Chase Quotes


August 15, 2011

Chase’s first day of school:  He forgot his water bottle at home, forgot to turn in a form to his teacher, and left his take home folder at school.  It’s the FIRST DAY!  His response to me:  “I know when you look through your eyes this looks pretty bad, but if you look through my eyes it was a successful day.”


Chase while reading a book about Kevin Garnett:  “Mom, did you know that KG was so good that in his 3rd year at the Timberwolves they offered him 126 million dollars!”

Me:  “wow, i can’t even imagine that much money.  Can you imagine it?”

Chase:  “No.  I don’t think I could ever take that much money for something.”

love that kid

the next coffee mug….as part of a conversation about Ben giving me a hard time for being dumb for leading the way to the van when I wasn’t there when he parked it…

Chase:  “Well, it’s better to be pretty and dumb than ugly and dumb.”



Mostly for chases enjoyment—-


Pierce had one helluva day in the arctic temperatures that are the DAC yesterday….


It seriously affected his body and mind physically it was so cold.

Said it was the worst thing in his life and it’s not even close…


But I shared all that to share this…


After what was shortened to about 6 laps of constant movement/swimming…it was brick time!


For the girls, it seemed Justin threw the brick all the way to the depths of about…5 feet…for their retrieval.


Pierce steps up, and of course it lands on the incline closer to 10ft depth. Pierce is probably in a delirious state, but dives in for it. On his first attempt…he is able to get there and grab it (although he said “I was closer to drowning than failure”) and bring it in.

So I think he’s blessed if those 2 hours were the worst of his life, but they can’t be overstated.

When he said the drowning/failure line, I thought of you Chase.

I think the DAC is now responsible for 2 “mug worthy” coffee mug quotes.

“This job has taught me more the value of a minute than the value of a dollar”