I worked for my uncle Babe who owned a meat market, I worked there my senior year of high school and continued to work there after high school. My starting pay for 1973 was $2.00, I really didn’t like working because Virgin was not every nice to work for but uncle Babe needed help. I worked 5 days a week form 9 to 6 and then from 8 to 6 on Saturday and after we closed I helped clean everything so usually didn’t get out of there till after 7. Wednesday was Virgie’s day off so she also left me a long list of chores to do plus wait on customers. Then is the January of 76 I decided to go to Longview college so I quit and started school, in the meantime I putting applications in for jobs. Kathy and I decided to apply at Hallmark so we down and filled an application out, about a week later we got called in for an interview and was hiring to work on third shift from 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. in Handwork, I worked in manufacturing for 5 years then transferred to corporate on days in OMS, I continued working I that department transferring to different jobs in OMS. My career at Hallmark lasted 35 years until my retirement in 2011. I had other little jobs that didn’t amount to much.