The Navy Years begin – ” Orlando and Pensacola Fla”

On October 13, 1975 my new Navy adventure began with a short train ride to Newark with two friends from High School, Dave Akromas and Scott McGill.    Little did I know what the future held but I had a mixture of emotions: excitement and trepidation wondering what lies ahead along with happiness and sadness.  Happiness to start a new life and sadness of leaving home especially the girl I had just spent the last 6 months with, June.  The three of us arrived in Newark and grabbed a quick breakfast together.  Then Dave and I said goodbye to Scott ( it was the last time I would ever saw Scott) as we headed for the Federal Building in Newark where we would raise our hands with a group of men and women and swear the Oath of Enlistment. We all then formed 2 columns and marched down to the Newark train station located a few blocks away.  We took the Amtrak train down to Orlando, Dave and I roomed together.  I pretty much spent most of my time in our cabin as I was not in the mood for socializing. Dave, on the other hand, was out partying with everyone else from our group heading for Bootcamp.  Remember that letter I mentioned June had handed me, well it was more like a book.  I can’t remember how many pages but it was thick and long.  As I sat reading the letter alone in my cabin the tears flowed as I read the words from June’s heart.  Reminiscing about all the things we did together that summer, and writing about the hopes and dreams about our future together.  We both were determined to make our relationship last and spend the rest of our lives together.   I did make it out to the dinner train for a while but mostly spent time in the cabin reading and sleeping.  I remember when the train arrived in Florida the next morning, looking out at the Palm trees which I had never seen before and sunshine the excitement started to build.  We arrived in Orlando, I remember how warm and sunny it was as I got off the train.  We soon boarded a bus that would take us to the RTC – Orlando Naval Training Center where we would spend the next 9 weeks of our lives totally cut off from the world as they transformed us from civilians to Navy Sailors.


Navy Bootcamp was like nothing I had ever experienced.  The first thing they did was place us in companies of about 70 guys from all different parts of the country.  Since a good portion of the guys were from the south many had southern drawls that I had never heard before.  One thing that stands out about that first day was getting haircuts.  Since it was the 70’s many guys had long hair, some guys even had beards (not me, at 17 I still had peach fuzz on my face).  Everyone went into the Navy barbershop with different styles and lengths of hair but everyone came out clean-shaven and with buzz cuts.  I remember one guy who had a big red afro sitting there crying about his hair being gone.  I thought to myself, what was he expecting?  I looked at Dave and we both had to hold in our laugh.  We then got our Navy issue uniforms which was everything we would need for every aspect of Navy life, underwear, socks, shoes, pants, shirts, coats and more.  We had to stencil our social security number on everything we owned.  We were then placed in our barracks and assigned a bunk.  I remember the first guy who bunked above me was from the deep south and could hardly read or write.  A few weeks into Bootcamp he showed me a letter he wrote to his dad.  The writing looked like a small child in large letters and he wrote “Hey Old Man, I’m here in Bootcamp and it sucks” (he had another word in there I won’t repeat).  That was the extent of his letter.  He was a screw-up and didn’t last long and was demoted to a company that was formed for washouts.  We saw him marching with the company a few days after that, he waved to us and said: “Hey guys I’m getting out of the Navy”, we envied him as most guys were wishing the same thing at that point.   Most guys were pretty normal but in a group of 70 guys, you always had your borderline psycho’s.  One was a small guy from Georgia who also was dumb as a tack, who had already washed out of the Marines.   One night our Company Commander (CC) made us all do jumping jacks for punishment. One every 5th jumping jack you had to count by 1 (5=1, 1o=2, and so on).  Well for some reason this guy could not get it and kept screwing up.  The CC kept getting in his face yelling at him.  The guy finally cracked and jumped onto the CC in a fit of rage.  He had to be dragged out of the barracks.  We never saw him again, I have a feeling he washed out of the Navy also.  Another guy warned us that if he was woken suddenly he had a habit of jumping out of bed and attacking the person.  I don’t know if he was telling the truth but he seemed crazy.  When he had to be woken someone would throw a washcloth on his face from a distance.  I don’t remember him ever attacking anyone.  The main idea of Bootcamp was changing you from a civilian to a military person.  To do that it was mostly mental, so they played a lot of mind games with you.  Everything was about following small details, like how you folded your clothes, made your beds, things that were tedious.  Since new clothes were easy to fold, they made you rotate your uniforms (underwear and t-shirts included).  They would have these routine cloths inspections every so often.  If they discovered you weren’t rotating your cloths (new cloths are easy to spot), as punishment they would have you place your clothes in a bucket of soapy water and walk around the room saying ” I am a Magtag washing machine”.  You also had to pull all the tags out of your clothes, if you missed one, they would rip it out and place it on the floor then make you blow the tag around the room saying “out of my life little tag”.  During these inspections, you had to stand at attention the whole time with a straight face.  Almost everyone at some point would fail these inspections. So picture a room full of guys all walking around doing those things at once, it was hard to keep a straight face.  I remember once when we went out to chow (dinner) they did a complete barracks inspection.  We all worked hard trying to get everything perfect, we were sure we would pass with flying colors.  To our surprise, when we came back our entire barracks was turned upside down, clothes were thrown all over the place, even pillows, sheets and beds all over.  You had to find all your own clothes and bed linen and put everything back together again, it took hours.  Of course, we were told later they did it all on purpose to create a teamwork atmosphere.  They broke us up into squads with a squad leader.  Showers and toilet breaks were done in squads.  I remember the toilet stalls all had open fronts (no doors).  Even though they had about 5 or 6 toilets they would often only allow 2 to be used.  Imagine trying to take a poop with a line of guys looking at you yelling at you to hurry up.  It wasn’t easy.  Besides mind games, Bootcamp had its’ physical elements, marching,  obstacle courses, and lots of pushups.  Being in the Navy you had to not only know how to swim but learn to float for long periods of time.  Of course, this would be necessary if you were ever on a ship that was sinking and needed to float in the ocean for a long period of time. They taught you how to use different pieces of clothes as floating devices.  I remember sitting with my company waiting for our turn and seeing across the pool a group of guys who had flunked the swim test.  They were nicked named the “rock company” and was made of 99% black guys who didn’t know how to swim.  In order to graduate Navy Bootcamp you had to be able to swim (makes sense – Navy=Water).  The instructors would practically torture these guys making them jump into the water then push them with a pole to the deep part of the pool and tell them to start kicking.  These guys (in the pool) would be screaming, some calling for their mothers, while the instructors would curse them out, showing no mercy.  I felt bad for those guys but also wondered why they would join the Navy if they couldn’t swim.  I passed the swim test with ease.  We also learned how to fight fires in close quarters,  this was needed if you were ever on a ship that caught fire.  We also had to endure the gas chambers.  They made each squad go into a small chamber with an instructor and would then lock the door behind us.  We all had gas masks on but as the chamber started filling with gas we were told to take them off.  We then had to repeat some Navy terminology together in unison as a group and were told if anyone cries out, panics, or tries to put on their mask, it will cause the entire group to have to stay in the chamber longer.  As the gas started to get into our eyes, nose, and throats we all started coughing and choking.  Our eyes began to water and snot came down our nose into our mouths.  You couldn’t wipe your face or it would make it worse.  One guy started to scream and cry “let us out, please I can’t take it” we all yelled at him to shut up – he was starting to freak out.  He kept screaming and we had to stay in there longer.  When they finally let us out I think every guy wanted to beat the crap out of him, but we couldn’t’.  During Bootcamp, we all had to get multiple inoculations since many were most likely going overseas.  We would stand in line and two doctors would be on each side of the line.  When we got to them they had this air gun they would zap us at the same time in both arms.  You had to stand perfectly still because if you moved it would create a cut in your arm and bleed. which happened to some guys.   The shots made some guys sick but they were not given any mercy as sick or not, you still had to participate in the training (luckily the shots didn’t affect me).  We often did marching drills with rifles out on the grinder (which was like a big concrete parking lot) often in the heat.  We would have to learn to stand at attention for long periods of time.  You were told to bend our knees a little to keep from passing out.  Well, some guys didn’t listen and down they would go face-first on the concrete.


The hardest thing about Bootcamp was missing home.  For many of us, it was the first time ever being away from home and every guy experienced some sort of homesickness.  I would spend my 18th birthday and Thanksgiving while in Bootcamp which was hard.   For the first two weeks, they completely cut us off from any news from the rest of the world, especially letters from home.  I remember wondering if I was missed? What was June doing? Was she missing me?  How is my Mom doing? It was 1975 the World Series had just begun and my Red Sox were in it against the Cinncinati Reds.  When I left for Bootcamp the series was tied 1-1 and game 3 was the next day.  What happened? Did the Sox win the series? Since we were isolated from all current events I could only guess.   Not knowing what was going on in the outside world was hard and increased our homesickness.  I was lucky that I had Dave Akromas there going through it with me, but it still was hard.  Somehow Dave and I found out that another friend of ours from High School, Paul Kelly had joined the Navy and was also in Bootcamp in Orlando.  We were able to meet up with him at chow time and sit for 15 minutes and talk about home.  It was the last time I ever saw Paul alive as years later he was killed in a training accident at Navy Seal training school.  Apparently he was doing a skydive routine with another guy and they collided in mid-air and both fell to their death.  A bunch of us went to his funeral, Dave went with me.  We found out Paul had just gotten married and left behind a pregnant wife.

In Bootcamp, each guy was assigned a duty he would perform the entire 9 weeks. I was lucky enough to get mail-duty. This allowed me to leave the barracks alone each evening to either bring out letters to the mailboxes or retrieve them from the post office.  Each evening I went out,  I often took my time and just enjoyed my 15 minutes of freedom alone apart from 70 other guys.  I would think about June and how much I missed her.  I remember I would look up at the moon and think maybe she was looking at the moon at the same time.  I felt a connection with her through those quiet moments, missing her more.   Since I  was the company mail-man I was the one who was able to retrieve the mail the first night we got the mail after 2 weeks and handed it out to everyone.  There were multiple boxes of mail (2 weeks – 70 guys – lots of mail).  As I started reading the names on the letters, I pulled out one with my name, then another, then another (the guys were starting to tease me), finally after it was all over I think I had almost 20 letters to read – 14 from June alone.  She had written to me every day and mailed the letter each day.  I was on cloud nine.  Every envelope smelled like perfume and in each, not only was there a long letter but in a few were clippings from the Daily Record newspaper with results from each World Series game.  I sat on my bunk the rest of the evening reading those letters and the newspaper clipping.  Letters were our lifeline to home and were a welcome break from all the other Navy stuff.   Letters would be special all throughout my time away while I was in the Navy.   Remember, back in the ’70s there was no internet or mobile phones.  Everywhere I went, for the next 4 years, Pensacola, Japan, and Scotland  I didn’t even have regular access to any phone, so letters from home were precious and vital.  June was a great letter writer whenever I was away and she was starting off with flying colors.  In Bootcamp, we were even allowed to get boxes of food from home, but the rule was if a guy got a box of food they had to share with the other guys.  Many guys including myself would get homemade cookies from home and we would all enjoy them together.  I also started smoking cigars while in Bootcamp.  We didn’t get much free time but when we did they would say “the smoking lamp is lit”.  At that, the guys who smoked were allowed to go into a smoking room, to smoke and chat.  Since it was a break from just sitting on your bed, I bought some cigars so I could join the guys and smoke.  I hated cigarettes.  I had made June quit smoking when we were dating, though when I was away she started up again. Once we got married she quit for good.  I quit smoking cigars after Bootcamp.


Well, Bootcamp was coming to an end, graduation day was right around the corner but first family day.  For the first time in 8 1/2 weeks, guys would see their families who came down for graduation.  My Mom, Steve, June, Bernice, Carolyn, and Scott all came down for my graduation ceremony.  I remember how excited I was to see everyone.  The night before graduation we were able to meet our families at the family center.  We had to wait for our name to be called before we could leave the barracks.  The walk seemed like forever but walking through those doors and seeing everyone (especially June) was great. My mom said as I was walking toward the center she knew it was me even from a distance as I walked just like my father.  The next day was graduation where each company would march in front of a review stand to the Navy theme song “Anchors Aweigh”.  We were given a couple of day’s leave before processing out.  We had to return each night to the base, I remember guys throwing up all night from too much drinking while out during the day.  My family and I spent a couple of days going to Seaworld and Disney World which was a blast. The only thing left to do was get our orders and process out so we could be home for Christmas, which was only a week away.  I remember feeling sorry for some guys who had to stay through Christmas to continue some special training for future ship duty.  Me, I was headed home for 2 1/2 weeks, to spend time with my family, friends, and mostly June to celebrate Christmas.   Being home again was great as June and I continued where we left off.  I loved being in the Navy and wanted to wear my uniform when I could so when June’s company Suburban Propane had their Christmas Party I remember wearing it that night. It was during that time home I realized how much we were in love and couldn’t see my life without her.  I told my parents before I left for school I wanted to propose to June, I didn’t want to lose her.  A couple of guys during Bootcamp received “Dear John” letters from their girlfriends and I didn’t want to go through that.   They helped me pick out an engagement ring up at Catano’s Jewelers, it was small but what do you want I was an 18-year-old Navy Seaman, we didn’t make much money.   So on New Year’s Eve December 1975 at a party at our friend Sam’s house, I remember asking June to marry me and she said yes.  I had taken a night that I lost someone dear to me years earlier – my father – and made it a night I would gain someone who I would spend the rest of my life with, I wasn’t going to lose her.  We had no immediate plans of when the wedding would be as I had no idea where I would be after graduating school.  I could possibly spend time out at sea on a ship, the future was unknown but I at least knew June would be part of my future.  After spending 2+ weeks home it was time to leave again.  So on January 2, 1976, I  boarded a plane in Newark NJ and headed for my next duty Station – back to Florida for Cryptology School a place called Corry Station Naval Technical Training Center, Pensacola Florida.


Naval Technical Training Center Corry Station, was a sub-installation of the nearby Naval Air Station where the world-known Blue Angels were stationed and flew out of.  The base hosted several of the Navy’s Information Warfare Corps training commands and is the headquarters for its  Center for Information Warfare Training.  This was a place where I would be learning my job rating as a CT  (Communications Technician –  changed a year later to Cryptologic Technician).  I would be learning how to operate various radio collection equipment used to eavesdrop on other countries’ military communications.  Since we were in the middle of the Cold War – our main focus would be Russia and China.  That was the reason my recruiter use the word “Spy” as that was basically what we were doing.  We were also given the nickname “Spooks” I guess because we would be operating on small bases situated around the world.  These were places no one knew anything about where we would be hidden from the world and out of sight from our enemy surveillance targets. I later had a jacket made up with a large decal on the back depicting an Eagle wearing headphones with the saying “In God we trust, all others… we “bugged” the world!!”   I left for school on January 2, 1976 back to Florida expecting warm sunny weather.  I was surprised when I got there how chilly it was.  Pensacola was located on what is called the pan-handle of Florida more north and close to Alabama, so it did get chilly in January.  I was assigned a room and had one roommate (don’t remember his name or where he was from).  The airline lost my luggage so I had to buy some navy cloths at the base commissary to last a few days before my luggage arrived.  At first, you were assigned to a work party until your security clearance arrived.  As a “CT”  you would be working with Top Secret material which needed a Top Secret Security clearance.  I was told the FBI would be doing a background check on everyone which would include interviewing people who knew me back home, like former employers, school officials, and neighbors.  Since I pretty much kept my nose clean most of my life and never got into any big trouble I wasn’t worried, my clearance came in about a week and I started school.

The first thing we learned to do was copy morse code as a “T” brancher (Technical) it would not be our primary job, but we still had to learn it.  I found this very easy and quickly blew threw this portion of my training, even winning an award “The Samuel B Morse” award for speed and accuracy in copying morse code.  Funny because the morse code was invented right in Morristown down the street from my house, I guess I was meant for code copying.  From there we would begin to learn how to use a variety of cryptology collection equipment used in radio communications intercept.  I would learn to use things like; Radio signal receivers and transmitters, teletypewriters, single-sideband converters, Audio Spectrum analyzers, and much more.  I was learning things I never knew anything about and was loving my new field as a CT, thinking to myself I would never be learning anything like this in college.  I went through school faster than anticipated and ended up graduating in just over 4 months.

Besides attending school we also had plenty of free time.  I was lucky enough to be going through school with a guy who was in my company at bootcamp, John Convery.  John became my closest friend and seemed to be stationed wherever I went.  I remember he was from Long Island so we had some things in common (more on John in the next two chapters – Okinawa and Scotland).  We would spend a lot of time at the EM Club (Enlisted men) which was the base dancing club and at the pool hall also on base.  Since neither of us had a car, we ended up making friends with some other guys a couple who had cars.  A bunch of us would often go into town to the club’s drinking and to the beach.  The beaches down there were like nothing I ever saw, beautiful white sandy beaches located on the Gulf of Mexico.   Pensacola was also known for its gay community who would often clash with Navy men.   In the 70’s being gay was pretty much hidden.  So I didn’t know anyone growing up who was, or at least I thought.   At that time the US Government even forbid people who were gay to join the military.   A bunch of us were on the beach one time and a few guys who were dressed in very tight small bikini-like suits sat near us.   We pretty much ignored them except one guy who was with us.  He seemed to like the attention they were giving us.  Looking back at pictures of that day I can now see why as this guy with us was dressed just like them.  I think he probably was gay but couldn’t expose that for fear of being kicked out of the service.  I remember another guy who hung out with us who also was from the NY area.  One day he gets a knock on the door that his girlfriend and another girl were there to visit him.  To his surprise they had hitchhiked all the way down to Florida from NY, he was both happy and ticked off.  While down in school,  I once was able to fly home for a long weekend for Junes birthday.  I remember we spent every minute with each other.  When I got back I was sick for a few days and missed some school time.  The base was run by the Air force which meant besides Navy personnel there were a lot of Air Force people.  Fights would occasionally break out between Navy and Air force guys, which was normal.  The good thing was the Chow Hall was run by the Air Force and they were known for their good food, which proved true.  We also had a softball league that I got involved with while there, I was starting to become a better athlete and often did well.  The Mardi Gras was happening in New Orleans at that time.  A bunch of guys were going but I decided not to go, for some reason.  I did go with some guys to Mobile Alabama one day just to see something different.  We ended up touring the USS Alabama that was in drydock at the time.  Turns out it would be the only ship I would ever be while in the Navy – go figure.

