Sheer Lierz

(Ben Krehbiel)

It was June 25, 2019. I had a plan laid out for discussion, until God got in the way.

That Sunday a few weeks back (June 16) when RezWest pastor Jason Gant promoted the MensGroups, I had someone just SHOW UP because they heard him mention it.  It was awesome. Eric Lierz is the one who came.

He arrived and our topic was on generosity…and then adversity/challenges – it happen to be one week after Jason spoke to our group.  After about 40 minutes of witnessing the genuineness and vulnerability that these group of men present, Eric—his first day in our group– he tells us he and his wife just found out their pregnancy is highly likely Downs Syndrome (he confirmed it the next Tuesday). It was a jaw dropping moment. He said he had NO intention of sharing. But God is awesome.

The FIRST person to speak up in the group of 12 that morning was a guy that had not been coming for months until the week before—Scott Dumler (who was on Megyn Kelly as his wife overcame essentially a terminal disease/cancer). He didn’t jump to his wife overcoming it…he started with his story – a guy that was casual about God. He reluctantly was apart of a short term mens group in Catholic Church he attends….the terrible news hit, and his mensgroup ‘took over’ in overwhelming support…He pleaded what Pastor Adam has said for years—the myth that ‘God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle’ — Scott Dumler said that actually God is proof that WE CANT HANDLE IT…the ‘gap/difference’ was his support group, and focus on prayer/family/priority.

THE SECOND person to speak up, Lance Huggins, drew on his own experience, and mentioned how loving two girls afflicted with Downs have been in their church (Kaw Prairie). Amazing story.

Then another amazing thing happened. Chad Davis (LifeBridge UMC). Chad’s height is limited due to a degenerative bone disease. When Chad was 9 months old, his father playfully tossed him in the air and caught him (harmlessly like many dads do)…he broke 6 ribs and clavicle when he caught him. That’s how they discovered his bone disease. CHAD spoke up and told Eric (and all of us) – MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN SPECIAL NEEDS. My parents had a choice to put me in a bubble and protect me, or LET ME LIVE! Thankfully they chose to LET ME LIVE.


WHAT’s really crazy to me is that I’ve had Chad on my email list since December when one of my buddy’s from LifeBridge asked me to put him on. Then I attended LifeBridge only because my buddy said that Chad was delivering the message (on adversity/scars/etc).  After the message I introduced myself, connected with him…and he hasn’t missed a week since that early May.

AND THE BEST PART TO ME IS, here I am (slightly) praising myself for getting Chad so involved recently….until I realize God’s fingerprints are ALL OVER THIS….He nudged me to go to LifeBridge to connect with Chad because HE KNEW the ‘morning stranger’ (Eric) needed him.  I’m sure my attempts to connect these dots may be offensive to what God has planned for each man in this group….but MAN IS THIS FUN.

This group gets to see on NEARLY a weekly basis how the ‘Body of Christ’ works…encouragement, prayer, brotherhood, vulnerability to share. Amazing. And the last will be first and the first will be last—amazing, amazing Joy.


My private email to Eric later that day:

From: Ben Krehbiel <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 5:59 PM
To: Eric Lierz <>
Subject: WhiteFlag: REFLECTIONS on our group (below)

Eric, can’t tell you how great it was to meet you this morning. Chad, has only been attending for 3 weeks, and I feel like he was supposed to be there for you this morning. I’m so impressed you took the nudge to show up this morning without any expectations of what this was all about.

I don’t want to overwhelm you, and you don’t owe us anything. Know you are always welcome any chance you can make it.

Call me anytime. Prayers for your family continue.


(my letter to WhiteFlag for preparations June 25)

But for Tuesday – please reflect back on the past few weeks of discussion (televangelists, generosity, inspiration), and bring an impactful experience you’ve had in your life that you’d be willing to share.

Answer this question:

  • Reflect back on your childhood, adolescence, young adulthood and beyond — what experiences did you learn that helped shaped the person you are today?
    • We’ve talked about ‘father/son’ stories in the past, and that’s certainly a great place to start…but expand to what other figures in your life have shaped your makeup. Or alternatively, what inspiration have you played in serving/coaching/mentoring someone else?

Prepare this week with some scripture to contemplate:

  1. Deuteronomy 15 (specifically 1-11, but the whole chapter is great. Chuck will be proud of you for remembering the ‘canceling of debts every 7 years’)
  2. Proverbs 11:22-25 (specifically 24-25, which I don’t remember because I kept thinking of the gold ring in  pig’s snout…)
  3. Matthew 6 is awesome. Wow. I should list this one first on the reading list. Initially I was thinking ‘Treasures in Heaven 19-24’ but the WHOLE THING is awesome. Includes the Lords Prayer.

So bring your experiences to share. Reflect and pray on your childhood…and beyond. And while in prayer ask for your heart to soften and for revelation to give thanks to those that help formed you…and your experiences.

If nobody shares, it’ll just give me a chance to preach on Matthew 6 for the remainder of the hour. Hahaha. I’ll be ready. Matthew 6 is awesome.