struggle to live throughout their lives.  These people want their lives to end as a form of relief from the world and their troubles.  This is the case with Belcher in the story, “Guest of the Nation.”   Belcher is just about to be killed when he turns down the chance to pray and says, “I’m ready, and you boys want to get it over.”  Belcher has been miserable and is complacent of his life.  He has accepted that he will die, which makes it easier for him to die.  There are some people that put great religious faith in God, and pray for eternal life.  This group views death as a transition toward heaven, not a complete end.  Although people can escape death temporarily, it is inevitable that everyone will die sometime.  The responses to death reflect the attitudes of certain people toward death, whether it is positive or negative.

Confronting the problem of death, analyzing the emotional development of the stages of death, and presenting solutions to these problems help people to understand a little bit more about death.  Death has always been feared because it is unknown.  Is death really supposed to be a topic to be concentrating on?  Death comes across negatively in almost every way.  Life is of much more importance and should overshadow death, but unfortunately humans focus on negative themes because usually the positive themes are taken for granted.  Personally, I believe in everlasting life with Jesus Christ and I must state that I have experienced the greatest eighteen and a half years that I could have ever asked for.  I believe that my life will progress even more as I live.



Ben Krehbiel

November 7, 1995

English 101    

 determinaTion = SUccess

My decision of choosing Troy State University to continue my education was unique.  I received athletic (basketball) and academic scholarships from Bethel College, an NAIA division school located in central Kansas.  I would still have to pay $8000 for one year to attend that college.  Yet playing basketball for a Division One school has been my dream ever since I fell in love with the game at a very early age in my life.  My other reasonable option was to attend Troy State University on an academic scholarship that would cover tuition expenses, and I would try to make the basketball team as a walk-on.  I could pursue my dream, and attend a university for $3200 per year.  I felt as though this option was an inexpensive risk, and I thought I had everything to gain by coming to Troy State.  My determination to play NCAA Division One basketball is what brought me to Troy State University, and this determination allowed me to succeed in making the Troy State Men’s Basketball Team, joining the Sigma Chi Fraternity (EO), and declaring a major of great interest to me.       

Making the Men’s Basketball Team at Troy State has been amazing for me.  One must have determination to put on basketball shoes every day, run up and down the basketball court with athletes of much greater talent, and compete with their level of play.  Because of my lack of foot speed, I must always be in the best position on the floor according to the situation.  My physical abilities are not equal to my teammates’ abilities, but I carry some of the “intangibles” of athletics.  I am very teachable, and I maintain a good attitude that expands to my teammates.  I also do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, which keeps me one step ahead of the rest of the players.  Going to school without the benefit of playing basketball would make college life less fun.  I will become a better player, and one day I will contribute to the team.

Joining a fraternity was one of the last things on my mind as school started. However, a few of my good friends are members of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, and they asked me to come to the fraternity house.  I really enjoyed talking to the brothers of the fraternity, and I decided to become a pledge.  Pledgeship requires one to strive each day to meet his goals.  Pledgeship has taught me to manage my time wisely during the week.  One must be determined for more than four months to be initiated as a brother after pledgeship, and I will do it.

After choosing to attend Troy State, I had to select a major.  Although I was not sure of what I wanted to do in my career, I reluctantly chose Computer Science as my major because I really enjoy computers.  I love to solve problems, and computer programming is really exciting to me.  I will continue to chase this degree for the next few years.  A computer programmer is usually not the type of person that owns a sociable personality.  I do not have a typical computer programmer’s personality.  I get along with many different people, and I believe this will be a huge advantage for a company that wants good relations with people.

I have maintained determination in basketball, in the fraternity, and in my classes throughout the first quarter at Troy State.  Without determination, a person has no drive or purpose, which makes everything meaningless.  I want to win at almost everything in life, and I strive to be the best person that I can be.  I think that Troy State was definitely the best place for me, and with determination, I will succeed in my collegiate career.


Ben Krehbiel

Turkey Day ‘95

On Thanksgiving of 1995, I received an incredible surprise.  I was watching college football games at my grandma’s house in Kansas, when all of the sudden, the coach for the University of Kansas Football team walked through the front door.  My heart stopped in excitement because I really did not believe that he was actually coming to eat Thanksgiving dinner with us.

