The wonderful smells of pies out of the oven and the hustle and bustle of activity in the kitchen were all indications of preparation being made for food for the harvest crew due to arrive that morning.
Neighbor men were called into action to help with harvest at our farm. The equipment was all checked to be in working order and soon the wagons went into the field to gather the bundles of wheat and oats ready to be threshed. The threshing machine was shared among the Spomer, Kleinsasser and Groves families, and it was our turn today.
For me it was an exciting time as the day began. The coffee and cinnamon rolls were ready for the crew to sustain their bodies for the morning work.
The threshing machine and tractor were ready and soon bundles of grain were thrown on and harvest began. All went well in the morning, and before we knew it the dinner bell rang and it was time to clean up for the noon meal.
On the bench in the yard were dishpans of soapy water and towels for washing up. Then the men gathered around our generous table, all talking and laughing and discussing the morning work.
Out of the kitchen came platters of fried chicken just butchered that morning, bowls of steaming mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans flavored with bacon and onion, plates of summer dill pickles and baskets of freshly baked bread. All was quiet as the men ate. The plates were then removed and out came the pies for dessert.
After everyone had their fill and had a short rest, the harvest started up again. By later that afternoon they were ready to shut down for the day and returned to the yard for coffee, sandwiches and chocolate cake.
Soon the neighbor men returned to their homes to do their chores and have a rest. Tomorrow was another day of harvest.