School Daze

School Daze

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: School Daze

Most public schools in the country have started again after summer break. Yeah, watch out for buses and kids in the crosswalks! When you were a kid, did you hate when fall came and you had to go back to school? Or were you, like me, anxious to see your friends again and sort of tired of just your siblings as playmates on the farm? What can you tell your readers about the physical building(s) you attended, your teachers, subjects you enjoyed or hated, differences and similarities between then and now?

Maybe you could write a chapter to your younger self about how what you were learning then would become important later. (Dear Younger Me, get serious, pay attention, do our best! You’re gonna need this!) Your 20/20 vision in the rear-view mirror, big-picture insights, and hard-won wisdom might just inspire your younger readers to make the 2021-22 school year their best yet!
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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team