Things I remember about y’all


Things I remember about you when you were growing up:


•We lived in a small house trailer in Brooklyn when you were born.  when you had just learned to crawl (about 6 months)  I thought I could hear you say “mum?” before you could even talk.  

•(2 yrs old) sitting on the back steps at the house in Tecumseh, on a warm summer afternoon and listening to different sounds. When we heard the sound of a fire siren you said,  “Is that you Santa  Claus?”

You seemed to understand things early. 

• High School – I was so proud of you the day you stood up to a parent on the summer softball program when you were an umpire.  You made a call and one dad yelled back at you. Then you very confidently and very calmly said to him,

“excuse me,  the rule book says  . . . .”  You earned the whole crowd’s respect just then.  


•When Liz was about 2 we thought that we should have another baby for her to play with.  She was so happy when you were born.  When you were just a few weeks old, she would climb into your bassinet and undress you.  You must have liked it because I remember how quiet you both were.  I would look to see what you were up to and there you were 1 naked baby and 1 girl in her pajamas.

 •It was a hot summer the year you were born.  We didn’t have ac so we sat outside a lot and planned the big pool we would put in the back yard for you and Liz to swim. It was going to be an inground pool, one day, when we could afford it.  


•Even though you cried a lot when you were first born,  you were always a giggly, happy kid, and cheered up everyone around you.  . . . and you still do.  Your sisters loved having their new baby.  you would do anything they wanted you to do.  You followed them everywhere.  One summer day Julie and you made mud pies. She told you they tasted good  so you put some in your mouth and then smiled.