Weather or Not

Weather or Not

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Weather or Not
Do you have memories of weather events that would be amazing and interesting to your grandchildren? For example, though most homes now have air conditioning, what did the “dog days” of summer in your early life feel like to you? Did your family have fans or a swamp cooler? Did you lie awake at night trying to fall asleep in your sweaty pajamas, turning your pillow over and over for a cool spot?

In the past, staying warm in the winter might have been challenging in a way modern people would have trouble understanding. Or perhaps there was that blizzard and the problems it caused. Tornadoes, hurricanes, derecos, lightning strikes, floods, hail storms, ice storms, dust storms — what part of nature’s fury left an impression on you that you should write about on your StorySite? 

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team