The story behind Coach Glen Mason coming to the small town of Minneapolis, Kansas, to eat Thanksgiving dinner with my family is quite simple.  He was dating my aunt.  I was aware that there was a chance that he would come, but it seems like he is always on the move, so I was not really sure that he would actually make it.  My ears were focused into everything that he said, which was not much, in front of my grandparents.  He talked about his two kids, and gave us a few stories about cute things that they have done.  I was really nice because he did not talk about himself all of the time, as one might think that a football coach would.  The thing that surprised me the most was the way he cannot stay in one place for too long.  We were watching the Michigan-Ohio State football game on television, and Ohio State was suffering its first loss of the season during their last game of the season, and Glen Mason grabbed the phone and called a couple of his buddies.  Coach Mason played football at Ohio State and there had been rumors that he was leaving Kansas to coach at Ohio State.

I had met Coach Mason earlier in the year at my aunt’s house, but that stay was only about 20 minutes long.  He gave me his T-shirt that he was supposed to wear to the practices because it was too large.  It was an athletic shirt, with the letters XXL in the middle of the front part of the shirt.  I saw a picture of him during practice, and he was wearing the exact same shirt, but it was an XL.  I have the shirt that he was supposed to wear.  In fact, his name is even written in marker on the inside of the T-shirt.  This is probably very insignificant to anybody else, but I thought that it was very neat.

On Christmas Day, the Kansas Jayhawks went to Hawaii to play in the Aloha Bowl against UCLA.  The big story at the time was that Coach Glen Mason was leaving Kansas to go to the Georgia Bulldogs.  He had already committed to Georgia earlier in the week.  My aunt went to Hawaii with the team.  Christmas morning my grandpa called me and told me that Karen, my aunt, had called him and said that Coach Mason had decided to stay at Kansas.  This was a shock to me, and the media did not even know yet.  Sure enough, it was announced right before the game was played, and I knew something that the whole country had to wait for.  It was a very neat feeling to know the inside track on something important like this.

In order for one to grasp how much this meant to most of us, you would have to understand that my family eats, drinks, and breaths the University of Kansas Jayhawks.  This was really a highlight for me in 1995.  After eating Thanksgiving dinner with him, I will always remember Coach Glen Mason, and I will always respect him as a person and a coach in the future.






Joyce’s Memories of Her Grandparents

• What are some of your early memories of your grandparents?
• Where were your grandparents raised?
• What careers did your grandparents have?
• What did they do to make a living?
• What is a favorable trait you received from your grandparents?
• If you could write a thank you letter to your grandparent(s), what would it say?

Joyce Ann Thorp-Johnson’s Early Childhood Memories

• What is a fond early memory of your mother?

My mother and grandmother would take turns rocking me.  In the house on the farm, Eva, my mom, would put a thin piece of cloth over the top of my crib at night to keep me from breathing dust.  We were on a farm and the houses in 1930’s were not as air tight as the ones built today.   When I was around 4-6 years of age, Eva and I would go with other family and look at clothing in expensive stores.  She could look at the clothes in the store, go purchase fabric and sundries, and make the dress from memory for me.

• What is a fond early memory of your father?

Dad would tend to me before bed so Eva could clean up dinner.  He would rock me and/or warm my feet in front of the pot belly stove.  When Eva was pregnant with my brother Oscar Lee, dad would put me in his farm truck put it in low gear.  I would play like I was driving while he was in the back pick forking and throwing out hey to the cattle.

• Who was a close childhood friend, and what did you enjoy doing together?

Our childhood friends were normally family, cousins.  I spent quite a bit of time with my oldest cousin, 12-14 years older than me.   Name????  I spent a lot of time with her they lived on my Aunt’s farm.  She would often time baby sit me.

• Other significant life events in childhood that you remember?

Between me and my brother was four years, my mother lost a boy in between and carried it full term, he was still born.  My mother’s first boy is in the Panhandle cemetery somewhere.  I don’t remember his name except Thorp Baby or Baby Thorp.  I will look to see if they named it or had pictures of the grave.

• What was your hometown like?
• What was Saturday morning like in your neighborhood?
• What did the local kids do for fun?
• What did your hometown smell like? (This may seem a little odd, but the experts tell us that a story is better if it makes use of all the senses – taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound.)
• What did you like to do to pass the time?
• What childhood family vacation memories would you like to share?
• Who did you look up to as a child?
• Share about family get-togethers and traditions.
• Name one enjoyable memory with each of your siblings.
• Who were your heroes?


Finding My Father

In 1967 I learned that Les Widick is my father, that he joined the Marines at the tail end of WW2 when he was 16 years old, and in 1967, he was assigned to a year in Vietnam.  I met Les in 1987 and we had an off-again, on-again relationship until the 90s when he decided it wasn’t all that bad to have a daughter like me.  We emailed and spoke by phone.  I stayed with Les and Pat in Florida several times and they visited me in NC on several occasions as well.

