My Not-Favorites

Not My Favorites

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: My Not-Favorites

For the last several years as fall approaches, we start seeing “pumpkin spice” everything, as if it’s everyone’s favorite. Well, it’s not really mine, and I’m always a little baffled how it’s become such a thing. The taste of hot cocoa or tea sounds better to me, or the smell of a spiced apple candle.

Is there something in our culture with popularity that you just cannot fathom? Do you remember fashions during your lifetime that left you puzzled or repulsed then, or embarrassed in retrospect? (Ladies, remember that “big hair” fad of the ’80’? Whew, I’m glad we got over that!) Have there been technologies or gadgets you had no interest in, no matter who promoted them with, “But wait, there’s more!”

Tell your readers more about yourself by explaining notions or items that were not your thing, and why not. Everyone’s entitled to your opinion!

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team