school #19

In a fifth grade 1971 history class taught by Mr Frenklax

The subject was a Middle East conflict

He pointed at the map at Israel at this time it was refered as an agressor country

Edit truxanov who sat next to me casually told me that i belong in there

When i came home i told my parents what happing .

My mom went to school and Edic apologies to me

In 1975 I finished 8 grade comprehensive school #19 at age 15 and music school name of Chaikovsky.

I took the entrqnce exam to apply to famous Sokolovsky musical college

I was nessassary to pass 4 exams 1, audition of 3 pieces with major instrument domra

I play Swin by sen sans

2, music theory  and music gramma

3. writing essay

4 math

After my aditions I scared to 2 out of 5

I could not belive

I was heart broken because my dream to perform in orkestra as a professional musian was dashed

My parents new some one in examination commite and the ask what happining ?

We learn that educationla commitee and government wanted non jews selected for the domra .


school #19

In a fifth grade 1971 history class taught by Mr Frenklax

The subject was a Middle East conflict

He pointed at the map at Israel at this time it was refered as an agressor country

Edit truxanov who sat next to me casually told me that i belong in there

When i came home i told my parents what happing .

My mom went to school and Edic apologies to me

In 1975 I finished 8 grade comprehensive school #19 at age 15 and music school name of Chaikovsky.

I took the entrqnce exam to apply to famous Sokolovsky musical college

I was nessassary to pass 4 exams 1, audition of 3 pieces with major instrument domra

I play Swin by sen sans

2, music theory  and music gramma

3. writing essay

4 math

After my aditions I scared to 2 out of 5

I could not belive

I was heart broken because my dream to perform in orkestra as a professional musian was dashed

My parents new some one in examination commite and the ask what happining ?

We learn that educationla commitee and government wanted non jews selected for the domra .


My first day at school

Born in Gomel USSR Belorussian republic during the Communist regime I know little about freedom

We were taught to comply and worship the government

A few times a year on Soviet holidays people would march in parades through the main city square named Vlabimir Lenin

They carrying soviet flags and paly patriotic songs

I belived that our country the best in the world

I feel happy

My first day at school

September 1 1967

My mama dressed me and put my hair up with white bows and a large bouquite  of gladiolouis flowers spike for my theacher

When we arrive to school #19 we search the board to find my name and the class roster A,B,C,D do i belong

We find out that I belong to class c with a theacher name Tixon Efimovich

When my mom saw his name she immediatly took me home and return to school on her own to speak to the principal

Normally mama very light speaking in public , but this time she had explain why this theacher was unsuitable chouise for her dauther

It well know in our town that mr. Tixon Efimovich and his family support german movement agents jews and others.

Next day I join class B that lead by ms Ekaterina Nikolaevna  Danilova.