Test Korean

설탕은 단순한 탄수화물입니다. 몸은 빠르게 분해되어 설탕과 가공 된 전분을 흡수합니다. 그들은 빠른 에너지를 제공 할 수 있지만, 사람을 가득 채우게하지는 않습니다. 또한 혈당 수치가 급상승 할 수 있습니다. 빈번한 설탕 스파이크는 제 2 형 당뇨병 및 그 합병증의 위험을 증가시킵니다. 섬유질은 또한 탄수화물입니다. 신체는 어떤 유형의 섬유를 분해하여 에너지로 사용합니다. 다른 것은 장내 세균에 의해 대사되는 반면, 다른 유형은 신체를 통과합니다.

설탕은 단순한 탄수화물입니다. 몸은 빠르게 분해되어 설탕과 가공 된 전분을 흡수합니다. 그들은 빠른 에너지를 제공 할 수 있지만, 사람을 가득 채우게하지는 않습니다. 또한 혈당 수치가 급상승 할 수 있습니다. 빈번한 설탕 스파이크는 제 2 형 당뇨병 및 그 합병증의 위험을 증가시킵니다. 섬유질은 또한 탄수화물입니다. 신체는 어떤 유형의 섬유를 분해하여 에너지로 사용합니다. 다른 것은 장내 세균에 의해 대사되는 반면, 다른 유형은 신체를 통과합니다.

Rachel and Jimi

Rachel and Jimi story here…






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“Text test title’

As we walked around the corner I knew something was not right. The boy we had seen across the lake had caught something, but it wasn’t a fish. He stood over it, looking around sheepishly not know quite what to do…

“Text test title’

Anytime there is an animal involved I expect Tiffany to jump into action, which is exactly what happened. She quickly identified the rather large turtle as a Smooth Softshell Turtle, a rare find. The boy said it put up a pretty good fight, but had no idea how to extract the hook from the turtle’s mouth, and didn’t look like he really wanted to try. So Tiffany tried holding the turtle like a fish to remove the hook, but couldn’t get ahold of its head. The problem being, that every-time she tried to grab the hook, the turtle retracted it’s head into it’s shell, and it was too slippery to stop. This went on for several minutes, until a new plan was formed. We would just cut the line, however none of us had a knife or even keys to saw the line.

The whole time this is going on, Mimi, our Chihuahua is barking incessantly at the turtle, and Rachel was uncharacteristically quiet. With no viable options, and a desire to finish our walk and get home, Tiffany decided to use her teeth to cut the line. In order to do this properly she had to get within inches of the turtle and gnaw the line. I’m used to it, but I could tell Rachel was mortified as her eyes grew larger like she couldnt believe it was happening. Then I realized the boy was probably her age, perhaps even a classmate?

Well Tiffany cut the line and released the turtle, and the boy was in Rachel’s class. He saw her at school the next week and thought it was pretty cool her mom was able to free the turtle.