Simpler Times

Simpler Times

Porch Swing Tip of the Week: Simpler Times

The next time you pick up some complicated device that aggravates you, think about your personal history with “things.” Because of the very nature of technology, all of us have lived through simpler times. You surely could tell your family members about the changes you’ve experienced over your lifetime. What did you do as a child for fun and entertainment? Were there simple games you and your friends played that needed no special equipment — and no batteries or electricity? Write about labor-saving devices that revolutionized how you lived. Or drove you nuts! 

Consider this facet of modern life: the telephone. According to an AARP report from June of 2019, only 2.5% of adults had phone service through a land line only with no cell phone. Are you in that tiny fraction? Or is there other newfangled stuff that you’ve chosen to forego, instead preferring the old-fashioned and old-school? Tell what motivates your preference. When your readers understand where you’re coming from, perhaps they’ll applaud your retro choice! 
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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team