Summer Nights

Summer Nights

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Summer Nights
No, not talking about the song from the musical, Grease! (But singing, “Tell me more, tell me more!”) Can you still hear the cicadas and see the fireflies? Did you play kick-the-can with the neighbor kids until the streetlights came on and your parents expected you to head home? How about cold slices of watermelon and spitting the seeds farther than your sister? If you’re feeling nostalgic, sit down and record the details on your Porch Swing StorySite. As you write remember all your senses, and don’t forget to mention turning your pillow over to find a cool spot in the days before air conditioning. 

So, what stories can we help you with?

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We’re always here to help.
Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team