Les wrote his Vietnam story in 1996 and sent copies to his children and a copy to me.  Since I am older than the others, Vietnam was my era, and 20 years after his death, I decided that his story should be made public.  I cleaned it up a bit and added some pictures.  Now I know where I got my penchant for writing life stories.

In his original manuscript, Les used both knots and miles per hour when referring to his plane’s speed.  I left these terms in the story as he wrote them because I didn’t want to add incorrect information to his story.

Les was from Burlington, Iowa, and met my mother, Mary, at Burlington High School.  When Mary became pregnant with me, Les wanted to marry her,  but in his words, ‘she wouldn’t have me’.  When I was 3 months old, Mary gave me to the Yohe family who adopted and raised me.  Les and Mary remained enamored with each other for the rest of their lives and I called them the Teenagers.

Les joined the Marine Corps when he was a teenager and served in Korea and Vietnam.   He met Pat in Pennsylvania in the early 1950s.  They married and had five children, 4 girls and a boy.  After  24 years, Les retired from the Marines in 1970.   The family moved to Florida and they lived there until their deaths.


War Is Hell

My first chance of disaster came about December 15, 1967.  It was a routine mission in the “Tally HO” area to seed mines at the ferry crossing.  These were 500-pound bombs with a magnetic fuse.  When the bombs were dropped, they didn’t go off but would lay in the river until a boat or something passed through the magnetic field, then BOOM!  It was a moonlit night with a few puffy clouds.  This ferry crossing was about 35 miles north of the DMZ although that had no bearing on what was about to happen.  My B/N (bombardier/navigator) was Jack, and we took an easy path down the river.  I was at 3000 feet with an airspeed of 400 miles an hour.  As we continued down the river and made the turn, Jack told me that he had lost his aim point.  I couldn’t believe it.  This was as easy as they come.  Nevertheless, I turned around and went back to our initial point to make another run.  It was so well-lit that I could visually hit the initial point.

I slowed the plane to 300 knots so that it would be even easier for Jack to get on his aim point.   As we went down the river, suddenly, fire opened from the ground, and it was like the Fourth of July with anti-aircraft fire in front of the plane, on both sides, and in the back.  With only one in ten pieces of ammo being a tracer, I realized how much steel was out there that I could not see.  The bombs started to drop, and I continued until they were all gone.  The fire from the ground had stopped so I was safe.  When the last bomb left the plane, I went full throttle, pulled around to the left and climbed.  I wanted to see where all that fire came from.  I couldn’t see anything even with the moonlight, but I knew there were people down there who didn’t like me.  I knew better than to fly the same route twice.  I was lucky and I didn’t make the same mistake again.

“My name is not on the Wall!

I applied for and received my first R&R at Christmas so I could be home with my family.  I felt some apprehension as I boarded the 707 plane at Da Nang, but the plane took off destination Honolulu.  With a refueling stop in Guam, the plane wasn’t on the ground for more than thirty minutes, and we were on to Honolulu.  Less than 14 hours after leaving Da Nang, the beautiful Hawaiian Islands came into view, and we landed at Honolulu International Airport.  While going through customs, it seemed like an eternity for Pat and the children who were on the other side of the glass.  It only took about 25 minutes, and I was free to go, and we went home.  It was great to be with my family who I had left four months earlier.

We drove across the Pali to our rented Kaneohe house which was stuck into the side of the mountain.  All the houses were like this, not just ours, but the driveway had what appeared to be a 40-degree slope to get to the house.  The kids all piled out of the car at the bottom so the muffler wouldn’t drag, and we made it up the driveway.  I didn’t think that Pat could make it through a year going up this driveway without an accident, but she made it with flying colors. Like many other tasks, when the pressure was on, Pat came through with no problems.

We celebrated Christmas, with our five children, Pat and me.  We went to Waimea Beach to watch a surfing contest.  It was great because I hadn’t seen one before and the waves were the highest on North Beach where Waimea is located.  After spending the rest of my R&R not doing much, Pat arranged a night out to see Don Ho sing and other entertainment.  We had a wonderful friend who did the babysitting.  All too soon, the five days were up, and I was taken back to the airport to take another 707 back to Da Nang. The R&R was wonderful and did wonders for my spirits.  Now it was back to flying missions.

Next came a daytime mission in South Vietnam just south of the DMZ.  We went across the beach at more than 500 miles an hour.  As I crossed the beach I was surprised when I looked down and saw a man standing in the sand holding a rifle.  I mentioned to the B/N that a man was down there, but I don’t think he saw him.  We continued to our target and then flew out of there.  When we got back to base, we looked and there was a hole where a bullet had gone into the fiberglass radome on the front of the plane.  It was on the B/N’s side of the plane.