Well with school winding down and my anticipated graduation, I had to start thinking of the next step – duty stations, where would I end up.  Since I was in the Navy you would assume I would spend time on a ship.  That is why June and I even though we were engaged had not set a wedding date, because of the unknown.  We then started to hear about all our options where we could possibly end up.  I started to hear about possible places overseas such as; Japan, Hawaii, Guam, Spain, Iceland, and more.  They even had bases for us stateside like Winter Harbor Maine, Adak Alaska, Homestead Fla and Fort Meade Maryland.  Actually we were told that most of us would be land-based for our entire time in the Navy as only a small percentage of CTs would actually go on any type of ship duty at that time.  The reason was just 7 years earlier in 1968 a US Navy Spy ship called the USS Pueblo was captured by the North Koreans.  Onboard the ship were mostly CTs conducting surveillance of the area, “spying”.  The crew was held captive for 11 months ( 1 died during the capture) and a lot of Top Secret material was compromised.  For that reason, the Navy had most CTs pulled off ships and instead stationed them on these small secret military communications bases built around the world to conduct intelligence intercept operations.   I was told that I could write down 3 choices of duty stations I wanted.  Most likely the first one would be overseas then maybe I would return to the US.  I was also told that if I choose a place like Adak Alaska which was a one-year hazardous duty place, I would not only get it but from there you could then request any duty station you wanted.  Alaska, because it was deemed hazardous duty (desolate location and extreme weather conditions), you couldn’t take any spouse which is why it was only one-year duty.  This was perfect I would put in for Adak, Alaska,  go away for just one year, then select a place stateside where June and I could be married and she could be with me.  So Adak was top of my list along with Hawaii (hey why not) then Winter Harbor Maine.  I figured I would live in Alaska, hunt and do other outdoor activities I loved, it wouldn’t be so bad and one year would go by fast.  Well, my orders came in and to my surprise, not one of my choices would be my first duty station.  Instead, I was being sent to Okinawa Japan for an 18-month tour of duty.   What?? Where?? I had never heard of Okinawa Japan, never knew it existed.   Okinawa is a tiny island off the coast of China.  June had heard of it because her dad was on a ship during WWII that bombed the crap out of the island.  The battle of Okinawa was one of the bloodiest battles of WWII and now it would be where I would spend the next 18 months of my life.  The thought of spending 18 months away from June was something I could not even think about. So with that our plans started to change.  I asked June if she would consider getting married and coming with me.  I knew it would be a big sacrifice for her.  She was going to school at the time and being away from home especially that far would be difficult, but she agreed.  We agreed to get married, but I would have to go to Okinawa first, come back, get married then bring her back with me.  We both liked the idea and figured we could get married sometime in November.  Though first I had to tell her Dad.  So while I was home on leave I went to tell him.  I remember he was in the backyard sitting with his next-door neighbor Mr. Principal talking.  I walked out there and asked if I could talk to him about June and me and our future.  I remember Mr. Principal sort of expecting what was coming next and said “oh-oh I think I will excuse myself” and left.  So, there we were just June’s dad and me, a man I really hadn’t gotten to know very well to that point, sitting in her backyard.    I then began to share our plans for June and I getting married and taking her to Okinawa with me.    I remember he sat and listened to everything I had to say, but barely said a word.  I think he asked me some questions but for the most part, he was very quiet and respectful.  I think back at that and feel it must have been tough for him to listen to me.  I gave him the hardest news he would probably ever had to hear at that point in his life.   He and June were very close.  June was sort of a tomboy growing up and did a lot with her dad.   Now here was the prospect of his daughter only 20 years old, marrying a sailor only 18 years old, someone he really didn’t know well, then leaving home for the first time ever, and live overseas.  She was about to go off for one year to live on a small island in the Pacific over 7,000 miles from home, a place that he last saw probably smoldering in the distance from all the bombs his ship had just blasted it with.   So on May 15, 1976 (my sister Carolyn’s birthday) I got on a plane that would take me halfway around the world to live for 18 months, leaving all the wedding details to June.  I was about to begin the next chapter of my life, overseas in Okinawa Japan, and would be gone for the next 6 months, until our wedding day on November 13, 1976.  A new experience was about to begin.

The “Teen Years” – Randolph New Jersey

Tragedy Escaped

Needless to say, moving away from Niantic was very difficult.  Not only were we going to a place I knew nothing about (even though it was only a few miles from Morristown where my grandparents lived), but it would be a new chapter without a father in the house. My mom told me that before we moved into our house we would live in during our years in Randolph she sat down with my grandfather to see if we could afford the house.  I was sitting there I guess hoping we couldn’t which in my mind meant we would have to stay in Niantic.  When my grandfather crunched the numbers and confirmed we could afford the house, I ran out of the room crying resigned to the fact we were actually leaving Niantic.   Randolph almost started as tragic as Niantic ended. As I mentioned in chapter 2, (Niantic Years), I came a couple of days earlier than my mom, sisters, and brother. I came with the moving truck which was driven by my fathers’ closest friend from Niantic, Mr. Don Hadaway. Don was affected the most outside of my family by my father’s death as they were close friends. The other man in the cab was Mr. Johns and I was in the middle. The ride to Randolph was smooth. We got to our new house where we were met by my grandfather (Pop-Pop) and a good friend of my mother, Ann Gantert, and her son Doug. Ann grew up with my mom in Morristown and came to see us. As the men worked I remember helping some and hanging with Doug who was my age. As the men were about to leave and head back to Connecticut, Doug turned to me and asked if I wanted to stay with them for a few days and wait for my mom and siblings to arrive. I asked my grandfather and he said no. He thought I should go back. Disappointed, I got in the truck and as we were about to back out – he held up his hand for the truck to stop. Apparently, he saw the disappointment in my eyes and if you know my grandfather, (more about him in a later chapter), he hated to disappoint us. He changed his mind but told me I could stay only if I could contact my mom and ask her. Doug quickly pointed out the house next door had a “red hand” in the window which designated the home as a “Helping Hand” home. I knocked on the door and introduced myself and asked if I could call my mom in Connecticut which they allowed, (remember no cell phones back then). Well, my Mom said yes and that answer prevented a possible tragedy. That night on the way back the truck got into a serious accident as it went under a low bridge that ripped the top of the truck nearly off. Both Mr. Hadaway and Mr. Johns got hurt but survived. I was told that if I was in the truck I may have gotten badly hurt or killed as the force of the accident probably would have thrown me through the windshield as we didn’t wear seatbelts in those days. I want to think my father was looking out for me from heaven and didn’t want my Mom to go through another tragedy so soon. It would not be the last time I escaped a tragedy as we will learn later in this chapter. Apparently, God was looking out for me and had plans for me in my later years as we will learn in the “Finding Jesus ” chapter.

Life in Randolph Begins

I don’t remember much about the beginning but I do know the adjustment was difficult.  Nobody would match the friends I had in Niantic.  We moved as I was about to enter Jr High.  I was hoping to begin Jr High with my friends in Niantic but that was not to be, or so I thought. That fall at the beginning of the new school year the schools in Niantic began a week earlier than in NJ.  So my mom planned a trip back to Niantic before our NJ schools were to begin.  I was able to attend the Jr. High school in East Lyme with my friends as a special visitor to the school.  I remember kids coming up to me in the hallway welcoming me back.  It was a great day and gave me the chance to begin Jr High with all my old friends from Niantic, though it was only for a day I’ll never forget that day.   Like in Niantic, in Randolph, we lived in another development that had plenty of kids around my age, mostly boys again.  The neighborhood was split between 3 groups of kids that I remember but at first, I mostly hung out with Doug in Mendham and his friends.   Doug lived with his brother, a step-father who was abusive and his Mom that let them do whatever they wanted.  My mom was pretty much the same.  She had her hands full with her new life, plus watching my 2 younger siblings Carolyn, (8yrs old) and Scott, (1 yrs old) I pretty much was on my own.  Doug was a drummer and we would hang out listening to rock music and pretending to emulate rock bands.  We even tried to start our own band called “Crystal Farm” but never did much with our rock and roll aspirations.  I was lead singer so I guess that was probably why we never made it big.  Doug introduced me to his friends who were made up of 2 girls which I ended up dating (whatever you can call dating at age of 13-14) – Cheryl Bell and a blonde girl whose name I can’t remember.  Doug’s friends were a bit wild like him, free to do whatever they wanted, mostly rich kids whose parents let them run wild.  I’m surprised I stayed out of trouble but besides your normal teen mischief no big stories to write about.  Doug’s step-father was mean and was abusive to Doug, his brother, and Mom.  They ended up moving out and at one time hid from his step-father at our house when he threatened to kill everyone.  Our friendship ended soon after that when we were down the shore.  My mom invited Doug and his Mom to join us.  Doug brought a friend who I ended up getting into a fistfight with over a girl.  My Mom kicked them all out and that was the last time I ever saw them.  It was also during that trip that I look back on an incident that still bothers me to this day.  After my Mom kicked out the Ganterts she asked her friend Pauline Taraska if she could send her son Joe down to spend the rest of the week with me (more on Joe later).  I remember Joe and I meet up with this guy probably in his 40’s who seemed interested in us.  He somehow convinced us to come back to his house though to this day I don’t remember the reason why.  Later that day Joe and I went to the address he gave us, we knocked on his door but there was no answer, so we left.  I look back and sometimes wonder why a 40ish-year-old guy took interest in 2 teenage boys, but I’m glad we never found out, I think God intervened as it may not have ended well. 

New Friends and Adventure

My days of going to Mendham were over and I started hanging out with the kids in my neighborhood.  At first, I hung out with a group of kids from one part of the neighborhood but after a couple of altercations with a couple of kids, I found new friends on the other side of the neighborhood who would remain my friends through my high school years: Greg & Gary Mezzacapo,  Tim Aloia, Mark Villerosi, Terry and Kelly Straub who were my main friends.  Life began to resemble my Niantic days of playing sports, sleeping outside, and hanging out in each other’s homes.  Besides just playing sports among ourselves we would often challenge kids in the upper part of our neighborhood to football or baseball games which were always fun.  Greg became my closest friend.  He was the best athlete and everyone wanted to be on his team all the time.  We mostly played baseball or football but in the winter we played a lot of hockey on ice ponds.  We often played on a pond down the street.  One time we were playing and it started to get warm outside.  The ice was starting to melt, but we kept playing, like idiots.  Suddenly the ice gave way as Greg and another kid went for a puck.  Everyone jumped off the ice, but me.  I laid on my stomach and tried to pull Greg up out of the water.  The ice beneath me gave way and I went into the water.  Greg and the other kid made it to safety but I had trouble at first getting out, as every time I went to push myself up, the ice broke.  I finally made it to the side to safety.  The police came and took the three of us home.   I was lucky that I didn’t drown, but again, God came to my rescue because he had a plan.  Why did I stay on the ice and try to save Greg?  Well, deep down I viewed him as my best friend.  He was a bit selfish and hotheaded but I overlooked those things.  Though I often thought of that incident and wondered why he didn’t do the same for me that day as I was struggling to get out.  Years later, we would get into another jam that would show his true colors.  Greg, Mark and I went to the movies in Randolph with three girls.  After the movie, we were hanging outside waiting for our ride when a group of guys from a local neighborhood surrounded us.  For some reason, they focused on me.  The group leader, a tough kid from Dover, pinned me against the brick building, as four other kids surrounded me.  By that time, Mark, Greg, and the girls had moved to safety.  The kid went to throw a punch at me but I blocked it.  He then slammed my head against the wall.  His buddies told me to run because they said he was going to kill me.  I pushed him away and ran toward the theater door, he then jumped on top of me from behind.  As I was struggling, I saw blood coming down onto my back.  I thought he stabbed me and I started to yell for help.  He and his buddies all ran as the manager of the movie came out to help.  He called the ambulance and I was taken to Dover General where I got my head bandaged due to a deep cut.  The police caught the kid and my mom and I had to go down to the police station to identify him.  I don’t know whatever happened to him after that but I survived with only a cut in my head.  As I look back, again Greg stood by and did nothing to help.  But maybe it was better as who knows what the outcome would have been as there were about 12 of them to 3 of us.   I again overlooked that and Greg remained a close friend, years later serving as my best man at my wedding.  Besides sports, just like Niantic, we had other outside adventures, like sleeping outside under the stars.  Our sleep outs were always fun as we would walk around our neighborhood late at night and jump into neighborhood pools, usually in our underwear or naked.  That all ended when a father who heard us came running out of the house.  We all went running and I collided with Gary and he fell on the street in only his underwear and got caught, so our skinny dipping days were over.  We often would sleep under the stars in backyards.  Onetime it started to rain in the middle of the night so a kid named Steve Cote who was with us said we should go and sleep in the enclosed porch at his house which was on the other side of these woods.  I somehow ended up first in line and had a black sleeping bag over my head to protect me from the rain.  I saw a house with an enclosed porch and opened the door to walk in.  All of a sudden a woman who apparently had woke up because she heard our commotion and came out to her porch started to scream and I mean scream.  I ran back to all my friends and said: “Steve, why is your sister screaming?”.  He said, “You idiot that is not my house, it’s my neighbors”.  Her husband came out with a bat and was going to probably beat us.  We yelled we were sorry, told him the mistake then went to my friend’s house.  I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night as I kept hearing her scream in my mind, like a horror show.   Life was pretty much normal, playing sports, little league, and doing what normal teens do.  My one friend’s father, Mark Villerosi, had season tickets to the Mets and often took all of us to home games.  I was even able to go to a World Series game in 1973 between the Mets and Oakland. They also owned a second home in Pennsylvania with a lot of land.  We would go there and ride his dirt bike and shoot guns, even did some hunting.  Greg Mezzacapo was also from a family that had some money.  They owned a home down the shore and his family invited me to stay with them one summer for 2 weeks.  I remember on the first night there by the time we got to the beach it was early evening and the beach was empty with no lifeguards.  We decided to still go out on our rafts which was risky since it was high tide and the water was rough, but hey at 14 years old nothing can hurt us.  Well, as I was out in the water I looked and saw my friend Greg on the beach waving to me and pointing at the jetty.  Apparently the waves had pushed me too close to the rocks, so I started to paddle as hard as I could.  My efforts were not getting me anywhere and the waves were about to throw me into the rocks.  Luckily, a lifeguard who came back to the beach because he left his jacket saw my struggles and jumped in and pulled me to safety.   He told me he got there just in time,  as a few more waves and I would have been in the rocks.  After catching my breath, I went to thank him, but he was gone.  As I look back, I again believe God rescued me because he had a plan.  Who knows, maybe the lifeguard was an angel, as he was gone as fast as he arrived.

JR. High Years

In Jr. High not much happened besides normal stuff.  My social life started to expand beyond the neighborhood.  I wasn’t in the real popular crowd, but I was invited to some parties that consisted of us hanging in basements with girls and playing spin the bottle and other kissing games.  We experimented with alcohol.  Someone would somehow get a hold of some beer, usually from an older sibling and we would try to be cool and share a bottle of beer with a small group of us, usually forcing it down and then saying, ” that was great!!  I guess that was the beginning of a life of drinking which hit its peak in the Navy years, (more on that later).  In 8th grade, I was a class clown.   A kid, Robert Shephis, and I would perform 2 person funny skits in front of classes for laughs.  I tried my hand at football again and played for the Randolph Bulldogs in 8th grade.  I was not a big kid and had only played one other year, which was in Niantic in 6th grade.  They had no tryouts but had all the new kids who signed up come down to the field and they would split us between JV and Varsity.  I was sure I would be on JV, since most of my friends were playing JV, but to my surprise, I was the 2nd kid announced for the Varsity team.  We went 6-0-2 that year.  I was a second-string player, which meant at most practices we held the dummies so the first string could beat up on us.  Right before the season began, I was walking down the street in my neighborhood and some girl on a bike ran into my leg, ripping open my calf.   I looked down, saw no blood but a piece of my muscle hanging out all ripped up.  I yelled at her, walked home where my mom freaked out and took me to the hospital where I needed stitches.  I ended up missing the first game.  I played in all but two games that season, as a sub mostly on defense.  The most memorable game was against Wharton. We were well ahead by halftime so they let the subs play the entire second half.  I played both offensive and defensive guard.  On one play I was a pulling guard and had the key block for Gary Gorman on a TD run around the end.  I remember hurting my hand and having it wrapped up and going back in.  I played the rest of the game with a hand wrapped up. I loved it.   My football career ended when I realized in High School I was just too skinny to keep playing and I quit the freshman team.


High School Years

High school was not full of many big highlights, until my Sr. year. I had a hard time, especially during my freshman and Sophmore years.  I was not that big and sort of went into a shell and became very quiet.  As a freshman, I remember being picked on by the bigger kids in the upper classes.  I still loved sports so I went out for track because they didn’t have cuts.  I was an average runner so I tried pole vaulting which was a mistake. I wasn’t strong enough to pull myself up.  I ran track through my junior year, not because I loved it, but because I wanted to do a least one high school sport.  I quit my senior year because I wanted to work and make money.  The only other sport I did during those years was skiing.  I actually started in 8th grade by joining the ski club.  I remember one time when I was learning to ski, I was on a ski chair lift and my ski got caught on a snowbank.  The force pulled me right off the lift and I fell in the snow.  The lift operator stopped the lift and cursed at me, and my friends laughed at me.  It didn’t deter me from continuing and skiing became a nice outlet even into my adult years.  During my High School years, the focus of my social life was mostly my neighborhood friends, with one exception, my friend Joe Taraska who lived in Lake Hopatcong.  His mom and my Mom were friends when they were young.  I was introduced to Joe around my 8th grade year, and stayed friends throughout high school and still are friends today, though he lives in Tennessee.   When I think about it, the most memorable times in my teen years were with Joe.  His Mom went to a big church in Randolph called Bethlehem church.  Though we did not go to church at all, I got involved with the Boys Brigade program which was similar to Boy Scouts.  Joe and I would go every Friday night for a few years.  They would play games, learn life skills, and teach about the Bible (more on this in my chapter “Finding Jesus”.)  I have fond memories of those times.  Not having a Father it gave me a chance to hang out with men who would guide us and teach us good godly principles.  We would go on day hikes and sometimes weekend camp-outs. I remember one weekend in the winter, we stayed in a cabin up in NY State.  There was snow all over the place and it was cold.  We went sledding and cross country skiing through the woods.  The leader was Bill Woods, who was a great guy and a father figure to all the boys.  He would make us each eat a prune each morning. I hated them and could barely swallow one.  I always wondered why he had us do that.  Years later when I saw him I asked him that question.  He said it was to keep us regular -he didn’t want to deal with any boys who were constipated on the camp-out – hah.  Those times would be the foundation of what would happen to me later in life, but I was about to begin another darker chapter in my life.  At about 16 both Joe and I apparently outgrew those outings and stopped going.  We started to fool a bit more with drinking, parties, and girls.  I loved to go to Hopatcong and visit Joe. His Mom like my mom would let us do what we wanted.  He lived by the lake and his one friend had a boat.  He would take us out on the boat and we would go over to Bertrands Island which was an amusement park, where we would hang out.  Though Joe and I didn’t get into any big trouble we did press the boundaries a bit.  There are two incidences I can remember that stand out.  We once went into a restaurant where they advertised all you could eat fish.  After the first couple of helpings, we asked for more and the owner said no apparently he thought we had enough.  We both got ticked off and decided to sneak out without paying.  The other was one I still to this day think about, as it could have ended tragically. We went to one of Joe’s friend’s house whose parents were away for the weekend.  His friend had some marijuana.  I stayed away from that stuff to that point.  Marijuana was popular among teens back then but I had never tried it.  For some reason that night I gave in and we spent the next few hours smoking pot.  At one point in the evening, Joe comes downstairs with a shotgun and points the gun at both me and his friend and says “bang, bang” and started to laugh.    Joe then goes back upstairs with the gun and within a minute we both hear “BOOM”.  We both run upstairs, there is Joe sitting with a surprised look on his face.  The gun had been loaded, and Joe blew a hole right through his friend’s wall.  You could see through to the outside. The kid told us both to leave and I never saw him again.  Apparently, he called his brother-in-law to come to fix the hole to hide it from his parents.  To this day you can still see from the outside of that house the patched up hole.  When I go by that house I am reminded how God again came to my rescue and saved me from tragedy, because he had a plan.

