Beating the Wintertime Blues

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Beating the wintertime blues by walking down memory lane. 
We just had the winter solstice, and if you’re like me and lots of people I talk to, the early sunsets and late sunrises seemed to sneak up on us this year. As the days get shorter and the weather less conducive to spending time outside, many people – millions even, according to WebMD – suffer with Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD. Hmmm…..

If wintertime makes you feel blue and less energetic, it might help to take a walk when you can out in the sunshine. Then take a walk down memory lane, remembering and recording happy experiences on your StorySite. You can change your perspective from feeling sad that you can’t do things that warmer weather allows, to being grateful that you have some time to get your stories written down. 

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team