“My name is not on the Wall!”

I had another Rolling Thunder mission, and for some reason, I had a B/N named Rudy Schwanda.  He was a very enthusiastic person and he had planned the mission before I even looked at the flight schedule.  I looked at what he planned, and it all looked good to me.  The target was down in the southwestern part of North Vietnam and was supposed to be a military installation. The only thing I didn’t like about the way Rudy planned the flight was that he had me pulling off to the right and I always pulled off to the left.  I had a bad habit of looking down to see whether anyone was firing at me, and I never pulled off right because I couldn’t see as well because the B/N sat on the right side of the plane, and I had to look over him.

After the bombs dropped and I was pulling off the target to the right, it was a milky night, and I became confused.  By the time I realized what was happening, I was losing altitude and heading to the ground.  I taught flight to students at Pensacola for three years and I knew that I had to recover from this altitude.  I knew that the proper procedure was to roll the wings level and reduce the throttle setting to idle.  I leveled the wings, but I was still losing altitude.  I started to watch the altimeter and saw it go through 2500, 2000 feet and then I really pulled back on the stick.  I failed to pull the throttles back to idle so I was going really fast by this time.  I was going 500 knots and the plane was still losing altitude.  I saw the altimeter read 1500 and I was pulling very hard on the stick.  I looked out the canopy to the left and I saw a shadow.  I looked out to the right and saw that I was in a valley between two hills.  I pulled out of the dive and the altimeter hit 1500 feet.  I was lucky enough to hit the valley instead of one of the mountains.  When I saw the maps, I realized how close I had come to disaster.  Rudy never said anything, and I didn’t either.  The G-meter read over 6 Gs and I downed the airplane to have them check for too many Gs on the plane.

Lynn’s note:  Rudy Schwanda 1943-2022.  Rudy stayed in the Marine Corps and retired as a Lt. Colonel.  He received the Silver Star for his service and did additional tours in Vietnam.

“My name is not on the Wall!” 


Hello Vietnam

Once in Da Nang, George, one of the pilots from the squadron I was going to join, came with a Jeep to pick up me and my baggage.  He took us to the squadron area, and I left my baggage in a hut that was to be my home.  Then we walked to the mess hall, and I was ready for a good meal.  I met many people at the mess hall that I had known at Cherry Point.  Everyone was interested in the new blood for it meant that they were one month closer to going home.

Breakfast tasted great.  All you can eat – bacon, eggs, toast, coffee, and a few other choices if you want them.  The food category appeared to be the one fact of life that might improve in the combat zone.  I seldom ate at home.  Coffee was always available in the ready room, and I could always find a sweet roll from the snack bar.  There was outstanding food in GCI (ground-controlled interception) squadron when I was in Korea and Da Nang seemed to be almost as good.  With the squadron flying the airplane that I would fly, the A6A Intruder, I could have gone to either Da Nang or Chu Lai.  I chose Da Nang because I thought that I would receive my mail faster.  I suppose that it didn’t make much difference, but Da Nang was my choice.

Checking into the squadron was like old home week.  Everyone had been in one squadron or the other back at Cherry Point.  I spent the next three days getting used to the weather and being briefed on the rules of engagement and all the problems of flying in Vietnam.  Finally, I got to fly my indoctrination flight.  This meant going up with another pilot and flying around the local area looking at all the fields that might be used for an emergency landing.  These were Hue, Phu Bai, and Con Thien.  Then we flew over to Ashau Valley to have a look around.  We had twenty-eight 500-pound bombs on board and after looking over the valley, we were supposed to drop them on a target.  The valley had been in the news before I left the States and there was a big story about an Air Force pilot getting caught at the field there and he went out on the wing of an AD Skyraider that another pilot had flown in to get him.  I was amazed that he was able to hang onto the wing while the pilot flew him out.

After this, we looked at the Ho Chi Min Trail where it crossed into the valley, and we dropped six bombs on the path that crossed the mountain and went on to drop the rest of our load where a stream ran through the valley.  A Colonel at the 1st Marine Air Wing decided this would be a good idea, so we dropped the bombs where the stream crossed the trail and, when the rains came, the VC wouldn’t be able to cross.  It was a real mess down there because the bombs made a muddy mess.  The only problem was that we didn’t have a monsoon season.  Oh well, we dropped 22 five-hundred-pound bombs in the mess and then we went home.