My senior year of high school was the best of my school years.  It all started a bit strange and unsure of where I would spend my last year in high school.  In 1973, my Mom met a man she would soon marry.  After being a widow for almost 5 years, she met Steve France who was the Fire Chief of Morristown.  I was happy for her and liked Steve.  They quickly got married in February of 1974 when I was a junior.  The only problem was we lived in Randolph and he and his kids (4 of them – Teddy, Victor, Yvonne, Bernice) lived in Morristown.  At first, my mom would spend weekends in Morristown while Joanne and I would stay in Randolph.  Then my Mom tells us that she was going to sell her home that summer (1974), and we were all moving in with them in Morristown.  One problem,  I was going into my senior year and didn’t want to go to Morristown High School.  Morristown for us Randolph kids was a scary place.  It was big and had a lot of black kids, which to this point in my life was still something I was not used to.  Even my friends said to me in concern “you are moving to Morristown?”  I didn’t deem myself prejudice, but at this point in my life, I had been around mostly white kids (we had one black kid in our high school). That school year 1974, they even had race riots at Morristown High School, and we heard all about them.  Not only were we going to move to Morristown, but Steve and his kids lived right across the street from the high school.  I asked my Mom if there was any way I could continue to go to Randolph High School to finish my senior year but live in Morristown.   It seemed impossible since I didn’t have my license (turned 17 in November 1974) and she couldn’t run me back and forth every day from Morristown.   It seemed like I was going to have to go through another life change, another big move in my senior year.  Well, to my surprise it all worked out.  My friend’s parents, (Terry & Kelly Straub), came through.  They told my Mom I could live with them for the first 3 months until I got my license and then I could drive myself back and forth to school from Morristown.  The Randolph school board allowed it and that September I moved in with the Straubs.  I am forever grateful to them as taken on another teen boy (they had 3 boys, Terry, Kelly and Barry – all in high school) wasn’t easy but those 3 months living with them was a blessing and fun. I moved back to Morristown to live that December when I got my license.   The house was crowded with Steve, my mom and 7 kids (Teddy moved out when we all moved in).  It was fun living there, but not without its challenges – we were nothing like the Brady Bunch – though I got along with everyone (can’t say the same about my sister Joanne).   Since Steve was a fireman – it meant an active house full of people and lots of drinking.  I feel I adjusted well to my new surroundings  I guess because I spent most of my time in Randolph.  My senior year was great because I had a shortened schedule.  I knew I was not going to college so I went on the work-study program – I only needed three classes, Math, English, and Gym to graduate, (I also took a photography class).  I went to school 1/2 day and worked at a Gas station in Randolph 3 days a week.  Since I had no car ( first 3 months of school) and got out of school at 12:00 noon – I hitchhiked home to the Straub’s house every day and also to work.  I hitchhiked every day through December when I finally got my license and bought a car.  I then moved back to Morristown for the remainder of the school year.   Hitch-hiking back in those days was no big deal as I had been doing it for years with my friends before we got cars.  We would often hitchhike with a few of us.  One of us would stand out in the road and hitchhike and the others would hide behind a bush.  When the car stopped, we would jump out.  Sometimes the driver would laugh and let us all in and other times the drivers would get ticked and speed off.  It was a way many young people would get around back then and I never felt threatened or afraid.  Though one time it did cause a scare for my mom.  When I was either a sophomore or junior I was at a track meet and apparently had forgotten to tell my mom we had one that night.  During track season I would often hitchhike home after practice if I missed the late bus.  That night when I did not come home at the expected time, my mom started to worry as she thought I probably was hitchhiking home.   She panicked and called the police to report me missing, thinking I got kidnapped.  After the meet when I got back to school all these kids told me the cops were at the school looking for me.  I called my mom told her I was safe and she came to get me.  I think I stopped hitchhiking for a while after that. 


With my new found freedom ( a car) I pretty much was on my own and spent most my time hanging out in Randolph.  That year I started to hang out with a few new friends:  John Dufus, Gary Resnick, and Dave Akromas.  John, Gary, and I spent a lot of time together, mostly drinking and going to parties.  I look back and can’t believe how many times we drove while drinking.  I was only 17 but John was 18 (drinking age back then) and would often get us the alcohol we needed.  We would often drive up to Hopatcong to party with Joe and his friends as well as go to parties in Randolph.  Once during a snowstorm, we took off for Pennsylvania with a case of beer in our car to go skiing.  I had a great car, a Ford 8 cylinder I nicknamed “Bessy”, but it was not good in the snow.  We couldn’t get up the hill close to the ski resort because of the snow.   We didn’t want to go home but didn’t know what to do.  I remembered that Mark’s parent’s farmhouse was only a few miles away so we headed for it, snow and all.  Of course, it was empty but we got in through a window.  We sat for a couple of hours, drinking beer and going out in the snow shooting some shotguns we found in the house.  I started to feel bad about being there and we left. On the way home for some reason, we stopped at a bowling alley in Pennsylvania.  The place was open but completely empty, I guess because of the snow.  The only ones in the alley were us three and three other teen girls.  We started talking with them and we bowled a few games with them.  We talked about getting together with them later back at Mark’s house again but we suddenly realized we did not have enough money to pay for the games.  So we devised a plan: I would go out and get the car and John and Gary would run out and we would speed off.  John and Gary came running out and jumped in the car and we sped away with the bowling alley manager running through the parking lot trying to chase us.  On the way home because of the snow coming down hard and  I guess a few beers in me, we crashed into a snowbank.  I couldn’t get the car out and we were stuck.  I was expecting the police to come by and arrest us not only for underage drinking but also for running out of the bowling alley without paying.   All of a sudden a tow truck heading for another call came by and helped us out and somehow we all made it home safely.  The 3 of us did some stupid things together.  Once we were driving on route 10 and pulled up next to another car with a young couple in it (late 20’s or 30’s).  I was driving and John and Gary decided to moon them.  When we got off the exit we ended up pulling into a convenience store.  The guy apparently followed us and came flying into the lot and jumped out threatening to “kick are a–es”.  We apologized and he left, we all started to laugh, but I have to admit he got us nervous.  Dave Akromas was another close friend of mine.   I had known Dave for a few years. He played on the Randolph Bulldogs together and was part of the neighborhood gang that we competed against in sports.  I didn’t hang with Dave much to that point but we started to hang out during my Senior year. Dave was a drummer and also what we called back then a”pot-head”.  I also played the drums so we had a common interest.  Dave mostly hung with the “pot-heads” in school and was really into that scene.  I started to get more into that “pot” scene during that time going with Dave to “pot” parties with a kid named Scott McGill.  One night after smoking, we were driving back to Morristown and his car tire became flat.  We pulled over to change the tire and all of a sudden a police car pulled over with his lights on.  I was scared to death and thought for sure he would arrest us.  Luckily, he didn’t get to close to us but just stood there with his flashlight on us and Dave’s car as Dave changed the tire.  We then got in Dave’s car and drove away.  I think after that I stopped going to those types of parties.  Dave and I remained friends but didn’t hang out as much.  He would later be part of two key events in my life  – “Navy and Finding Jesus” which I cover in two later chapters.  I look back on those incidences and it’s amazing nothing bad happened.  We were often foolish and drove drunk or high.  Back then nobody wore seat belts.  Some kids lost their lives because of it, a few from Randolph High School.  God surely was good to me and spared me (and my Mom) from those tragic events that affected other teens and their families.  I guess because he had a plan for me.




Well, my senior year was moving quickly.  The year was 1975, the last part of my senior year.  Kids were starting to look ahead to colleges.  I knew I wasn’t going that route for two reasons:  I didn’t like school, and my Mom had very little money.  For me to try the college route was only a waste of my time and her money.  I liked photography as I took a course in my senior year and enjoyed it.  My grandfather, (Pop-Pop), even built me a darkroom in his basement.   I thought maybe I would try some sort of photography school.  Then in the spring of 1975, our High School had a career day that would change my life.  I remember most kids signed up for two seminars: Mortician and Secret Service, and I did the same.  I think for most of us we just wanted to see what a Mortician would say – hey maybe he would show us pictures of dead bodies but the seminar was a waste.  I remember loving the Secret Service seminar, thinking it would be exciting to do something like that and travel around the world. I was ready to get out of NJ and see more of the world.  Growing up not many families traveled a lot and my whole life was spent in one area, the Northeast, (NJ and Connecticut).  Seeing the world captured my interest.  So when I walked down the hall and saw the Navy table I sat down and started to listen to the recruiter talk.  He talked about traveling around the world and showed pictures of far off places I only read about.  Within 5 minutes I was convinced that was the direction I was going.  I went home and told my mother (she wasn’t happy) and within a few days headed up to the Navy recruiting office in Morristown.  I was hoping to do something with photography in the Navy which he agreed was a good possibility.  He scheduled me to take a test that I took that would help place me in a career.  I did well on the test, but didn’t get a high enough score for photography school as he said due to its popularity was hard to get into, (don’t know if he was telling the truth).  He then told me about a job called “Communication Technician”.  He said it was a top-secret field and sort of described it as a James Bond type of job.  Traveling around, wearing plain clothes.  I would be like a “spy” listening in to other countries’ communications for top-secret information to share with our government.  Sounded cool to me so I asked, ” Where do I sign up?”  I signed up for the 6-month delayed enlistment program that would guarantee me everything I wanted, a job, school,  and where I would do my boot camp.  I choose Orlando, Fla.  Since I was only 17 at the time, I had to have my mother come and sign a waiver for me which she reluctantly, but did at my Step-father Steve’s urging.  Right after that Dave Akromas found out what I did and he did the same thing.  We signed up for the buddy program and would be going off to boot camp together in 6 months – October 1975.  With my future intact, not having to go away for another 6 months, all I had to do was finish high school and hang out and party for the summer with my buddies since none of us had a girlfriend to tie us down. The rest of my senior year was set – or I thought.    All that was about to change.


For my entire high school years, I never went steady with any girl.  There was plenty I liked and hung out with but never to the point where we dated.  With the Navy only 6 months away, I didn’t expect that to change, but it did.  At the end of May, they always had a senior cut day.   It was a day that seniors would traditionally head for the shore and hang out for the day.   I went with Gary and John to meet a few of Gary’s friends.  In that group of friends was a girl named June Poulos.  She had already graduated and was in her first year of college – she was in my sister’s class of 1974.  She took the day off to join this group of friends Gary hung out with: Sam, Glenn, Janice, Chuck, and a few others, all who were in my grade. I knew who they were but didn’t hang with them much to that point.  I quickly became attracted to June, she was pretty and seemed like a fun outgoing person.  I don’t remember much about that day besides all hanging at the beach, going in the water and playing football, (June played also), on the beach.  Soon after that Gary’s friends became my new friends and June was part of that group.  I started to have feelings for June which didn’t sit well with Gary as he also had a crush on her.  Soon, June shared those same feelings and we started dating.  For the entire summer of 1975 – we spent every day together.  We hung out together, we did everything together – it was the best summer of our lives.  Our many activities were drive-in movies, going to the shore, and just hanging out with friends.  One of our favorite hangouts that summer seemed to be at a dance club called Smiles in Parsippany.  Disco was beginning to become the rage and we all got caught up in it.  Since the drinking age was only 18, everyone we knew was going out to these dance clubs, drinking and disco dancing. I was only 17 but since June and all my friends were 18 I never got carded.  My sister Joanne and step-sister Bernice would often come with us, heck even at times my Mom (Mom-Mom)  would join us.  June and I got pretty good at disco dancing, doing dances like the bump, and the hustle.  During those disco days, Leisure suits and platform shoes became the style and yes I even started to dress that way, hah.   It was the best summer and  June would actually keep an album recording everything we did together.  She recorded each event with the date and event name.  She pasted in items to remind us of each event,  like movie and concert and event tickets, cards, restaurant business cards, anything she could find as a reminder of what we did together that summer.   My family loved her and she loved being around them.  I’m not sure how her mom and dad felt about me at first as we were out most of the time.  I remember taking her to an all-day concert by my favorite rock and roll artist, Alice Cooper.  The concert featured many bands with Alice Cooper as the main performer.  The concert was named “Welcome to My Nightmare”.  We stood in line all day drinking (many were smoking pot, June hated pot).  Just as the concert was about to start it started to rain, really hard.  The concert was postponed to the next day and we all went back.  June told me her dad was not too happy with me. I think he thought I was a bad influence on June.  Little did he know it was June that was becoming the grounding influence I needed.  Her dad and I would become very close later in life, (see chapter “Most Influential Men in My Life”).   Life was great and for the first time in my life, I was falling in love.  I didn’t see it coming, didn’t expect it – heck the Navy was right around the corner and I couldn’t get out of that commitment as I already signed on the dotted line.  So with that reality just ahead of us we wanted to spend every moment together – because who knew what was in store in the future as I would be gone for 4 years.  The only time we were not together was when a few of my friends and I went camping in Maine for a week.  A  couple of things I learned during that trip was: 1) Maine was probably a great place for you to visit when you are older (30+) but it is not a place to go when you are 17-18-year-old male teens.  Though it was beautiful, there was very little to do for guys our age.  2) You don’t go away camping with a friend who has a crush on your girlfriend.  We all knew that Gary had a crush on June, but it came to a head on that trip.  We had been drinking and I can’t remember what started the argument, but for some reason, Gary started to say I stole June from him and he wasn’t happy about it.  We got into an argument and he took off saying he was leaving and going back to New Jersey.  The problem was that he had no way home as he didn’t drive up,  he was a passenger in our friend Sam’s car.   We found him out on the highway with his thumb out hitchhiking with a sign that said: “NEED A RIDE TO NEW JERSEY”. We got there just as an 18 wheeler pulled over to pick him up.  Sam, our most respected friend jumped out and ran up to talk Gary and the truck driver out of Gary going with him.  Gary listened to Sam and got out and stayed with us.  Gary and I didn’t talk too much the rest of the trip but eventually, Gary came to accept the fact that June and I were dating and Gary never again acted out in a strange way.  The summer ended and there were many sad goodbyes as we were graduating and all going off to start new chapters in our lives. Many going on to college and life would change for us all.  The hit song that summer that sort of captured what we were all going through was by Seals and Crofts “We May Never Pass This Way Again”, as many of us have lost touch throughout the years.  Well, summer turned into fall and the reality of me going away was starting to hit both June and I.  We even started talking about the future, marriage, spending our lives together (hard to believe just 6 months earlier I didn’t even know June).  We were determined to make the whole thing work, despite distance and time, (4 years is a long time).  She would go to school and work, I would do the Navy thing, get out and we would continue where we left off.  Finally, time was getting close to me leaving.   I remember sitting up at nights watching every movie I could find that had a Navy theme.  I was excited but sad to be leaving  June and my family.  Everyone gave me a going-away party and presented me with a plaque with a Navy emblem and the date 1975 – (to be determined).  I remember the day I left.  June slept over at my house downstairs on the couch.  I got up and showered, crying in the shower.  I went downstairs, June, and my Mom both had red eyes from crying.  We headed to the Morristown train station where I would board a train to Newark, get sworn into the Navy, and then get on another train to Orlando, Fla.  As the train was approaching I hugged my Mom who was crying, shook Steve’s hand then turned to June.  As she was crying she hands me a letter she wrote to me to read on the train.  We kissed goodbye.  The train stops and out jumps Dave Akromas,(he had gotten on in Dover), all excited and he yells “All Aboard for the Navy – yahoo!!”, we all laughed.  It was a good moment that broke the tension.  I waved goodbye and off I went.  Our friend Scott McGill, came along for the ride to Newark with us just to see us off.  Years later all three of us would have the same life-changing experience –  FINDING JESUS.  With my High School years now behind it was off to a new chapter – THE NAVY YEARS.

Empty Nest

Joyce and I found an apartment in Brown’s Addition and I started looking for a job, again. That Thanksgiving Mom was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer so I was spending a lot of time in Sequim helping Pop until she passed away in January of 1990.  In a short time we also lost Oscar Bell and Uncle Alva.  After I returned to Spokane a position in Customer Service with Northwest Telecommunications became available. I Really thought this was going to be my next retirement job.  Soon after starting work, our lease on the apartment was coming up for renewal with a substantial increase in rent.  We had been complaining about a noisy young man living above us who had won an insurance case.  Management wouldn’t do anything about him so we decided to look for another place and found a duplex on 15th.  While living there I was a part time maintenance man for the complex, three duplexes together.  Joyce and I had discussed the possibility of purchasing the complex but decided to look around.  That’s when we found and bought the house on 29 E. 39th.

It wasn’t too long after moving in that my dream of Northwest Telco being my last job took a turn.  LDDS purchased NWT and they started letting people go.  I stayed on a while as a customer service representative but their service wasn’t the same as before and I quit.  It didn’t take long before Sprint was opening a Cell Phone Store.  I interviewed and was hired.  During the interview they actually encouraged me to apply for manager but I didn’t feel comfortable, not knowing anything about retail.  Sprint sounded like an ideal company.  They promised to be very employee and customer oriented.  For nine weeks we were flown to Dallas, Texas for classes during the week at the Delta Airlines campus.  Then we flew home on weekends.  One weekend, I transferred my round trip ticket to Joyce and she flew down.  Another weekend I was home from training and Spokane had an ice storm and we lost power to the house. The neighbor’s tree actually lost a limb that pulled the cable from our house.  We ended up getting a room at Inn at the Park.  I had to fly back to school and Joe stayed with Joyce until electricity was restored to his house.  I came home later and arranged to have power reconnected to the house.

When school was completed, I returned home and got the store opened.  It was the first Sprint store to open.  The only problem working at a retail store was not getting our work schedule for the week until the Friday before.  I made a number of suggestions to improve that but they got turned down and the promises they made in the beginning went by the wayside.  Sprint needed money so the employee support and customer service suffered.  The store had been open about a year and Sprint sold the building.  A number of us, the higher paid ones, were let go.  I was still in contact with some of the employees working there.  One of the women told me of an incident that happened when she was on a business trip with the District Manager and one of the commercial salesmen.  I recommended she take it to HR and make a complaint.  I was later contacted by an investigator and she eventually won her sexual harassment suit.  I did send out more resumes.  After most interviews I went on I was usually told I was overqualified for the position.  I pretty much gave up.  Mike’s family moved in with us and lived in the basement for a while.  It was pretty fun since we had the kids visiting upstairs quite often.

