Why do we call it a StorySite?

Why do we call it a StorySite?

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Why do we call it a StorySite?
Your website at Porchswingstories.com is a great place to write and store your life’s treasured stories. That is, of course, why we call it a StorySite!  You can type directly into your StorySite, making changes and corrections as you go. All the usual text editing preferences are available on the toolbar in the editing mode. You can also type and edit your stories in your favorite word processing program and then cut and paste them into the correct chapter of your StorySite. Even though we didn’t call it a PictureAndStorySite, pictures can be stored there as well, your printed book of stories comes directly from your StorySite. And, of course, Porch Swing story coaches and editors are available to help you whenever you need them.  Now hop on your StorySite and begin saving those special life stories of you!   

So, what stories can we help you with?

Need additional help? Contact us at 833-767-2411 or inquiries@porchswingstories.com 

We’re always here to help.
Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team