Well, When I was Your Age….

Well, When I was Your Age....

Porch Swing Tip of the Week:
“Well, When I was Your Age…”  Most of us have started a sentence with that phrase because there is something important from the past to relate. Over the course of your lifetime, there’s been so much change; your grandchildren, especially, cannot fathom “going down the path” to the outdoor toilet, or chopping kindling and bringing in wood so your mother could cook a meal. If you don’t believe the newest generation of young adults is clueless about how their parents and grandparents lived, just try an internet search for videos of millenials tying to use a rotary phone. (You won’t feel so bad when you have to ask them to help you with your iPhone.) 

Think through the “technology” of your past and include information on your StorySite to amaze and inform your readers about how you and your family functioned. Things like: hand tools on the workbench that didn’t have a cord or battery; heating water in the wash boiler on the wood stove for your Saturday night bath (and the order in which the members of the family took their turns); how your phone operated (crank, operator, party lines, long cords, long distance calls); transportation, both local and distant. Your readers will have a new appreciation for what you lived through and how much you’ve had to adjust throughout your life. 

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Jayme & John Resnik and the Porch Swing Team