I started getting into meditation.  The leader of the group I was with was a Native American.  It was an interesting group.  One of the participants claimed to be able to read past lives and it turned out I had been an Indian horse trader and she had been my daughter.  Another interesting episode took place when our leader brought her Peruvian Whistles to a gathering.  We formed a circle where the whistles were placed in middle and, if you got the urge, you picked one up and blew into it.  Soon you could hear music and singing and weird things and visions started happening.  Our leader taught Reiki and I eventually took classes and got my certificate.  As I was thinking about opening a Reiki business, I learned you have to be a nurse, a licensed massage therapist or a minister to touch someone.  Taking a weekend online test to be a minister didn’t appeal to me so I decided to become a massage therapist.  I signed up at Noetic School of Massage.

In order to start classes you had to have a massage so I received my first massage at age 63.  I really enjoyed taking the classes and working with the other students.  One of our classes was a trip to WSU where we studied cadavers.  Another was to EWU where we offered free massages to students.  On the way back from Cheney, one of the massage tables blew out of the back of our instructor’s pickup.  Another car of students and I stopped.  It was very dark and as one of the students was going to step into the middle of the road to get the table I pulled her back just as an eighteen wheeler came along and hit the table.  There was nothing to pick up after that.  Close to graduation we went out to a local ranch for a weekend.  One of the students was an Iroquois Indian from Canada.  We had a bonfire ceremony and she gave everyone an Indian name.  Mine was Brave Buffalo, Ohitika-Tantanka.  After graduation I set up an office at home and at a local tanning salon, Stone Shadow Massage.  I wanted to have more time available for my clients.  A woman I had met, Jenny Ray, was giving a class on hot stone massage up in Canada and I signed up.  She is Native American, Sioux, and started each day outside with a stone pipe ceremony to the four directions and then singing and drumming indoors.  The class lasted two weekends and at the end she had a naming ceremony and gave me Sacred Buffalo, Wakan-Tantanka.  Since I was given two names I can combine them, Brave-Sacred-Buffalo, or, Ohitika-a’-Wakan-Tantanka.  After I had been doing massage a few months I injured my rotator cuff and had to have surgery.  During the surgery nerves were injured in my right arm and I ended up shutting down my massage office.

Around 2004, Mike and the kids moved back in to the basement.  It was fun having them back in the house again.  Then around 2006, I ended up in the hospital with walking pneumonia and a bleeding ulcer.  Pop met his new girl friend, Thelma, when he was attending an annual trucking company BBQ in Anacortes.  Thelma was from Houston, Texas and Pop drove down in his motorhome to be with her.  She didn’t like motorhomes so Pop sold it down there.  A few weeks later, there was a knock on our front door and it was Pop.  He’d had an argument with Thelma and moved out.  We set him up in the front bedroom.  A couple of months later, he took off back to Houston.  He spent a couple of months there and came back to Spokane.  We shifted things around again.  After a few calls from Thelma and her daughter, he returned to Houston again.  A couple times I tried to convince him to get a motel and stay in Houston for a few days instead of moving back up.  His excuse, “You can’t argue with those damn Texans!”  I’m not sure how many times he disrupted our lives moving in and out.  When he came back the last time we told him he had to find another place to live.  He and I found a retirement home about a mile from our house.  He wanted a motorized two wheel scooter that you stand on to move around the retirement home but they said no.  I went on line and found him a three wheeler that he really liked.  He lived there for about three months or so and then asked if he could move back in with us.  We relented.

Life slowed down.  Pop didn’t like to travel very far because he didn’t feel comfortable being far from a bathroom.  Joyce and I were able to take a few trips but didn’t make any extended ones.  Pop really wanted to take a cruise and we had purchased an Alaska cruise for the three of us.  For some reason Pop changed his mind.  It was a good thing I had purchased trip insurance.  Another time, he and I were going to take a trip down to California, Nevada, and circle back up to Washington but he backed out.  Around June or July of 2011, Mike and Nadine purchased the hotel in Kendrick. Their place gave us a great destination to visit away from Spokane.  After Halloween that year we set up a bedroom in what we called the white room.  Later, when the apartment they had been renting out became available, we bought it.  We moved some furniture down and made up the bedroom for Pop.  Joyce and I set the up the living room as our bedroom.  We used the apartment as our home away from home.  In 2012, we decided to sell the house in Spokane.  We moved Pop out and down to the apartment to make the house more appealing to potential buyers.  Joyce and I were still up in Spokane, splitting time between Kendrick and traveling.  Mike thought they could keep a better eye on Grandpa, so they built an extra room in their place and moved him in with them.  Pop mentioned wanting his name on some property.  The Gazette came up for sale so he bought that.  We intended to remodel the inside for us all.  In 2013 the house in Spokane sold.

Joyce and I, with the help of Mike, the boys and Tim, moved down to the Kendrick apartment.  We rearranged things to make it more livable for the two of us.  All we had accumulated for twenty years living in the house didn’t fit in the apartment so we stored it in the Gazette.  Pop and I tried to continue our weekly trips to the casino but as time went by it became harder and harder for him and we finally quit.  In 2014, while Joyce and I were in California, Pop passed away.  Mike and Nadine took care of the arrangements before we returned home.  Later we had a memorial for him in Lacey.  Pop’s ashes are resting on a bookcase in the apartment.



A Life Change

With the Vega loaded, I headed to Lompoc to pick up one of Chris’s friends, Glynn, who was going to ride along with me up to visit Spokane. That poor Vega was so overloaded it actually squatted in back. Of course the springs weren’t all that good and the back may have been a couple of inches shorter. But it clocked right along. I was happy to have Glynn with me because, surprise, I alternated driving with her and we made it in two days.

With hindsight, it wasn’t the best of moves.  Thinking it would hold the family together, it proved to be just the opposite.  We’re a very close family and I’m proud of everyone and what they have accomplished.  Do I think of the what ifs and the things I would have changed?  Often, but it’s kind of late now.  After twenty-two years in the military, going from top dog to one of the litter was quite a shock to  me.  Thinking back, with my experience and education I thought I would have no problem finding a job with Hewlett Packard.  It didn’t happen right away.

Shortly after getting to Spokane and moving into our house, Mount St. Helen erupted May 18, 1980.  It was surreal.  The first thing I remember is the quiet.  Normally you hear birds in the trees and dogs barking and other nature noises around you.  All of a sudden it was quiet, not a sound.  Then the ash cloud rolled overhead slowly blocking out the sun.  That’s when we started feeling the ash rain down, slowly at first and then faster, covering everything.  The kids had been down at the lake at the Suncrest Community Resort.  They came driving back into the yard, piling out of the car and running into the house.  We turned on the TV to find out what was happening and got the warning to stay indoors.  There was no school for about a week.  Because it happened so fast, people started running low on food and sharing with everyone who live around them.  About three or four days after the eruption, the kid who lived across the street from us rode his bike to the store and bought a bunch of bread for all the neighbors.  We all survived.   Life went back to normal.

A guy we met through church turned out to be the supervisor at the Montgomery Ward Service Department and he gave me a job in their electronic repair shop.  I almost didn’t get it because during indoctrination at the main store, the HR person told me I had to shave off my beard.  Ha!  No way was I doing that and I walked out.  I called my friend and told him.  He went to HR and explained to them I wouldn’t be having contact with customers.  They let me keep my beard.  I worked there for a few months and then they cut back.  Being the last in, I was let go first.  I answered an add for a tech position, maintaining continuous playing music tapes in stores, early Muszak owned by PG&E.  This was before internet and cable.  I know it was before Thanksgiving because we were trying to get the company to put snow tires on my company vehicle.  I needed to drive around and replace the tapes so the stores would have Christmas Music right after Thanksgiving.  I was going to have to do some quick traveling; Eastern Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, to Northeastern Oregon, back up through Idaho and back to Spokane.  PG&E finally got me tires after Thanksgiving and I headed east.  Most of the customers were not happy getting their Christmas music late.  I was not happy because I was pushed.  It’s not fun driving across Montana at night on black ice and seeing the white crosses on the side of the road indicating car accident deaths.  But I made the loop and got back to Spokane and got an interview with HP.  My interview didn’t turn out the way I expected.

There weren’t any electronic technician positions available so I was offered an assembly position.  Hewlett Packard had a really great reputation as a company to work for and I took the position.  Working at Hewlett Packard proved to be frustrating.  Talking to people that had moved up from California with HP when they put the plant in Liberty Lake, this plant was not comparable to other plants.  Instead of people having pride in what they were doing and working together, there was always competition.  It was what I call the “Kaiser Aluminum Mentality”.   Everyone was afraid you were after their job, especially the supervisors.  One of the first things I usually did when starting to work on a new module or component was to re-do the outdated and confusing instruction manuals.  And I did this on my own time, redrawing and simplifying to make them easier to understand and follow.  Supervisors were interested in quantity more than quality.  One particular problem had been evading them for a long time.  After doing some tests on my own, I called the plant that supplied our circuit boards.  I found out they had changed the process.  I shared this information with our engineers, who were thrilled to determine the problem.  My supervisors informed me I was no longer allowed to talk to the engineers but to come to them and they would pass information along.  The engineers were not happy with this and informed the supervisors.

Since Assemblers were allowed to have food at their stations, you always were smelling popcorn.  One time the inspectors complained that they were seeing popcorn in the instruments.  I followed up and, looking under a microscope, found it was not organic popcorn but pieces of packing material.  Later, when I was working final assembly, I was working with the government inspectors.  They weren’t happy with some of the quality being put into the instrument line.  I warned management that we needed to improve or the inspectors were going to shut us down.  Their response, “We’re Hewlett Packard, they wouldn’t dare.”  One day the government inspectors shut our line down until we improved our assembly and testing procedures.  I was pulled off final assembly.

When I was back working on the assembly line, it was after I had stopped smoking and I was drinking a lot of water.  Unbeknownst to me, one of the supervisors started a lottery on how many times I would go to the bathroom.  I found out about it at my annual review.  When my supervisor told me I exploded.  He had allowed that to happen and hadn’t even wondered if there was anything medically wrong.  I went to HR and complained about that and a few other things.  I was transferred to swing shift.  It really didn’t work out and I quit.  I didn’t realize it was going to be so hard finding another job.  Interviewing with other companies, they wanted to know why I would quit a great company like Hewlett Packard.

I kind of laugh, now, when I think about our family.  It is really hard living in a home where everyone is an Alpha.  Over the years, Joyce and I had brought up the kids to be pretty independent.  It was a way to cope with always moving.  At least every three years they had to fend as a family together in order to make the transition.  And you can see it in their families now.  It has been bumpy travel for all four of the kids.  Eventually they each found a strong partner.  One they could share life with, not dominate.  And the grandkids.  Like I’ve said all along, “If I’d known how much fun they are, I’d have had them first.”  Of course we had our own bumps traveling through time.

Chris was using the Vega to drive to school.  When they were redoing Big Sandy, she had to drive on a rough, unpaved road and somehow knocked the flywheel cover off.  Rather than fix it, we sold the Vega for $300.  Which meant that Chris drove that car for the better part of a year or more, free.  On another occasion, Joyce and I had gone for a short trip and before leaving had told Chris to leave the Toyota parked.  When we returned, Chris’s boyfriend, Shawn was trying to saw a stump down in our back yard.  The problem was the Toyota was stuck on top of the stump.  With some finessing and going through a couple of chain saws, we got the car back on the ground.

Since I had an eighty mile round trip to Liberty Lake and work, I decided I needed a more reliable car.  We went shopping and I found a Chevy Luv pick up.  While shopping we decided to make it a double deal and found a nice Plymouth Duster for Chris.  It was a pretty sporty little car.  I had made that deal with Chris that if she could make it to thirty six, same age as I when I got my first ticket, I would take her anywhere she wanted to go for dinner.  The Duster had some pretty good pipes and really rumbled when you put your foot down.  She did that one day, just as a sheriff was going by in the other direction.  I won and I was smart enough not to offer the others the same deal.  Joyce got a call one morning from the Sheriff’s Office, wanting to know if we owned a certain Ford Pinto.  They had come across it in a ditch on the way to Mead High School.  The Pinto was Tim’s first car.  On his way to school after a snow fall the night before, they slid in to a ditch.  By the time we got to the area, Tim and some friends had gotten it out of the ditch and on to school.  Later he got a Toyota Celica that he used while at WSU.  We got a call late one night he was broke down at a rest stop near Moses Lake.  We ended up towing the Celica back to Spokane.

We used to keep the keys to the cars on a board by the back door.  Joyce and I were gone one day and had left the van at home.  Kelly decided to take it for a drive.  While she was driving around Suncrest she saw Mike.  She ducked down but Mike saw her.  I guess he got a lot of mileage out of that information.  After she got her drivers license, Kelly borrowed the Luv one Saturday night.  As I was going to work the next Monday I was having a really hard time with the clutch slipping.  On the way home I had to finally pull off at the Seven Eleven at Seven Mile and call home.  Luckily Mom and Dad were visiting and dad came, adjusted the clutch and I made it home.  When I asked Kelly if she had been hot rodding with it on Saturday, she told me, “Not very much.”  Chris graduated from high school and moved to California with Shawn.  Tim graduated and started college at WSU.  Kelly ran away and we signed a letter of Emancipation for her.  More as a scare tactic than anything.  The attorney explained it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on because until she turned eighteen we were still responsible for her actions.  We sold the house on Greenfield only to have to repossess it when they couldn’t complete the deal.  The House we rented on Rowan turned out to be unlucky.  Mike had wrecked the Buick and had so many tickets the insurance company made us remove him from our insurance.  Joyce and I got a legal separation and she and Mike moved into an apartment together.

At that time, I was still with HP so I found an apartment with a garage out in the Valley.  I emptied the house on Rowan and stored everything in the garage.  Being on swing I was able to get a day time job as maintenance man for the apartment building I lived in and two others, as well as a medical building.  This was when I quit HP.  Because it was hard finding another job I looked into the possibility of starting my own business.  It was going to be a Manufacturing  business.  I had talked to Eastern Washington State Hospital out in Medical Lake and the plan was the business would be employing their patients and they were going to lease me an empty building on the grounds.  It fell through, I couldn’t come up with the financing.  I answered an ad and found work as a car salesman at McCullum Ford.  I then decided to move back to Sequim to stay with Mom and Dad until I could find my own place.  I found a job working as a car salesman in Port Townsend and later for the Toyota dealer in Port Angeles.  I came to realize, I was not a car salesman.  During that time Joyce and I were meeting for weekends in places like Leavenworth.  We were leaning toward getting back together again.  First I drove down to Ventura California, where Chris was living, and tried leaving some resumes there.  Having no luck there, I returned to Spokane, where Joyce and I got back together.

Full Circle

After graduating from DeVry I packed up the Toyota and headed to Point Arguello.  As I crossed Vandenberg I was thinking about having spent my first four years of military service in the Air Force and now, here I was, almost attached to an Air Force Base for my last four years.  Coast Guard Loran Station was not a part of Vandenberg Air Force Base even though some thought it was.  I checked in and would be living in one of the duplexes for a while.  The family was staying in Glendale until the kids finished school and we could make arrangements about the house.  We were considering moving back to Arizona after I retired.  In the meantime, Joyce and I would periodically commute back and forth.

Every month the District Office held a Commanders meeting where all the Officers in Charge of stations and boats would meet and discuss what was happening in the District.  At my first meeting, I was introducing myself to some of the officers when a Lieutenant, aid to one of the Captains in the office, thought he had heard my name before.  Then it dawned on him, the Captain he worked for had been the one that had not wanted to give me the loan for a house.  The Lieutenant remembered he had heard my name in what he called in vain, not in a good way.  We had a laugh about it.  After these meetings, I usually drove over to Arizona for the weekend.  A couple of times Joyce and the kids came over to Point Arguello in the motorhome.  Later, I picked up a used Plymouth station wagon which was much easier to drive around.  Joyce was working in the business office for the Arizona Highway Patrol and had one of their “Bear” t-shirts.  When driving across I10 to California, she wore the t-shirt and made it across the state in record time.

One time after doing some work on the Toyota, I was driving through Lompoc around 5:30 in the morning.  I saw this police car sitting in a parking lot so I held it at thirty five MPH, the speed posted the last time I had seen a speed sign.  As I went by he pulled out and stopped me for doing 35 in a 25 zone.  It was my first ticket.  I went down for the Commanders call where we were discussing complaints from people being boarded by armed Coasties.  I made the suggestion that we should advertise that the Coast Guard was an armed service.  The Admiral at the meeting said, “Come on Sparks, that won’t work”, he was thinking it was a bad idea.  Before I left I told the District Office that if they wanted me at the meeting for a specific reason, call me, otherwise this was the last I would attend.  When I left, I headed to Arizona.  Around Riverside California, I had been cruising with the trucks and hadn’t notice they had backed off somewhat.  All of a sudden a California Highway Patrol was behind me with lights flashing.  I pulled off and got out of the car shaking my head.  I was still in uniform and he asked me what was wrong.  I told him I hadn’t had a ticket in twenty years and this was my second stop today.  He asked to see the ticket, looked at it, and said, “Hell, I would fight this.”  Because of my bad day, he gave me a warning and I drove on to Glendale.  When I went to court they told me to go to the California driving class and if I passed the ticket would be removed from my record.  I later gave Chris the chance of going anywhere she wanted for dinner if she could go twenty years with out a ticket.  I won that bet.

Through an inter service agreement with the Air Force, married couples could get housing on the base.  Being senior enlisted they were opening housing in one of the Officers Housing areas.  We got a field officers house on a corner on Cataldo.  There were still Air Force Officers living around us and they got the option of staying or moving to Officers housing elsewhere on base.  They stayed where they were.  At first we rented out the house in Glendale but sold it about a year later.  The family renting the house had a baby.  One day, when they went into the house, they didn’t realize the baby had fallen in the swimming pool and drowned.  We just couldn’t see ourselves moving back.

Like I mentioned before, some in the Air Force thought that my station was part of Vandenberg.  One day a semi truck and trailer along with a caravan of cars came driving on to the station.  I stopped them and they told me that the Vandenberg Public Relations Office had given them permission to film on  Point Arguello.  I explained that they couldn’t give permission, that this was a Coast Guard Station separate from Vandenberg.  Talking to them a little more, it turned out they were with Ford Motor Company and they wanted to use the Lighthouse for pictures of their new Ford Escort.  The Escort was going to be introduced the next year.  They had three or four prototypes with them.  I went ahead and let them.  They would unload the proto types, which were on VW frames, to take pictures.  Then they would load them up and drive them to Los Angeles where they would be given a new paint job and brought back.  The film crew was there for about a week.  One day, when they were filming, whales were breeching just off the point.  The professional film crew got so excited  not one of them had thought to take pictures.  I later made sure the Air Force was aware that they had no control or say about my station.

