Editing Services are Available

Editing Services are Available

Editing Services are Available

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Editing Services are Available

Ugh! Do you ever have trouble coming up with just the right word?

If you haven’t found an online thesaurus that you like, may we suggest merriam-webster.com or theaurus.com? Both sites suggest synonyms that can help you find the word that keeps eluding you, to express the exact feeling or thought your story needs. You can also check the meanings of words, if you have questions, with their dictionary feature. Also, available are word games, tests of your word knowledge, and even writing tips! But beware! Some could distract you from your writing and why you went there in the first place! 

But, if you’ve used the help available to you online, and you just feel like a real person would be best for you, Porch Swing does have editors and Story Coaches to give you input and help you improve your finished product.  We are always her to help! 

So, what stories can we help you with?

Need additional help? Contact us at 833-767-2411 or inquiries@porchswingstories.com 

We’re always here to help.
Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team