Anything that I accomplished in life has not been of my own effort. It is the Lord who deserves all credit. He is the one who gave me direction, guidance, blessings, protection, supplied my needs, wisdom, etc.

The most important thing that I was able to do by God’s mercy was to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. The next was when the Lord put a desire in my heart to be involved in reaching the unreached with the Gospel. Then led me to take a welding course in Waukesha in 1968. Right after I finished that course, I had a job waiting for me with no questions asked. It was a shop where Stone Breakers were built. The name of the business was “Highway Machinery Co. Two weeks after I started to work, I asked the owner Gene Johnson about taking two weeks off to go to Aguascalientes and see my family. He told me to see him the coming Saturday. I did and he gave my paycheck for the week and then he handed me another check for two weeks’ pay. I was surprised but thankful. After I got back, I worked for him as many hours possible that he would need me for. I also mentioned to him that I was going to attend the New Tribes Bible Institute. He was happy to hear that though he was not a believer. I tried to witness to him, but he was never interested.

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