The 1air Police once tried coming on to the station to find one of the guys who had illegally parked his car on the Air Force Base.  One of the officers who I referred to as Wyatt Earp tried ordering me around with his hand on his gun.  I told him to get his Sargent of The Guard down there.  When the Sargent got to the station, I pointed to the Air Policeman and told him I want that man off my station and that he was never to set foot on it again.  I cleared up the problem with the parked car and they left.  One time I was driving across Vandenberg with Joe Devriend, his wife, Beverly and Joyce.  I was stopped by the Air Police because  they said I had made a California Stop.  We all agreed I hadn’t.  The next day Joe and I were on Base picking up the mail.  As we came to an intersection we saw an Air Policeman sitting near.  Joe got out, went to the middle of the intersection and directed me through.  Then he got back in the pickup.  There was a law on the books stating  that when a horseless carriage came to an intersection, the passenger was to get out and direct traffic. The looks we got were priceless.

About two miles south of Point Arguello was the old, abandoned, Point Arguello Lifeboat Station.  Although we had no responsibility for the station, it was an interesting place to visit.  The barracks and office were still there as well as the boathouse docks and breakwater.  Vandenberg had plans to bring recovered rockets back through the old station.  We did have responsibility for maintaining Point Conception Lighthouse.  Most of the buildings that had been associated with the station had been torn down.  The Lighthouse remained with a First Order Frenzel Lens, one hundred and eighty two steps down from the top of the cliff.  One of the crews quarters housed the games keeper for Jalama Ranch.  Most of the old garage and an abandoned, concrete house remained on a bluff east of the light.  We cleaned up the concrete house, boarded up the access to the upstairs portion and used the house as a getaway.  In fact, Joyce and I spent a couple of nights there.  Two other couples had spent a weekend there and swore there was a ghost in the house.  While the guys were over at the game keepers house watching TV the wives decided to try to get up stairs.  As they were trying to pull the plywood down, someone told them they shouldn’t be doing that.  They kept on trying and someone yelled, “Don’t do That”.  They found their husbands and asked why they had yelled.  The husbands denied it.  Later, when one of the wives was climbing into her sleeping bag she thanked her husband for getting it warm.  He told her he hadn’t touched it.  Also a radio they had on a window sill started playing.  Nothing like that happened to Joyce and me.  Later a movie company came to Point Conception to make part of the movie, “A Brave New World.”  Until it wore out, I had an Indian Blanket that had been in the movie.  We may still have a couple of rags from the blanket.

One thing I did while at Point Arguello was act as a public relations person.  Even in uniform, when the guys were on base they were asked for ID at the Commissary and Exchange.  Normally, in uniform, you weren’t asked.  I ordered a bunch of hats with, “USCG PT ARGUELLO” on them.  I placed magnetic signs on our vehicles with U.S. Coast Guard Loran Station Point Arguello.  I even tried coveralls with Pt Arguello patches.  The District Office didn’t approve of them.  A lot of the local fishermen, military and civilians from Lompoc knew about the station but not many others.  We were invited to a Masons dinner one time to give a talk about Point Arguello to the wives while the men had their meeting.  It turned into a question and answer session.  One of the ladies there had been the Post Master (she emphasized Master not Mistress) of the Post Office at Arlight.  It had been a little community that had grown up around Point Arguello.  It still has a zip code on file.

While we lived there Joyce and I went on a Marriage Encounter with a group from Vandenberg and Lompoc.  That got us pretty involved in both of the communities.  We were very involved with the Catholic Community in the base Chapel, where I was baptized and became Catholic during Easter services.  Between Marriage Encounter and the church community, we liked to play jokes on one another.  Joyce and I were downtown one time when the kids called.  The Air Police were at our house because someone had Tee Peed the trees in our front yard.  Talking to the Air Policeman he mentioned a lot of that was going on around base.  In fact, it had happened to his First Sargent’s house the week before.  I told him that I knew about it because we had done it and most likely it was his boss that had done ours.  I Guess they left, shaking their heads.

We traded in the motorhome and Joyce’s station wagon for a Plymouth Volare, thinking we would reduce our monthly gas bill.  It didn’t work out that way.  The car was small and very crowded with the whole family. So Joyce and I took the Volare down to Oxnard and found a  large Chevrolet Van.  We were at a fair one time and as we were leaving we noticed a bunch of our friends decorating a Van that looked just like ours.  We honked and waved as we pulled out of the parking lot.  Chris got her drivers license and we found a Vega station wagon for $500.  One day she called the station from Lompoc.  She had been the middle car in a rear end fender bender.  When I and my exec got there she was standing around with friends who had been in the car with her.  I made sure that she and all her friends were ok.  After the police investigated the accident, I made Chris drive everyone home while I sat in the passenger seat.  If I remember right we got $500 from the insurance company for damages and we never got the car repaired.  To me those four years were fun years.

We got word that the Coast Guard was going to decommission Point Arguello and make it an unmanned light.  I Figured it was a good time to go ahead and retire.  I still had a year left for having accepted Senior Chief.  When I called the detailer at Headquarters I learned he was going to send me to Long Beach where there was already a Chief.  I had talked to the Captain in charge of overseeing the building of the new 270 foot ships in Seattle and they could use me there, but the detailer did not agree.  I finally offered to let them take me back down to Chief in order to retire early.  He recommended I write and ask for a waiver which was granted.  Joyce flew up to Spokane to find a house and I started arranging for packers and movers.  When she got back we were ready to leave.  We packed up the Van and hitched up the Toyota and headed to Spokane and Nine Mile Falls.

In Spokane. while we waited for our household goods to arrive we stayed in the home of a friend of Joe’s.  Joe was a priest at St. Thomas Moore church in Spokane.  The church had a hilly parking lot.  It had snowed so I took Chris out in the Toyota and we drove around in the snow, climbing the hill, spinning around, everything I could think of to get her used to driving in the snow.  The one piece of advice I gave her was to feel the car through the seat of her pants.  It would tell her what to do.  She later proved it by driving home up Big Sandy going around a bunch of other cars stuck in the snow.  When our household goods arrived,  we moved into the house on Greenfield in Nine Mile.  I flew back to Point Arguello for the Decommissioning.

I arrived at Point Arguello the night before the decommissioning.  Joe Devriend, my Executive Petty Officer, and the crew had everything ready.  We were expecting quite a crowd.  The Admiral, Commander Eleventh Coast Guard District, and his staff were arriving by helicopter.  VAFB Base Commander was attending as well as a number of friends we had made over the years.  One I was particularly happy to see attend was the former Postmaster of Arlight.  The Admiral was impressed with the turn out. He had been to decommissioning of the two other Loran Stations in his District and they hadn’t had the turn out nor were they as prepared as Point Arguello.  He gave a speech about the history of the station.  I also gave a speech, including some of the history, some of the accomplishments of the station over the past four years, and explaining the closeness of the crew with each other as well as with the Air Force Base and Lompoc.  Then the crew, as Honor Guard, lowered the American Ensign and Coast Guard Ensign that was flying that day.  They folded and brought the flags to me and I presented them to the Admiral.  He did something he hadn’t done for the other stations – he presented the American Flag to me.  We broke for a reception that was held in what had been my quarters.  The Admiral and his staff left taking the guest book and the station copies of our scrapbook with them.  After the decommissioning, all the crew had orders to report to new assignments so they quickly departed.  I have to say we left quite a mess and the Air Force didn’t appreciate it when they took over.  I packed all I wanted in the Vega and reported to the Coast Guard station in Oxnard, where I stayed until my retirement in April, 1980.

Middle and High School

I attended middle school, or Junior High as we called it back then, at Orville Wright Jr. High in Westchester, CA. It included 7, 8, and 9th grades. High school was 10,11,12.

Things I remember: Paper drives. We all would collect newspapers, bundle and tie them and then bring them to school. They would all be stacked on the blacktop according to grade level. It was a contest to see which grade brought in the most papers. I believe it was a fund raiser for the school, as the papers were sold to someone?! It was always an exciting time at school to see all those paper stacks.

I started playing the clarinet in 7th grade. I loved it! I played till 10th grade and then became more interested in boys, so gave it up. 🙁 After my first year, my dad bought me a clarinet so I didn’t have to rent one.

In Jr. High, PE became a real class with a grade! I loved PE and always got A’s. However, one year, it might have been 8th grade, I chipped the bone in my right hand little finger playing basketball, AT SCHOOL! The doctor said I couldn’t participate in PE for about 4 weeks. My teacher was young and new to the school; Ms. Stone. Ugh. Everyone called her “stone face” and no one liked her very much. Well, when grades came around she gave me a D! I was shocked! She said it was because I wasn’t participating in PE. Hello, I had a splint on my hand and a doctors note! And, I still showed up everyday and helped in the PE office. I ended up talking to my favorite PE teacher, Ms. Brown. She was shocked too, that Ms. Stone had given me a D. I know Ms. Brown talked with Ms. Stone, but I don’t remember if my grade was changed. It wasn’t a final grade, so there was that.

Occasionally, we had Sports Nights. It was Friday nights from 7 to 10 pm. Kids could play basketball, and other activities, and there was also music and dancing. Our favorite dance? The twist! When I was 13 the Beatles song “I Want to Hold Your Hand” came out and I loved it! I remember watching them on the Ed Sullivan Show and being so excited! I also went to their concert at Dodger Stadium when I was 16.

Another sobering event happened when I was 13. President Kennedy was assassinated. I was at school and we were all called back to our Home Rooms and they told us what happened. Very sad.




Jr. High is where I met my best friend Nancy Blankman.  We met in PE class as the “squads” lined up alphabetically; Biggs, Blankman.  We were best friends all through Jr. High, High School, college, and still to this day! Another good friend was Beryl Kahel.  She moved in just around the corner from my house when we were in Jr. High.  We stayed close friends through college and after, but as adults, lost contact.

When I was 13, I had a crush on the boy next door; Joe Caruso.  He was 16.  We liked each other and hung out a lot and, of course, played games out in the street.  Nothing ever became of the “crush.”

My first boyfriend was John Armstrong.  He came into the Broadway department store, where my mom worked, to buy paint.  He was 20 years old, and painted homes to support himself.  His parents had both died and he had a sister, but was living on his own.  Anyway, my mother asked him to come and paint our kitchen. One day he brought a friend, Ed Mandel, with him to help paint.  Ed was 16 years old.  I would talk to them after I got home from school and really liked John. He was funny and cute!  Well, Ed asked me out on a date and I said yes.  It was my first date!  I was 15.  John drove us as Ed did not have a car.  We went to a carnival in Long Beach.  When we got there, John asked me who I wanted to be with; him or Ed. (I guess he could tell I liked him!) As I look back now, I know it was mean, but I said I wanted to be with John.  So I spent the date with John and on the way home, Ed drove.  John kissed me.  It was my first kiss! We dated for about 2 years. In January 1968 John was killed in a car accident.  My first funeral.  I was very sad and the funeral and beyond was very hard for me.

Fashion. Bellbottoms and crop tops!  Also mini skirts! The skirts had to hit right above the knee.  Girls had to wear skirts/dresses from kindergarten thru 12th grade.  I hated it!

My dad taught me to drive.  He took me over to Loyola University (later Loyola-Marymount) because it had a long driveway/entrance.  I could drive straight and not have to turn.  The car was a stick shift on the steering wheel column. My dad also helped me buy my first car; a red Volkswagen.  I loved that car! I also got in my first accident in that car.  I was driving and looked behind me to talk to my friends in the back seat, and rear-ended the car in front of me.  No one was hurt, except my car.  But it was repaired.

In the summer my friends and I would go to Manhattan, Redondo or Hermosa beach to sunbathe and swim.  That only happened if someone had a car to drive.  Sometimes I would take the bus to Nancy’s house in Playa del Rey and then we would walk to the beach from her house.  Good times.

We were all becoming boy crazy and often went to Loyola University “mixers” (dances).  Since Loyola was still an all boys school, there were no girls to compete with! 🙂 After meeting some boys, we got invited to their fraternity house in Hermosa Beach.  So, many weekends that is where you could find us!

I did lots of babysitting and other odd jobs to earn money. That helped pay for gas for the car.  Before I had my VW I used my mom’s car, if she had one.  Often times she didn’t because it wasn’t working and Jerry would come over to work on it.  My mom would take the bus to work.

I graduated high school in January 1968. One month before my 18th birthday!


My Coast Guard Career

Just a little trivia. Popeye originally was in the Coast Guard. He didn’t transfer to the Navy until 1941.

When we got to Port Angeles, we temporarily moved in with Mom and Dad. I found a job at a local Texaco Station. Later I had a call from the Shell representative asking if I would be interested in taking over a Shell station in Forks, but turned him down. We found a cute little house on the corner of 8th and Race and moved in. Mom bought us a Chihuahua we name Pedro Poncho Gonzalez Charlie Brown Towne, Pete for short. We also found a cat we named Gladys. I got a job at Rainer Pulp Mill and Joyce found one at a local Nursing Home close to where we lived. One problem we had was if we mentioned to Mom we were thinking of buying something, we usually got a call from Mom to come over and there it would be. I know she meant well and was trying to help us but it was kind of frustrating. We stopped talking about anything in front of her. I wasn’t happy working at Rainer because I ran into a lot of dangerous situations and it didn’t seem like it would lead to anything in the future. Port Angeles didn’t seem like home anymore.

We had friends that we hung out with. One time, late in 1962, we were at a party with a Coast Guard Telephone Technician. There had been a typhoon go through and he was there replacing telephone wires. While we were talking he was telling me about Electronics Technicians in the Coast Guard and all the extra money, pro pay and the re-enlistment bonuses. Joyce and I talked about it for a while and I called the Recruiting office. They told me that if I was really interested to come to Tacoma. We went over on February 4th, 1963. I told them I was interested in Electronic Technician. They gave me the entrance exam and scored 98%, qualifying me for any position I wanted. I signed up for Electronics Technician. I would have to go to Alameda, California, where they had a training company for prior service. I think they flew me out the next day.

I arrived at the Alameda, California Recruit Training Base, expecting to be assigned to a Prior Service Company, but they had just discontinued it and I was assigned to a regular Recruit Company, Mike 39.  They informed me that I would be there for six of the eleven weeks of normal Boot Camp.  The Company Commander was a First Class Boatswains Mate. After he gave me fifty ups for rolling my eyes, he informed use he hated two things; Air Force and Electronic Technicians.  OOPS!  I was the only one in the Company that had a rank insignia, Seaman.  I ended up doing everything a new recruit does – getting the haircut, doing daily exercises, marching in formation.  At the end of five weeks we were given a mid term where we had to do ten pull ups, fifty sit ups, fifty push ups.  The next week I was ordered to form up in the morning with the class that would be graduating at the end of the week, Mike 34.

We had fire fighting training one day at an old Army Base, where we had to learn how to work together to put out an old building on fire.  Then we had the final, where every thing doubled on the test and I passed.  By the time I received my orders, I had lost two inches around my waist and my uniforms were loose.  I think I was in the best shape of my life.  I was given a couple weeks leave and orders to the twenty eight week Electronics School in Groton, Connecticut.  First I flew home, meeting Joyce in Spokane and then on to Port Angeles.  It was a  short trip but we made the most of it.  It bothered me that I was leaving her for an extended period.  She would be staying with my parents.  She was pregnant and it would be a while before I would be able to see my child.  Chris would be six months old before I got to formally meet her.

The Coast Guard Training Center in Groton was a beautiful base that had once belonged to an old sea captain.  It was near New London and the Navy Submarine Base.  It was pretty impressive seeing them leave the river and enter the ocean, just off our base.  The large, stone, mansion that housed the Base Commander and his family was right across the quadrangle from our room.  I had three roommates going to the same class.  We were a pretty close group and all chipped in to buy a savings bond when Chris was born.  Electronics School was twenty eight grueling weeks, eight hours a day, learning to install,  trouble shoot, tune and maintain a variety of electronic equipment.  We had an exciting break one night.  The Mansion had a Chapel connected to it and it caught fire.  The guys woke me up to see but I went back to bed.  I suspected we would be cleaning things up the next day, and we did.  We shoveled trash into a dump truck and rode with it to the dump,  where I was burned on the ear from flying embers. That was the only time I was burned from a fire while in the Coast Guard.  In the end I graduated as a Third Class Electronics Technician. My orders were to the U.S. Coast Guard Base, Group Office, at the foot of Mount Elliot, on the Detroit River, Detroit Michigan.  Having a couple weeks leave plus travel time, I flew home to Joyce and to meet my daughter.

Getting ready to drive east we decided the MG was not big enough for a growing family and to pull a trailer across the country.  We went down to the local Nash dealer and traded the MG in on a two tone Pink/Mauve Rambler station wagon.  Got a deal on a small U-Haul trailer because it was going back to Detroit.  Loaded all we had and headed East.  We arrived in Detroit late in the evening and pulled off the freeway onto Mount Elliot, turned right and headed to the Coast Guard Station at the foot of Mount Elliot.  It was really dark.  We were hungry and tired but thought it best to just go straight on to the base.  We had pulled off in an area of Detroit that didn’t appear too friendly at the time.  The watch and the Officer of the Day suggested going back out Mount Elliot to Warren, a suburb of Detroit, where we would find restaurants and a motel to stay in.  They told us, when driving on Mount Elliot, to keep our doors locked.  We unhitched the trailer and left it at the base and headed to Warren.  The next day we started looking for a place to rent and found a trailer park with a trailer available.  Drove back to the base, got the trailer, and we moved in.  After settling in, I reported in to the base and the Group Electronic Shop.  It was our first experience of becoming a part of a base family.  I joined a car pool with a couple of the guys that lived out near us.

When I wasn’t working on the base, I was traveling all over the area.  Belle Isle Station was on Belle Isle, just across the river from the base.  We covered all the stations in Group Detroit.   Joyce, Chris, and I spent our first Thanksgiving and Christmas in the trailer in Warren.  I remember we bought a bunch of bathtub toys for Chris that first Christmas.  We wrapped them in a really shiny paper.  She played with the wrapped toys until the paper came off and she had a new toy.  On Christmas eve we were invited to the parents house of one of the guys on the station and were included in their gift exchange.  We received a wrapped box of chocolates and really were made to feel like a part of their family.  We did a lot of socializing on my off time and Chris did a lot of traveling in her car seat and sleeping on someone’s bed with pillows stacked around her.  That spring we found a house, behind the 7/11 where we shopped.  It had been a farm house.  It wasn’t until we moved in we realized that as they added each room to the house, they wired everything in series.  In other words, if a light burned out, all the lights went off like a strand of old Christmas tree lights.  Then we had to go around changing light bulbs until we found the right one.  Before we could move in, we needed furniture.  There was a local store with “such a deal,” three rooms of furniture for $300.00.  We bought a bed, dresser, bedside tables, a kitchen table with four chairs, a couch (hardwood covered with material), a couple of easy chairs and two lamps (we still have the lamps around someplace).