My first combat flight was back into the valley.  It was a daytime flight, and you don’t get many daytime flights.  Once again, I spent considerable time looking at things in the valley.  Later, I worried whether I was being fired on by the VC (Viet Cong) from the mountains on either side of me.  I thought that it might be really bad to get shot down by rifle fire.  The mountains were only about three miles apart and the Ashau Valley ran down between them.

Once again, I dropped either six or twelve bombs on the trail and put the final bombs down below on the dump where the stream crossed the trail.  I went back to Da Nang and made a practice GCA (ground-controlled approach) landing and called it quits for the day.

I eased into the “Rolling Thunder” flights.  This was an Air Force code word for missions north of the DMZ (demilitarized zone).  We normally worked the area between the sixteenth and seventeenth parallel which was an area about 65 miles long by 30 miles wide.  The Ho Chi Min Trail was on the western edge of the area, and I can’t believe anyone could live anywhere in the area because we were up there nightly dropping bombs.  We would take off from Da Nang with a load of 28 500-pound bombs.  This area was called the “Tally-HO” area and was only 20 minutes or about 100 miles north of Da Nang.  We would come in from the sea and turn our lights off before crossing the shore.  Then we would look for moving targets for about fifteen or twenty minutes, drop our load of bombs on our pre-briefed targets or we could drop them on any other target we wanted to, but we had to put at least 6 bombs on the pre-briefed target. Then we went back out to sea, put our lights on and went home.  The reason that I can’t believe that anyone was able to live there was because we went up there every night and we would drop the bombs anywhere in the 60 miles.  It must have been a terrible place to live because bombs were going off all night long.  We had sixteen planes, and the Air Force and others hit the area during the daytime.  Most of our pre-briefed targets were a truck park or a ferry crossing.  Sometimes it would be an airfield, a grass strip that was impossible for an aircraft of any size to use.  I would love to go to this area to see what it looks like today.

Occasionally I received anti-aircraft fire on some missions and the next day I would spend most of my time looking at aerial photos trying to determine where they had guns set up.  I would drop my bombs on this area until I was shot at again.  I only saw fire once after dropping my bombs.  I really don’t know what it was that I hit but after the bombs went off, something on the ground lit up, possibly a truck or a fifty-five-gallon drum of gasoline.

My next mission was a night mission, and it could be at any time during the night.  I thought that 4 or 5 AM was the best time and everyone would be tired or asleep, but I had to fly when I was told to fly the mission.  We had 28 500-pound bombs and flew up and down throughout the 65 miles of the area just north of the DMZ.  We had been briefed on a target and we had to drop 6 bombs on this target.  The rest of the time we looked for moving vehicles.

Occasionally, I would have a Rolling Thunder flight and I would put more effort into this flight just because of the location.  Our targets on these flights were usually a military installation, a bridge, or some other infrastructure.  Since these were only occasional flights, I didn’t pay much attention to them unless they were near Hanoi or a place deep up north.

In late October we were assigned a target on a bridge that was just east of Hanoi.  Hugh was the pilot and Steve was his B/N (bombardier/navigator).  We all knew about the mission and, of course, worried whether Hugh would make it back alright.  That night, they had a target time of ten o’clock.  When their time came to return, there was no sign of Hugh’s plane and we all tried to think of a reason for the plane to be at another field or somewhere else.  It turned out that nothing was possible except that Hugh and Steve were knocked down.  It made a big difference in the squadron for the next few days.  Hugh had called ‘feet dry’, a code word we had for announcing that we had crossed the beach but there was no call of “feet wet” as reported by another plane that was in on the mission.  Now we had two men missing in action.

Lynn’s note: Hugh and Steve were both KIA (Killed in Action) that night per a list of VIETNAM AIR LOSSES, USAF/USN/USMC compiled by Chris Hobson and Grumman Aircraft Corporation and reissued 1992.

This was followed a month later by the commanding officer of the squadron being knocked down on a Rolling Thunder mission.  Lew lived next to me in Cherry Point.  He was going on R & R in Hawaii to meet his wife just about a week later.  It’s terrible to lose somebody and it is unusual to lose the commanding officer, but it happened to us.  Lew wasn’t the greatest pilot in the world and did some things that weren’t highly recommended.  It was said that he would come in at 500 feet or below, drop his load of bombs, and pull up to 1500 feet then continue at this altitude.

Lynn’s note: Lew and Bob (his navigator/bombardier) were both KIA that night per the list of VIETNAM AIR LOSSES, USAF/USN/USMC compiled by Chris Hobson and Grumman Aircraft Corporation, reissued 1992.