Final Thoughts

Why did you decide to put your stories in a book?

Well, my dad passed away at 46 and mom at 53.  I had never talked to them about their life, prior to me coming on board to the family. But I always wondered you know, about what I could find out if I was still talking directly to them.  I have remembered some of the stories as I lived them.  Hopefully, my friends, kids, grandkids, and family will be able to get some information from this.  And they will start asking me questions about my life or some of the family’s life, and they can get it down and have it for future references.

As I got older and was able to remember the stuff that had affected me. I kind of remember those better than what my parents had passed along to me. I got some information from my dad’s second brother, Fred Woodall, before he died at the age of 94. He lived in St. Louis in his later life, and I got some of the answers through him. His memory was fading as he got older.  I am almost eighty-five now and I can tell that my memory is slipping, and it takes me longer to remember accurately.

What would you like your grandkids and great grandkids to know about your parents?

Well, dad was a farmer rancher and he loved animals, big and little, and he would never get rid of any pet. The cat population around the farm was probably between 30 and 40 about all the time.  Dad fed them good enough that none of them ever ran away they just kept breeding, expanding the population. His horses and cattle were something that he had a lot of pride in and he took well care and fed them well. So, mom, she was a very good cook. She cooked at the school for several years.  But at home, she always had big meals, always had desserts.  She was very caring and nice to be around person. Although, if one of us kids, I have one sister and if we did something that shouldn’t have been done by me, we always got a little switch or  sometimes.

What would you like to say to your future generations?

Growing up I was an ornery kid. I wasn’t distructive.  But hopefully you grandkids will remember to do the right thing. That’s about all the information or advice I would give.  Just you know what’s right and what’s wrong.  Be kind to others.

Love you.   Grandpa


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