I was up in the attic one day and found where they had wired the whole house.  There was a splice up there about the size of a football, a big fire hazard.  I talked the owner into letting me and an electrician friend from the station rewire the house.  It may not have been totally up to code, but it was a lot safer.  That same friend was a buying a new Pontiac Catalina Convertible, so we drove him and his wife down to the dealer to pick it.  While we were there the salesman brought a 1964 Pontiac Tempest 326 into the shop.  It was a pretty car, Marimba Red, two door, full bench front seat and four on the floor.  It had been a special order for a kid but he was drafted before he could take delivery.  The salesman offered to let us try it out but I said we were going to Harsens Island for dinner.  He said go ahead and take it.  What a car, I burned off the lot, holding the steering wheel for dear life.  It was quite a difference from our 59, straight 6, automatic Rambler.  I took it back the next day for carburetor problems it was having and they fixed it.  I was waiting for our Rambler and the salesman told us to take the Tempest for another day or two.  I returned the Tempest again and the salesman got pretty irate with me.  I said tuff, I wanted my Rambler.  He went out and a few minutes later the head salesman came back wanting to know if I could put any money down.  I just wanted my Rambler.  He was sorry, the Rambler had been sold and was in Florida.  Being half in shock, I said I could probably do $300.  Today, I would have said, “Thank you for my new car.”  We got back at the Pontiac dealer though.  One day I was having the Tempest serviced and the head salesman came out wanting to know if I had changed the engine in the Rambler.  I hadn’t.  Seems when they were checking registration in Florida, the title didn’t match.   It was for a sixty Rambler.  When I had bought ours there had been a 60 on the lot and I think the Port Angeles Dealer had mixed mine up with the other title.

The base had put together a softball team to play in a summer league on Belle Isle.  We were good, but couldn’t always field a full team and had to forfeit a lot and end up playing anyway.  We won almost every time.  It was that summer that I started a tradition of being a catcher.  We’ve had a lot of catchers in the family since then.

That fall, 1964, we got orders to the Coast Guard Cutter Woodbine, a buoy tender/ice breaker out of Grand Haven, Michigan.  Grand Haven turned out to be friendly little town in west Michigan and is Coast Guard City USA.  We found a house, I think it was on Sherman, on top of a hill just a few blocks from where the ship tied up at Escanaba Park.  It seemed like a giant house, two bedrooms on the second floor and downstairs a living room, sitting room, dining room, eat in kitchen and bath.  Our three rooms of furniture hardly made a dent.  We had all kinds of room for the three of us and Joyce found out she was  expecting our second.  The ship was like a big family.  It wasn’t uncommon on the weekends for an impromptu gathering to take place at someone’s house and end up a BBQ, potluck and baseball game at a local park.  Marylou (Midge) Tomborelo, the wife of a First Class Bosin mate, kind of adopted Joyce.  When it was time for Joyce to have the baby, it was Midge who took her to the hospital.  In those days the husband was not allowed in the delivery room, at least not in Grand Haven.  January 14, 1965 Timothy was born.  One time when I went to visit the nurse chased me from the room while Joyce breast fed him.

One of my duties, separate from maintaining the electronic equipment, was as oarsman on one of the lifeboats.  We were holding a drill one day and when we came in alongside the ship, the Captain ordered us to use the monkey lines hanging from the davits to board before the boat was raised.  I was never any good at climbing a rope and as I tried my muscles cramped and I had to slide back down.  Captain Fugaro climbed down the lines to encourage me but I couldn’t, the muscles would not cooperate.  He climbed back aboard, the boat was raised, and I was removed from the small boat crew.

August 4th is the anniversary of the Coast Guard and Grand Haven celebrated it with a festival and parade.  After marching in the parade the ship would have an open house and guided tours.  I was one of the crew assigned as a guide.  Joyce kept me supplied with crisp, white summer uniforms, about three a day, during the festival.  Escanaba Park was named after a the Coast Guard Cutter Escanaba that had been stationed in Grand Haven before it was lost during the second world war. All but two men on board went down in the North Atlantic. The park was on one of the main streets heading to the lake so we had to keep the Woodbine looking good for the tourists passing by.

We covered Lake Michigan from Chicago up to Green Bay Wisconsin.  When we were in Chicago, we normally moored up at Navy Pier.  I was working on a piece of equipment one day and flipped hot solder into me eye.  They took me to the VA hospital and removed the solder but I had to wear a patch for awhile.  Back on the ship, while I was standing on the buoy deck, a kid walked over and wanted to know why I had a patch on my eye.  I told him that we wanted to be a pirate ship, we needed a one eye man with a patch and that I lost so they poked my eye out.  Another time, we were escorting a ship through the ice in Green Bay, when it was announced, “Stand by for Collison! This is not a Drill!”.  I was down in the hold working and I remembered we were escorting a large tanker filled with fuel.  When he hit our stern, I was standing on the mess deck holding on.  We had hit a windrow, a very thick area of ice that had stacked up, and the ship behind had lost control and couldn’t reverse.  Luckily he glanced off our stern, denting and buckling some of the frames.  He got control and we finished taking him in to port.  Will always remember Green Bay Wisconsin, home of Schlitz Brewery, and our tour there once.  After the walking tour we got to go into their tap room for free beer.  I sent a lot of post cards while I was sitting, drinking beer.  People who received them could follow how many beers I seemed to be having.  The more beer, the less intelligible the cards.

We had a new Captain and one night, when I was on duty, a program we were watching was interrupted with news that a United 707 had crashed into Lake Michigan, close to Chicago.  After calling the Captain, we started a crew recall, expecting to get ordered to Chicago and the search.  We had enough crew on board and engines running and under way in fifteen minutes after we received the message to proceed to the area.  Early the next morning we arrived in the area of the crash but there was a thick fog so we hove to and stood bye, until the fog lifted.  We were in the middle of the  floating wreckage and the other search boats had to come to us.  For a week, we were designated On Scene Commanders of the search area, picking up debris and bodies.  Shortly after, the ship received a $1500 check from United Airlines for our recreation fund.

The Woodbine was almost lost one time as we were checking our buoys.  It was lunch time, we were having liver and onions, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans.  A beautiful day with a two foot sea, hardly rocking the ship.  I had just finished lunch and was standing against the inside bulkhead drinking a cup of coffee, looking out the porthole.  The OD got the ship in a troth and the ship began to roll, first to starboard and then to port.  When it rolled to starboard again, I watched as the portholes went completely under the water.  Then the ship snapped back and started a roll to port again but kept going.  The farther we rolled, the benches with men sitting on them and the tables came out of their holders on deck and were sliding at me.  Liver, onions, gravy, mashed potatoes and men came flying at me, around and in-between my legs.  Eventually the ship righted itself and the crew was able to get up, slipping and sliding out of the mess hall, to check the ship.  Luckily no one was injured.  We later found out that the Enginemen had started holding the engines on line manually as the roll indicator registered 49 degrees.  The ship was designed to have the bridge break away at 52 degrees.

In 1965 the Coast Guard formed Squadron One, a squadron of 82 footers, for Vietnam.  One of the ensigns on board received his orders for training in San Diego.  Joyce and I were concerned that I could be called up but a message came in one day from the District Office, “Request one married ET2 for two-year tour to Keflavik Iceland”.  I called Joyce and asked her if she wanted to go to Iceland.  Where’s Iceland?  She looked it up in the almanac and within 30 minutes of receiving the message our answer was returned to District and we got it.  Joyce found out she was pregnant with our third child who it seemed would be born in Iceland.  Our household goods got packed up for shipment and we loaded up the Pontiac and headed to Washington.  Joyce and the kids would be splitting their time between parents while I went to Loran School in Groton, leaving the car in New Jersey to be shipped.

It was a fun trip from Michigan to Washington.  Chris and Tim stood or sat in the back seat.  There wasn’t a law that kids had to be in car seats back then.  Tim liked to stand behind me and when he saw something he liked he would hit me on the back of the head and he would yell, “Tee, Tee, Tee!” as loud as he could.  One day we pulled off the freeway in North Dakota, looking for a place to eat.  It was a small farm town and we found a little café.  I parked across the street from the cafe and we went in.  The kids wanted chocolate milk.  We put our order in and the waitress came back to the table wondering how to make chocolate milk.  I asked her if she had chocolate to make milkshakes with and told her to mix that in with milk.  She really thought it was a good idea.  As we were eating I looked out the window.  Where I had parked there were no other cars on the block but a car pulled in front of the Pontiac drove up to the end of the block and backed into our car.  I went out and luckily there was no damage.  Later, as we were coming down off 4th of July Pass into Idaho, Joyce started having pains.  We came down off the pass pretty fast.  By the time we reached Coeur d’ Alene the pains had stopped so we went on into Spokane.  After getting everyone settled, I headed East.

The drive alone across the United States is not fun and I did it in three days.  Got stopped in Iowa for failure, or confusion, about dimming lights for on-coming cars.  Showed them my military ID, orders to Iceland, my Michigan registration and my Washington drivers license.  The  policemen suggested I stop and rest at the next rest stop and they wouldn’t arrest me.  I did.  My next stop was in Hershey, Pennsylvania, at my Uncle Gene’s.  He wasn’t there but his Ward was and I got to sleep on a bed.  Then on to Groton for six weeks of Loran C Receiver School.  One thing about having a car at Groton this time, I was able to do some sightseeing on weekends; Mystic Seaport, Cape Cod and some of the surrounding area.  While I was at school, I found out that Joyce and the kids would not be joining me in New York to fly to Iceland.  It seems the Coast Guard was closing their Office in Copenhagen and transferring the crew from there to Iceland.  A Lieutenant JG’s wife was expecting so they were getting the apartment reserved for us.  When school was over, I drove to New York to the Coast Guard Station Stanton Island.  I took the car to Bayonne, New Jersey to be ship to Iceland.  I flew Pan Am to Keflavik, Iceland and lived in the barracks for a few months.

I finally got word that our car had arrived in Reykjavik but had been damaged. When off loading they had dragged straps over the top scratching it.  After it was repair I went to Reykjavik to pick it up.  Between there and Keflavik was thirty miles of paved road.  I opened it up to blow out the carbon.  I eventually put some hot plugs in because the only gas sold off base was 82 octane.  One of the guys I was stationed with was friends with a rock band, The Icelandic Beetles.  When we were visiting them in town one time, one of the band members really wanted to buy my 326 and offered me $8000, which I couldn’t take because of Icelandic Import Laws.   I had found an apartment in downtown Keflavik and wanted to have some supplies for my family arriving soon.  I had gone to the commissary and planned to take the groceries off the base with the family.  While at the station, I was asked to pick up someone at the Reykjavik airport.  Forgetting I had the groceries in the back seat of the car, as I passed through the gate, the Icelandic guard stopped me and confiscated the groceries and gave me a ticket.  Luckily he didn’t find the bottle of booze I had stashed.  I stopped at the apartment, 30 Suddergata if memory serves me, and called Lieutent Harrison, our Commanding Officer, and told him what had happened.  When I got back to the base, he had it all settled.  I would pay a ten Kroner ($10) fine and lose the groceries.

It was five months before I got to meet my daughter, Kelly.  They arrived Thanksgiving 1966.  After picking them up we went to the apartment and everyone got some rest. We were invited back to base to have Thanksgiving dinner. After a few days in the apartment, there was a knock on the door.  When I answered there was a little girl, about Chris’s age, standing there.  She looked up at me and said very slowly, “Will – You – Play – With – Me”.  “Chris!!”  Before long she was just one of the kids on the block, speaking Icelandic.  The Icelandic people were very friendly if you showed a genuine interest in their country.  They were not friendly if you played the role of “The Ugly American”.  One day when Joyce went to the bakery we used, she walked in and saw the girl behind the counter was making it difficult for a very obnoxious woman to place her order.  The girl just couldn’t understand.  The woman finally got frustrated, purchased something and left.  The girl then turned to Joyce and greeted her with a pleasant, “How are you today?”  The Icelandic learn a number of languages in school because they deal with many countries.  Almost all their supplies are imported.  My Mom and Dad told me that Iceland was where they had their name legally changed to Towne (with “e”).  Guess they had added the “e” sometime without making it legal and they figured it would be less confusing in the future in case anything came up.  My birth certificate already had the “e” on Towne.

For about six months we lived off base while they were building officer’s housing.  About the time we were to move on base, we found out that Chris had a medical problem that required she be flown to Germany.  They scheduled her and Joyce to fly out on one of the weekly MAC flights.  And it was arranged that I and the other kids would escort them.  When I went to check in I heard one of the Navy guys at check in telling someone on the phone that he could bump three people off the flight and get them on.  We were the three.  When I checked in he informed me of the bump and said if I didn’t like it to take it to the base commander.  I contacted my commanding Officer, who went to the Navy Base Commander.  We were put back on the flight.  When flying on a military plane back then the seats faced the back of the plane.  As we were landing in Germany I mentioned to Joyce that there seemed to be something wrong.  Three weeks later we were on the same plane to fly back to Iceland and I asked one of the crew.  It seems there had been an engine on fire when we were landing.  While we were gone the station crew moved our stuff from downtown.   Finally we moved into our apartment on base.  And when you move into a new house, you have to have a house warming party.  I was just getting over the mumps when we were planning to have ours, so Joyce went to the base liquor store for supplies.  When she went to pay, she had more than our monthly allotment of six hundred ounces.  The Commanding Officer had to be called and  he surprised them by sending someone over to help Joyce load the car.  It was a good party.  All the parties were good and fun during our stay.

One day our Warrant Officer, another ET and I were sent to Reykjavik to trouble shoot a Loran Receiver on a French Naval Ship.  As I was driving toward the main gate I saw a guy approaching an intersection just ahead of us.  At the time Iceland was right hand drive.  He was going pretty fast and for some reason I suspected he was not going to stop and  was going to turn into our lane.  He did.  I swerved the International Carryall I was driving to the right.  Looking down I saw his VW heading toward our back wheel.  I cranked the wheel left, and down shifted.  The truck went up on its right front wheel and the VW passed below us.  I cranked the wheel right and landed on all for wheels, in my lane and facing the same way I had been going.  I stopped and the Warrant Officer went over to the Navy Petty officer and told him to report to his commanding officer and that he would be making a report of the incident.  We then proceeded on into Reykjavik.  On the French ship we began to check for problems.  We knew their receiver was ok, we had had it at the station for a few days.  It took us about an hour to find they had a bad cable, fix it and depart.  As we were leaving we passed our Commanding Officer and his wife heading to the ship for lunch and gave him a thumps up.  Later my Warrant Officer called me to his office and asked how I missed that accident that morning.  I told him that I had an out of body experience, standing on the corner watching it happen, and I told him the maneuvers I had taken.  He didn’t say much about the out of body but figured the maneuvers were good.

We spent two and a half years in Iceland.  It was a great experience and I would gladly return.  But it was time to leave.  I had been promoted to First Class and reenlisted, getting a really great bonus that would  be payed annually for the next four years.  We landed back in Seattle and with our bonus in hand Pop, Joyce and I went car shopping and found another family car, a used Mercury station wagon.  Loading everyone in the car we headed to Port Angeles and my new station, the Group Electronics Shop, on the Coast Guard Air Station.  We found a house close to Lincoln school.  It was the school where I had attended 4th grade. With what was left of that years bonus we bought some new furniture. The three rooms we had bought in Detroit just wouldn’t do now.  We even bought a used boat that needed some minor repair.  For me, being at the Port Angeles Air Station was one of the best family times we had while I was in the Coast Guard.  There were no extended travel times so I was home pretty much every night.  Along with the boat, we bought camping equipment.  It wasn’t uncommon for us to load everything in the boat and tow it to some park and spend the weekend boating and camping.  There were a couple of stations I serviced, especially Port Townsend, where I could take the whole family and stay in one of their empty family units.  For a work car, I got my 49 Hudson back.  Getting a bug in my bonnet one day, I made it into a pick up, cutting the top off from behind the front seat all the way back.  Guess it was kind of a Towne thing.  Pop and I once cut twenty two inches out of the body and frame of a 42 Hudson he had.

We bought our first house in Port Angeles, 423 South Cedar.  It was a little bungalow style built around 1920 for someone’s Mother-in-Law.  The man that had owned it before was an elderly widower who didn’t really take care of, repair or clean the house.  Before we moved in we had to clean at least a quarter inch of grease from the inside of the kitchen cabinets.  After we were done, it was a house that everyone liked to come to for visits and parties.  It had a huge fireplace in the living room, big enough to put the whole Christmas tree in to it.  After I had set the tree on fire, our next door neighbor came running over to tell us we had a ten foot flame shooting  out the chimney.  One of my fondest memories was when we  would go to Dairy Queen for ice cream cones.  Chris, Tim and Kelly would play a game on the way home to see who could make their ice cream cone last the longest.  I made a rule that if there was ice cream when we got home, I got to eat it.  I did it one time and from then on as we pulled up to the house, the last bites went into their mouths.  It was great fun. Shortly after moving in, I was transferred to the Coast Guard Cutter Winona that was home ported at the Air Station.  Joyce became kind of a house mother when the ship was out.  A lot of the younger wives would bring their sleeping bags over and camp out in our living room while the husbands were out on the ship.

I made Chief while on the Winona.  It is a big thing, with an initiation and party.  It so happened that I was the only one that made Chief between the Air Station and the Ship this particular time.  It was quite a blow out and since I had to drink when ordered by other Chiefs, I got pretty smashed.  It was great fun for them to pour beer over my head if I didn’t answer a question right.  The bad part was, no one saw me leave the party to go home.  I remember I had to stop every now and then driving down the spit and allow myself to focus the road back to one lane.  I made it through the Pulp Mill and up the hill to home.  When I got there, I smelled so bad Joyce made me take my uniform off outside the back porch before letting me in.

One day another Chief Electronics Technician showed up to the ship.  He had been stationed in Rhodes, Greece. While his wife was home in the states she had been killed in a auto accident.  I was thinking that I might be taking his place in Rhodes, a station I had requested a number of times.  But my orders came in and they were for Loran Station Cape Christian on Baffin Island, Northwest Territory, Canada.  Joyce had just found out she was pregnant and here I was leaving, again, for a year.  It put quite a strain on our marriage.

