March 24, 2020. Tonight, I am home. As are all my neighbors. We are all supposed to stay at home until April 3 for maybe even the 10th. This virus is spreading so fast all over the world. No schools open, no sports, no shopping, no restaurants, all work places closed down, no public anything. They sent all the school kids home from school and told them to take all their things. School might resume in a week or so. It was all over the country, the world. When the girls came home it was all over the news. I told them to watch this news, it is something they will always remember.
Even weddings and funerals had to be postponed for weeks or months. Grocery stores only letting in a few people at a time to shop. New words like – social distancing, quarantine, unprecedented, Liz and Ken are working from home, Chris had to get special permission from the governor to keep working with Walbridge. Kele trying to keep the kids busy and Julie’s restaurant in St. John’s closed. She is coming home tonight. My 2 cleaning clients don’t want me til this is all over. Everyone is worried. Everyday there are hundreds more infected. They say that older people with respiratory problems are most affected, and some die. Hello to my asthma and being a senior citizen. It has been hard to find things to do since I retired, sold my house in Saline and moved to the other side of the state. I have left my friends and my church behind. Getting to know Liz’s family has well been worth it most days. It is sad to be so far away from Kele’s family who have grown up with me around. New friends and volunteering at Makenzie’s school and my new church has filled some days with a feeling of worth.
But now we aren’t allowed to go and visit anyone. Everyone is afraid of catching this. Nicole has just had her baby and I was supposed to be babysitting by now. Up until this week the weather has been cold. How will we do things when people want to get outside. All the parks are closed and we are supposed to keep 6 ft away from everyone. Now that I am staying inside all the time and not even going for a walk, I can go over to Liz’s. Although, I just realized they (Ken, Liz and Sydney) went for a walk while I was over there. Huh. Well, I get to go back tomorrow and work with M. yay! She is always glad to see me. We made lip gloss from a kit tonight.