November of 1971, I reported to the First District Office in Boston.  They were  so concerned about what they were hearing about the officer commanding the station that they made arrangements to send me up quick.  Also, the aids to navigation Captain wanted to know what other problems faced the station.  They usually sent personnel up through Winnipeg, Canada to pick up arctic gear.  Instead, I flew out of Boston in a snow storm without artic gear.  I had forgotten my overcoat in Seattle and all I had was my winter uniform and a rain coat.  As we were making our approach into Montreal, I was looking out the left window and could see the glow of the runway lights way off to the left.  About that time, the pilot applied power and we raised back into the air.  The pilot came on the intercom and announced that ground control approach was going to have to realign.  So we circled a few minutes and then landed.  I checked in with the airline, Nordair, that would be flying to the city Frobisher on Baffin Island.  Since I had excess luggage I had to pay, then find a hotel, due to the snow storm.  Next day we landed in Frobisher but weather was too bad to go on.  So I stayed in a hotel in Frobisher.  The next day weather was still bad.  I was pretty low on funds so I put on long my underwear and a fur hat I had picked up when we were in Iceland.  I transferred my hat emblem from my Coast Guard hat to the fur hat.  Then I stayed at the terminal to wait.  Periodically, the Royal Canadian Mounty would stop in and check me out and finally inquired as to why I was there.  Next day we were delayed again so I was going to try to  use my gas card to get cash since ATM’s weren’t around yet.  Finally, Nordair put me up in their facility until weather broke and we could fly out.  We puddle jumped up Baffin Island in a Twin Otter that was not sealed very well so not the warmest plane.  We first landed at Clyde, a little town near Cape Christian.  There was a Mounty there from Cape Christian who saw me and asked if that was all I was wearing.  I assured him that they were flying me directly to the station.  It was going to be an interesting year.

I checked in with the CO and was up front with him about the concern at the District Office.  I did make a few changes that weren’t popular,  but I could cook and since they didn’t have a cook there at the time I sometimes filled in.  Cape Christian turned out to be an interesting year.  One of the first things we tried to order were a couple of snowmobiles.  District turned us down because they thought we would go out and get lost in the tundra.  Almost everyone on the station learned to run our D6 Caterpillars.  You needed something to do so you could get away by yourself and with the D6 you could slam into and level snow drifts on the landing strip.  We had one man scare us by threatening to commit suicide with our station shot gun.  I think he was faking but you can’t take a chance.  Another cut off the fingers of his right hand on the station table saw when he was trying to make his going home box.  Both took some arranging but we got them flown back to Boston.  We would get in new movies every time a resupply plane came in, as well as fresh eggs and bread and other commissary supplies.  We basically ran an open house for visitors, Canadian and Eskimo from Clyde.  The Eskimos always stocked up drinking our cool aid so if they had a carburetor freeze up on the way home, they could defrost it by peeing on it.

With the Canadians we shared fresh eggs and bread.  We got a lot almost every week and their supply came in about once a year.  The station had a beer supply and honor refrigerator where we purchased beer on our off times.  The Canadians weren’t allowed to buy beer directly.  They could buy some through one of the guys on the station but couldn’t leave the station with it.  We had a lot of parties with and without guests from Clyde.  There was an annual Christmas Party for the Eskimo families and kids.  The District would send up a lot of toys for Santa to give away and we would serve a ton of sandwiches,  potato chips and pop.  The Eskimo brought large boxes and when they took their coats off would put them in their box.  Smart idea but when the food was put out, the coats came out of the boxes and food went in to take home for later.  In the spring we were able to get outside more.  On 9 January, a telegraph message was forwarded to me through the District Office, “Jan 8, received via Western Union. Quote, Arrived 730, Mom fine Love Mike, Unquote.”  I looked at it and asked, “Who the hell is Mike?”  The guys standing in the radio room laughed and told me it was my son.  On my birthday, July 26, I left the window open in my room and the next morning had about a half inch of snow on the floor when I woke up.

As the year was coming to an end, I found out we were going to be stationed at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington DC.  I wrote Joyce to tell her and told her I thought she should buy a new car with air conditioning because of the humidity there.  I placed the letter in the mail bag for the next plane out.  When I got my mail from that plane, there was a letter from Joyce telling me about the car she had just bought, a new 1972 Mercury Colony Park station wagon.  It had all the bells and whistles, we would be driving to DC in style.  In October 1972, I flew out of Clyde.  As I was walking through the terminal in Montreal I noticed a beautiful lady sitting there.  As I got closer I realized it was my wife, Joyce.  We got to spend a couple of days in Montreal and then flew to Boston.  I checked in at the District Office and made my report to the head of Aids to Navigation as he wanted, blaming a lot of the problems on the District Office.  Joyce and I spent a couple of days in Boston then flew to Washington DC to look for a house.

I did a quick stop by the Loran Office I would be working at to get some ideas of where we should look.  The next day we saw a real estate agent in Woodbridge Virginia and she started showing us some houses.  For October it was un-seasonably warm and really hot to me, coming from the Artic.  She refused to turn on her air conditioner because it was October.  We found a house to rent and made arrangements with a friend, Marylou Dills, whose husband I had been stationed with on the Winona, to supervise the unloading of our household goods when they arrived.  Having 60+ days leave, we flew home to Washington.

We landed in Seattle where I was finally able to meet Mike, face to face, after nine months.  We picked up the other kids and headed to Port Angeles.  It was kind of a whirlwind period.  When you’ve been away a year, it takes time to integrate back into a family.  Then there was the house to sell, packers to arrange and moving trucks to get loaded.  When December arrived we were ready and headed over to Seattle to say good bye to our parents.  At Joyce’s Mom and Dad’s, Mike came down with pneumonia.  We spent a few days there until the Doctor said it was ok for Mike to travel and we were on our way.  We arrived in Woodbridge, Virginia, on Christmas Eve.  The house had boxes everywhere and that is pretty much where they stayed.   We found a Chinese restaurant and had dinner.  When we got back to the house we found some of the Christmas decorations and some of the presents and had our first Christmas in Woodbridge.  The next day we joined Marylou and her family for Christmas Dinner and then went home and started the process of settling in.  As a family, we visited a lot of the tourist sights in and around Washington DC.  We didn’t get to a lot of places because of how expensive it was to live in the DC area.  The Smithsonian was one our favorites.  When we had visitors we usually always hit the museum of flight and then some we hadn’t seen before.  I remember one time, when it was raining, there was a river running down the street by our house.  The kids went out and water sledded down the gutter.

After the New Year, I signed in to Headquarters and started working.  When I had visited in October, I had a beard.  I had actually grown it shortly after I made Chief.  The Commanding Officer of my office was expecting me to come back clean shaven.  I didn’t.  The Navy Times had just run a cartoon of a Captain and his Bos’n on the deck of a sailing ship.  The Bos’n was holding the arm of a sailor with half his beard shaved off.  The caption read, “Good job Bos’n, if you let one do it, they all will.”  I posted it on our information board and no one ever mentioned my beard again.  I was called up to the Captain of Aids to Navigation Office about my recommendation for new communication equipment for Cape Christian. They were hesitent to spend money for new equipment because the station would be closing soon.  I pointed out the accidents that required emergency communication.  They approved and sent new equipment.  I had an opportunity to talk to the Commanding Officer that was in charge when I left.  He told me he didn’t know what I had said to the District Office in Boston, but they were getting planes in almost every day for a couple of weeks with supplies that had been on order for years.

Because parking was a premium in DC we were required to car pool.  I joined one that was made up of three officers who enjoyed leaving early to have a late lunch and cocktails at the Officers Club.  We always ran late heading home, an interesting drive.  Luckily, we never had an accident.  It was the fifth year after the founding of the Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers Association and the National Headquarters was in DC.  I became the National Special Projects Officer.  One of my jobs became looking for office space we could rent.  While waiting to move in, I drew and painted a three foot copy of the CPOA patch that would hang there.   I also participated in the fifth Annual CPOA conference.  The Washington DC Chapter held a lunch for some of the Admirals.  I and another Chief escorted a couple to the lunch in our Mercury.  Listening to them in the back seat I almost laughed, they were discussing how it was a Chief could afford a car like that.

I was encouraged to test for a two year advanced training school.  I passed and chose DeVry Institute in Phoenix Arizona.  May of 1974 we packed up everything and were ready to head West.  Because we didn’t know what we were going to be running into or how long it would take to find a house, we flew Chris, Tim and Kelly out to Washington State to my folks house.  Joyce, Mike and I headed West, towing the Vega I had bought while in the car pool.  We  actually headed Southwest, stopping and spending the night in New Orleans at a couple’s house we had been stationed with on the Winona.  I think it was somewhere in Texas I was getting pretty low on fuel and it was time to find a gas station or motel.  I pulled in to a little town late at night and happened to see a policeman.  I stopped and asked him if there was a gas station or, if not, a motel.  He sent me to a station that was closed but said to knock on the door and tell them he had sent us.  We did and we got our tank filled.  I doubt you could do that today.  When we arrived in Phoenix we decided to stay at a KOA camp ground and live out of the back of our station wagon.  Our household goods were scheduled to arrive any day and we figured we would be able to get our camping gear.

I had checked with the District Office in Long Beach to see if they had housing available since they had been arranging housing for the incoming students.  They didn’t have another house available so we started looking for one to rent.  There weren’t a lot of rental houses that would facilitate our family so we decided to buy.  We found one and needed some help with the down payment so I went to Coast Guard Assistance.  In the meantime, mom and dad arrived in the motorhome with the kids.  It was 115 degrees during the day and I wanted to get into our home.  There was a Captain in the District office that needed to approve loans and he didn’t want to approve one for us.  I called him one day and wanted to know why.  He thought we would be taking on too much.  I explained that we would actually be paying less buying than renting.  He persisted and said his officer in charge of arranging housing said there was housing available.  I told him he was being told what he wanted to hear, I had already checked.  But if, in fact, housing was available, I wanted a house by that afternoon since it was 115 degrees and I had four kids living out of a tent and the back of a station wagon.  Mom was standing close to me and couldn’t believe I was talking to a Captain like that.  We got the loan to purchase the house but we had to wait for closing.  After our second week in the camp ground, Mom and Dad thought it was too hot and left.  We packed up our gear and moved out to one of the local rivers and camped for a week, swimming and tubing a lot.  One more week to go before we could close we packed up everything.  We located a Motel, checked in, got our room, turned on the air conditioner and TV and vegged out for a week till we moved in to our home.

DeVry was going to be my station for two years.  When people found out I was in the Coast Guard and stationed in Phoenix, they always asked, “What’s the Coast Guard doing in Phoenix?”  My reply, “Well, the Coast Guard’s motto is Semper Paratus, Always Ready.  With California expected to fall off, we are going up and down the new proposed coast line, building new stations.”  Sometimes I would clarify that I was going to school and sometimes I would just walk away.  School was five days a week, eight to four, so I had a lot of time to be with the family.  We traded in the Mercury and Vega for a nineteen foot Travel Queen Motorhome and a Toyota Corolla.  I drove the Toyota to school which left Joyce driving the motorhome to work at the Highway Patrol business office.  Weekends were spent camping, fishing, swimming and touring all around Arizona.  We went up to Flagstaff in the winter to do some sledding.

I think one of our favorite trips was down in to the Grand Canyon.  Of course we picked the hardest trail to go down.  We all had backpacks and water canteens, even Mike with his pack carrying our lunch and some of his toys.  One of the canteens got knocked over the side and I was getting blisters on my feet.  I had to hold back because Mike was having a hard time.  Close to the bottom Chris and Mike took off and beat us down and I limped in the rest of the way.  We spent the first night in the bottom of the Canyon and the next day headed to Indian Gardens, about half way up.  On the way we were running out of water so I went ahead and found water and refilled the canteen.  I was pretty pooped and asked one of the day hikers going down if they could take the canteen to my wife and kids.  We met up at Indian Gardens and set up camp.  It was a beautiful spot.  At night the cactus on top looked like giants with the moon shining behind them.  The next day we lay on our sleeping bags and watched it rain on top, evaporating before it got  to us.  The next afternoon, we were sitting at our picnic table and this guy came over and sat down.  We didn’t say much, thinking it was a friend of the people next to us.  Turned out, he was from New Zealand and that was how he met people, by just being obnoxious.  He had an orange that he peeled and asked the kids if they would like some biscuits.  We explained they were cookies and they took some.  The next day we headed up.  Chris, Tim and Mike took off.  Joyce, Kelly and I took our time.  The other kids had gotten to the top and found some people we had met in Indian Gardens. They stored their packs and bought them some drinks.  As we were coming to the top, the kids placed a drink on the trail and encouraged Kelly to keep coming. “Come on Kelly,” and out of the crowd we heard, “Kelly, a grand name, may you be blessed with many children.”  What can I say.  We went to our room at the hotel where every one took showers and cleaned up before we went out for dinner.  At dinner we all chowed down: salad, steak, baked potato with all the trimmings, and apple pie alamode.  That evening, we all got sick.  You should never eat a lot of rich food after having been on a bland diet for a few days.  It was a great trip.

Heat was a big problem.  It was so hot during the summer, we usually had our air conditioner set at 80-85 degrees.  One week Joe, Joyce’s brother, and a friend of his, Mick, came to visit.  It was funny watching these two big guys, over six feet tall, come unwinding out of a VW Super Beetle. We didn’t have our pool yet but the neighbor next door told us we could use theirs.  Mick was sitting in the pool one day with a glass of wine and repeating, “I can’t believe they have their air conditioner set at 80 degrees.”

Before graduation, I found out we would be getting orders to Coast Guard Loran Station Point Arguello, California as Officer-in-Charge.  So one week we packed up the motorhome and drove over to check out the station.  To get to the station you have to drive through south Vandenberg Air Force Base.  Port Arguello was a very picturesque station, setting on a bluff looking out over the Pacific.  It had an unmanned light house on a hill above the fog horn on the point.  There were two duplexes, a garage and the Loran building.  My first feelings were I would be taking on a lot of trouble.  You could almost cut the tension with a knife.  We didn’t stay long.  Instead we headed for Disney Land and parked in their camp ground.  We got some really good tickets from one of Joyce’s cousins, Monica, who worked there.  After spending all day in the park, we decided to go out for dinner.  We were walking to the restaurant and Mike, three or four at the time, could hardly walk because he was tired, hungry and just plain in a bad mood.  All the way back to the camp ground, with his mouse ears on, he just kept singing, “M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E,  Mickey Mouse” over and over.

Into the Air Junior Birdman

When I arrived in Seattle I was met by an Air Force recruiter and taken to the Air Force facility where they did our physicals. If we passed we were given the Oath to Protect the Constitution. Then as a group, loaded on a bus and taken to SeaTac to fly to San Antonio, Texas. It was my first plane ride, on Braniff Airlines, “The Golden Banana”. I remember looking out the window of the plane and watching the wings flap up and down. Another bus ride and we get off on Lackland Air Force Base. There we were formed up in to Recruit Flights. All the time, a couple of guys who would be our flight leaders are yelling and getting in our faces. We were marched to our barracks and assigned a bunk and locker. Later we were marched to the chow hall and there had to side step through the chow line, still being yelled at and rushed to finish. Then back in formation to march back to the barracks, make our beds, and get assignments for guard duty that night. Finally, taps and lights out. For a while it was quiet, then I would hear sniffling and moans through out the night. The next morning, reveille, the flight commanders walking between bunks pulling covers off, yelling to get dressed and fall out for formation to be marched again to the chow hall and then to the barber shop. They buzz cut of all your hair. Then yelled more as we formed up again and marched to a warehouse to side step through a line to get our sea bag so we would have something to carry the uniforms issued. They ran out of long khaki pants, size thirty two, by the time I got to that portion of the line. But I did get khaki shorts, Bermuda socks and Bush Jackets and short sleeve shirts. Also fatigues, dress shoes and boroughs. Everything but my long pants. Formed up, we marched back to the barracks and told to get out of our civilian clothes and into uniform, fatigues and boroughs. All our civvies we packed into the bags we had brought to be sent home. We were then shown how to lay out our foot lockers and how to hang our dress uniforms on the rods next to our bunks.

After that things settled down into sort of a four-week summer camp. San Antonio in July is really hot, usually 95 degrees by ten or eleven in the morning. When it reached that, all outside activity was stopped. We would have had morning exercises and breakfast, then marched to classes or bused to the gun range. Marching and obstacle courses all took place before it reached 95 degrees. Then we would be marched inside for classes. We all had our assigned jobs; clean barracks or latrines, or guard duty, nothing very strenuous. We really had lots of breaks. It was where I was introduced to Dr. Pepper. I think it was the only pop machines we had on base.  Smoking a pipe was a little awkward so I started smoking cigarettes, Parliaments.  The first weekend we were allowed to go to the Airman’s Club.  I got my club card and bought my first beer, Red Star, a Texas brand.  It was a hot afternoon and after a few beers, maybe two or three, I started sweating and went to the restroom.  I took off my shirt and splashed some water on my face.  Then put my shirt back on and left to go back to the barracks.  I hadn’t notice that when I put my shirt back on, the collar got tucked under.  But the Sargent I ran into on the way back did.  He ordered me to square away my shirt and report to my barracks.  I did, and when I got to my barracks, I tore up my club card.  I think I tore up my club card three times.

We had to take aptitude tests to see what we qualified for.  At the time, the needs of the Air Force came first.  I was given three choices; Air Police, Still Photography and Medics although I came in high for languages too.  I got my last choice, Medics.  So, after four weeks in boot camp, I moved across the base and began eleven weeks of Medic training.  Our flight leaders also participated in the base drill team during their off times.  So we got a lot of drill practice marching to class.  There were times when marching we would come up against a flight of Air Force Academy recruits doing their pre-Academy training and we would march through them.  Medic school included a few WAFs from a separate, nearby barracks, who would form up with us in the morning.  Classes included a lot of first aid, field medic prep, both book and hands on.  Evenings we could go to the Airman’s Club or movies.  On weekends we could go into San Antonio.  Our flight leaders warned us that River Walk was Off Limits to recruits and to watch out when we got off the bus and use a buddy system when walking around downtown.  I pretty much stayed on the base and kept my Club card.  While going to class we were given more aptitude tests.  I scored high for Medic, Dental Tech and X-ray Tech.  I chose X-ray, Medic, Dental Tech.  I got Dental Tech, needs of the Air Force prevailed.

Orders came through to report to Dental Tech School in Montgomery, Alabama.  I was given two weeks leave in route to report in early November 1958.  First I flew home.  An old hand at flying now, I went back to the lounge (they had them in the old days) and sat with a couple of WAFs and the Stewardess to Los Angeles.  During our wait for the plane to Seattle, one of the WAF and I went to the airport bar.  Being in uniform, we didn’t get asked for ID and I tried my first martini.  Turns out gin is not my favorite drink.  On landing in Seattle, I took the Greyhound bus to Port Angeles and home.  I pretty much stayed in uniform the whole time at home.  Mom and Dad wanted to show me off and it was kind of a chick magnet.  But time came to head for Alabama, so I climbed aboard a Greyhound again and headed south, first to San Francisco and then east.

Pulling into Dallas, Texas, I got my first introduction to racism.  Getting off the bus you are greeted with two entrances to the depot, “White and Colored”.  Inside it continued with “White and Colored” restrooms, water fountains and restaurants.  From Dallas, all the way to Montgomery, it was the same thing at all the stops.  In Montgomery, I went out the wrong door to catch a taxi.  The Red Star taxis waiting there were for “Colored Only”.  I had to go back inside and go out the right door and wait for a taxi to the base.  I later learned at the base introduction that it was a $50 fine for a white and colored person to be riding in the same car together.  Apparently, it was one reason the Air Force didn’t have “Colored” airman going to the advanced medical training base where the dental school was because some classes were done across town at Shepard AFB.  They didn’t want to “upset” people.

Dental Tech school was twenty four weeks long so I was there for Thanksgiving.  One of the guys had arranged a blind date for me with a telephone operator downtown.  We got a pumpkin pie from the dining hall and arranged to meet our dates in town.  When we arrived they were sitting in a car and we drove around, trying to find a place open to get whipped cream for our pie before we went to their apartment.  As my date was getting out of the car, she kept unwinding and when finally out, stood over six feet tall.  We had our pie and high tailed it back to base.  Another time I was heading into town with a couple of the WAF who were in school with me.  They wanted to do some shopping.  We kept getting more and more packages, so when it came time to head back to the base, instead of carrying all the packages on the bus, I went to a used car lot and got a car to try out by taking the two back to the base.  I picked up a couple of the guys and we headed back in to town.  The problem was I couldn’t remember where I had gotten the car.  We ended up driving around a long time until I found the lot.  I took the car back and told them it wasn’t quite the car I was looking for.  Just before graduating, I found out that I had passed the entrance exam for the Academy, top ten percent from the state of Washington.  I was told that when I got to my next base they would arrange to get me to my next set of tests.  I found out that my next assignment was going too be Fairchild AFB in Spokane Washington.

I wanted to buy a car that an airman on the base had for sale, a 1954 Hudson coupe.  A pretty car, forest green, with all the bells and whistles.  It did need a valve job but I thought it would make it to Washington and I could overhaul it there.  Problem, I needed my folks to cosign for the $300 loan it would take to buy it and they said no.  So I climbed aboard a Greyhound and headed North.  Around Chicago three guys from the Royal Canadian Engineers boarded the bus and we rotated the back seat so we could stretch out once in a while and get some sleep.  In Billings, Montana, a morning stop for breakfast, we went out to the parking lot and compared marching techniques, especially “To The Rear March”.  They caught a bus going North and I continued on to Seattle and Port Angeles.  I was home a shorter time because I had to get to Spokane.  I got my 49 Hudson packed and headed East.

Arriving at Fairchild, I reported to the 810th Medical Group.  The hospital was just off the west side of the base.  Our barracks was across the parking lot and the Dental Clinic was on base, near the Exchange and Commissary.  After signing in, I showed them my letter to continue tests for the Air Force Academy.  It turned out they would be held at McCord AFB in May.  I caught a ride on a MATS C54 flight for McCord AFB in Tacoma.  After three days there and a battery of tests, physical and mental, I returned to Fairchild on the same C54.  As they approached for a landing you could see the flaps coming down and feel the wheels touching.  All of a sudden, they applied power and took off.  Just the prior year two B52’s had collided on the end of the runway.  You can imagine what was going through my mind as we came around, made our approach and landed.  As we were deplaning we asked what that was all about.  The runway is so long they just wanted to make a touch and go.  A few weeks later I found out that I hadn’t passed Physical Fitness or my English parts of the tests.

Being a male Dental Technician in the fifties and sixties was not a career making position.   Most of the Dentists I worked with were spending their time training and preparing for when they entered private practice so I got to assist in some very interesting projects.  When I asked about working with them in private practice, they were not interested in having a male assistant.  I persevered and enjoyed my time, primarily assisting in oral surgery and dental hygiene.  In these areas I kept a closer, personal contact with my patients.  There were a number of times I went against the norm of rushing my patients through in an assembly line mode.  I was interested in the comfort and care of all my patients and not in the numbers.  This had a tendency to cause friction with senior enlisted and management and it delayed my promotions.

There was so much politics in the Air Force.  At the clinic you had it made if you owned a VW and played pinochle because the senior sergeant did.  I didn’t own a VW and I played better pinochle.  Eventually I was promoted to A1C, not through the hospital but through the Base.  I’m pretty sure that Colonel Freeman, the Oral Surgeon I worked with, was responsible.  While working I started taking evening extension English classes on base through Eastern Washington College of Education and started working out with a personal physical trainer through the base gym.  When I thought I was ready, I applied for the Air Force Academy through the chain of command.  My Squadron Commander, a ninety day wonder Second Lieutenant returned my paperwork, stating I was too average for the Air Force Academy.  Since the Air Force was reducing the number of enlisted on base by eight hundred so I went in the next day and requested discharge.  If I was too average for the Academy then I felt I was too average for the Air Force.  He told me those discharges were not meant for someone like me.

As you can imagine, I became very disillusioned with the Air Force.  I enjoyed my job and continued doing it my way.  I decided to find an after hours job.  I can’t remember how, but I found a part-time job as a Car Hop at a local Drive In called Baker’s Beacon.  To have an extra job, not connected to the Air Force, you have to ask permission.  I did, and received permission to have a part time job as long as it didn’t interfere with my normal duties.  Being a Car Hop was a lot of fun.  Of course, I was kind of burning the candle at both ends and maybe sometime even the middle.  After working until five PM at the clinic, I would go down and work at the drive in, sometime to midnight or later and then maybe go partying. I’d get back in the morning to shower and go to work at the clinic.  I would do that a day or two and then on my day off I would sleep twelve or fifteen hours.  I was temporarily transferred to an extension of Fairchild, Deep Creek, where they kept their nuclear weapons.  The first day I reported there, I walked through the door of the building where the medical facility was located.  As I entered I glanced over and asked this guy standing there where the dental clinic was.  Embarrassed, I realized I was talking to myself in a mirror on the wall.  Being at Deep Creek was kind of a whirlwind period.  Most of the time I didn’t have a patient show up, so the Sargent in charge of the medical clinic wouldn’t wake me up till about noon.  I would drive over to the base in the ambulance and get the mail.  Then on nice days go out to Clear Lake and the Base Resort, go swimming or check out a boat and go pick up a girl at the civilian resort and go water ski.  After, I’d go down to the Beacon and party.  My more impressive dates were to take a girl out to Natatorium Park.  On the way to pick her up I would stop by a florist and buy a white rose and pin it to a card.  It seemed to impress the girls and their mothers.

I took some time off and drove over to Port Angeles.  Pop and I went to Seattle to look for a new car for me.   We found a used 53 Austin sedan.  It was actually a cute little car.  The gear shift was on the column, but backwards; first was where second would be on an American car, 2nd/high, 3rd/reverse, 4th/1st, and reverse pull out the handle push all the way back and down.  Driving home we went around Hood Canal and found out it used oil faster than gas.  One curve I came said 25mph but I hit it about 50.  Dad was behind me and thought I was going to wreck but I bounced around and finally stopped.  We put more oil in and made it to Port Angeles.  Pop and I overhauled the engine.  Then decided to paint it white with turquoise fenders.

One of the places I visited a lot in Spokane was the Sports Car Dealer on Monroe, now Silver Auto Auction.  Back then they dealt in Mercedes, MG and Austin, and Midgets.  I became very interested in an Austin Midget that they raced.  After every race they would bring it back to the shop and completely tear down the engine, polish and rebalance it as they put it back together again.  They offered it to me for $1500.  I called Pop and tried to have him loan me the money or cosign a loan but he wouldn’t so I never got it.  Mr. Baker became aware I was looking for another car.  He had a 60 MG Magnet Mark III, black with red and white leather interior.  We by-passed Dad and he took my Austin in trade and my trumpet as one of the payments.  I got to be pretty well known in that car.  I used to race the motorcycle cops up Division on the way to work.  One night, after getting off at the Beacon a friend stopped in and asked me to drive him around, looking for his girl friend.  We found her and were chasing her around on some of the streets in Spokane when I took a left turn too  fast.  The MG went up on two wheels.  I fell out of the driver seat and as I was trying to get back under the wheel she slowly rolled on to her right side in the middle of the street.  Duke and I and a guy that came to check what had happened, muscled the car back on to its wheels.  I checked oil and water, and we took off.  This time with his girl friend.  Since I had a close relationship with the police that came to the Beacon, I asked if they thought I needed to report the accident.  They felt, since there wasn’t any property damage, that it probably wasn’t necessary.  The next day though, I was called into my Commanders office and ordered back to the base.  He asked about my car and I told him.  It was his recommendation, almost an order, that I report the accident.  I respectfully declined his recommendation.  It didn’t go over well.

It was late summer 1961, and I mentioned to Mom that I would probably be bringing a girl home with me for Christmas.  Then forgot about it.  In November I was riding around with Duke and his girl friend, Karen, and we stopped by this house on Olympic and picked up a friend of Karen’s.  She was introduced to me as Joyce, Mary Joyce Bell, and climbed into the back seat with me.  I can’t remember exactly what we did that day, but we had a great time.  After, when I wasn’t working, Joyce and I spent a lot of time together.  We had been dating about three weeks when the subject of marriage came up and we decided to do it.  On the morning of December 9, 1961, we drove to the Hitching Post in Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho, with Duke and Karen.  First we had to get a blood test, $5.  Then take the drawn blood to the lab, $5.  The results were carried across the street to City Hall for a license, $5.25.  The license was taken back across the street where the minister married us, “For the great and Glorious State of Idaho”.  The idea came up that we should head to Port Angeles so my folks could meet Joyce.  Who thinks of money at a time like that?  About three o’clock in the morning we pulled in to Seattle and realized we had no money and I had to be back to the base Monday morning.  There weren’t ATM’s in 1961 and at three in the morning no place open to cash a check.  So, we headed over to Grandma Dailey’s house.  I knocked on Grandma’s door, she was surprised to see me.  I told her I had gotten married and we were trying to get back to Spokane. I asked if she could cash a check for us.  She told me to go get my bride and bring her in, “And bring in the marriage license too!”.  Grandma wondered if Mom and Dad knew and when I said no, she decided to call them.  When I got on the phone after just waking them up, I said to Dad, “Hi Pop.  How’s it feel to be a father-in-law?”  “Talk to your mother!”  “Hi Mom. How’s it feel to be a mother-in Law?”  “Where are you?”  “At Grandma’s.”  “MOOMMMM!”  Grandma Dailey explained she was looking at the license and Joyce seemed to be a nice girl.  I got back on the phone and told them that I had to get back to the base and we would see them at Christmas.  After promising to hold the check until the 15th, Grandma gave us enough money to get back to Spokane.

Back then you were supposed to ask the AF for permission to get married, before you got married.  So Monday I went to see the Group First Sargent and asked him for permission.  He asked when and I told him, “Last Saturday”.  The First Sargent asked if I was trying to get into trouble.  This was the second time I hadn’t followed a regulation or advice from a superior.  I really wasn’t trying to get into trouble but I reminded him about being too average and all I wanted to do was finish the rest of my enlistment and leave the Air Force.  I got permission to get married and then could get credit for a dependent, pay, housing and medical.  Later that morning I got a phone call at the clinic from Tech Sargent Oscar Bell.  He had read the wedding announcement in the Sunday paper.  “Guess I’m your father-in-law.” “Yep.”  “Guess we should meet.”  “Yep.”  So we set up a time for him to come to the dental clinic.  I went to the front desk and told all in the rooms around mine to come running if they heard a commotion.  At the time I had my own room as a Hygienist.  I went back to my room and adjusted the dental chair so he wouldn’t be able to get out of it fast.  A while later Tech Sargent Oscar Bell arrived.  He was a monster in his winter parka.  I invited him to sit down.  He invited me to come meet his wife and the rest of the family, but I couldn’t bring Joyce.  I told him that was impossible and he left.  I didn’t meet Anna until the following Easter.

That Christmas, we drove over to Port Angeles.  As we pulled up in front of my folks home my cousin, Dennis Buggy, came running out to the car.  He had a clip on tie and all day long he was taking it off and putting it on when ever a car drove by, waiting for us to drive up.  He was the first to meet Joyce.  The whole family was there; Mom, Dad, Aunt Kathy (Mom’s twin), Sam (her husband then), Dennis and Richard and I can’t remember who else.  Mom pulled me aside and told me I should have said something about marriage when I told her I was bringing a girl home for Christmas.  I told her this wasn’t the girl.  That evening we were given the couch to sleep on.  We whispered and giggled a lot, until someone told us to shut up and go to sleep.  The Christmas weekend went pretty good. We got a lot of Wedding/Christmas presents.  All loaded and ready to head back to Spokane, Pop told Joyce, “If you have any problems you come here.” Then he looked at me and said, “I don’t know where you will go.”

Back in Spokane we found a little apartment on lower South Hill.  Actually it proved very convenient because the MG was having battery problems and living next to a hill I could coast and get it started.  In the cold winter it was much easier than using the hand crank.  Later, in the spring, we moved next door to family friends of Joyce’s Mom and Dad.  The only problem was when they came and visited next door, Joyce and I had to keep out of sight and quiet.  I did finally meet her Mom and brother and sisters on Easter, when we joined them for Mass at Saint Stevens Church.  Later I was called into the First Sargent’s office again and asked about my intentions to re-enlist and told them no way.  It was suggested it would be best if I take what leave I had coming and they allowed me to be discharged in June of 1962, a month early.  Anna heard we were leaving Spokane and invited us to come stay the night before we left.  She gave Oscar kind of an ultimatum, he could stay and visit or get a motel room.  We were welcomed back into the family.

Moving on to High School

That summer we moved back to Port Angeles. A lot changed for me. Even though I knew most of the kids that I was going to school with, I was an outsider. It had been too long since I had gone to school or lived near them. I was pretty much a loner and stayed by myself. I didn’t follow up on basketball or any other sports that I had played the last three years. Mom and Dad sold the big trailer we had in California and bought a little nineteen foot camping trailer. Not sure how long we lived in that trailer, I know it was well into the ninth grade. I came home from school one day, about the middle of the year, and found a new Bundy Trumpet sitting on the table that was also my bed. Because it was the middle of the year for beginning band, I had a lot of catching up to do. Friends of my folks, the Hewitt’s, played instruments.  Actually, the parents played professionally in one of the local clubs; the father played banjo, mother played piano, son played clarinet and the daughter played violin.  They helped me quickly learn how to read music and got me through the fundamentals of the trumpet so I could catch up with the rest of the band.  Practicing in the trailer was kind of interesting.  I would sit in the back on the bed and practice with socks pushed up inside the trumpet.  By the time the year was coming to an end, myself and another trumpet player got to try out for the High School music department.  The music teacher, Mr. Free, came to the school one day.  He recommended me for band and the other student for orchestra.  I really enjoyed playing in band.  It was primarily a concert band, although we did some marching and played at home sports events.  I eventually moved from last chair, seventh, to fourth chair after a trumpet challenge where we played Tchaikovsky’s Symphony in f minor.  I would have made first chair if I had a little more time on the trumpet.  During my sophomore year I tried out for football but decided it wasn’t a game I wanted to play.  In fact, I stayed out of sports altogether.  I often wondered what direction I would have gone if we had stayed in California.  High school wasn’t very memorable.  I didn’t really apply myself for those three years.  It showed when I graduated with a 2.33 average and ended up 133rd of 180 students.

In 1956, when I was sixteen, I got my driving permit.  Mom was not a good teacher.  We were driving through down town Port Angeles and Mom really was getting on my nerves. I stopped in the middle of one of the busy main streets, got out and walked home.  Shortly after I went for my drivers test, surprising everyone when I passed by one point the first time.  Pop found my first car, a 1949 Hudson Commodore.  It had been owned by a fern picker, had overload springs and kind of faded maroon paint.  I got a lot of ribbing in the parking lot but it turned out to be a trend setter.  It was the first car on our high school parking lot that had the “California Rake” that became so popular in the late fifties and sixties.  Took years for me to admit to some of the drags I was in on Front street.  There was one afternoon I was driving past Roosevelt Junior High and had to stop for a cross walk guard.  When he cleared the intersection, I rabbited.  As I did there was a car behind me that started honking its horn and flashing its lights.  At first I thought it was a cop.  But it was worse.  The guy who walked up to my window was Pop.  All he said was, “Take your car home.  Give the keys to your Mom.  We’ll talk about this later.”  I took the car home and told Mom what had happened and gave her the keys.  She sort of laughed and told me that Pop was probably mad because I beat him off the stop and couldn’t keep up.  Mom always told me, “Don’t smoke those funny cigarettes.  If you want to smoke, tell me and I’ll buy them for you.”  I asked for a pipe and she bought one for me.  Another trend setter in high school.

In my senior year, the Air Force Academy had just opened and I applied.  I wrote Senator Jackson of Washington and he sponsored me.  Thinking my chances might improve if I joined the Air Force, I went to see a recruiter.  Being only seventeen, a month before my eighteenth birthday, Mom and Dad had to sign for me to enlist.  The day I was scheduled to leave, I took the initial competitive test for the Academy and met my folks at the Greyhound bus terminal to catch the bus for Seattle.  I remember, before climbing on the bus, Pop hugged me.  It was the first time I could remember him doing that.

My Dad, Pop.  Thinking back over the years, I thought of all the things he had done for me and some of the fun things we had done together.  When I was graduating from the eighth grade, he pawned all his camera equipment so I would have a suit for graduation.  I remembered the times I was too cold or tired after fishing to put my gear away and he did.  Or when I talked him into trying out a little eighteen foot boat I had found while playing at the marina in Port Angeles.  He bought that boat because when we tried it out we caught twelve salmon in about two hours.  That afternoon we took Mom out and caught five more.  If my car broke down, he was always there to fix it.  Sometimes, in my teens, I couldn’t be bothered to help.  With hindsight, I often wished I had paid more attention.  Although I think I picked up a lot from him through osmosis.  Over the years we became pretty close.

Roxanne, MIchelle, Jeff or Stacey?

Let’s just start at the beginning. It was kind of hard getting into this world. I was born breach. I went to a psychic one time. She told me she knew I had been born breach and the reason why is because I didn’t want to be born into this world. I came in to this world backwards and with difficulty. She told me my whole life would be plagued with “not quite fitting in” and “doing things the hard way.” Sometimes it does feel that way. 🙂

My parents couldn’t agree on my name. If I was a boy, I would have been named Jeff. My dad’s older sister “stole” the name Jeff and gave my cousin that name about 10 days before I was born. Luckily, I was a girl. However, would my name be Roxanne, Michelle, or Stacey? My dad really wanted Roxanne. My mom wasn’t having it….Anyone remember the Police song called Roxanne? Haha. Stacey won out.

I really like the name Stacey. It’s kind of a 1970s cheerleader name. And then of course there is the song called “Stacey’s Mom” by Fountains of Wayne…..Stacey’s Mom has got it going on….which will be sung at my Mom’s funeral. BTW, her name is Karen.