In Others Words – Memories from Friends

I first met your Pop Pop when he was in elementary school and I was in junior high school.  Our parents all moved into this great neighborhood around the same time. David was a cute, blonde, excitable kid with a lot of energy. I occasionally babysat for the family and always loved being part of their tribe, David was always a good kid–never rude or disrespectful to anyone.  Summers in Niantic were extra special as kids. Not only did we have a beach in our town, and weekly evening town block dances, we had fun beach cookouts at McCook’s park and swimming at dusk. All of this normal childhood was ripped from this most wonderful family on New Year’s Eve, 1968, when David’s father died suddenly.  My mother told me, with tears streaming down her face how she watched David, upon being told that his father had died, run to his room and return with his piggy bank, emptying it out, in recognition that his mother would need it. David stepped into manhood that day, and from what I have seen from a distance, intermittently over time, he did it with both feet, lovingly shouldering what he could to help his family and easing his mother’s burden. This tragedy, the loss of such a good man at such a young age, leaving your Pop Pop without his dad, who was so proud of him had to be life-altering for your Pop Pop. Suffice to say that a lesser or average person would have plenty of excuses for living a life filled with anger and resentment, and negatively impacted by pain.  Not your Pop-Pop, instead, he used it to catapult his life to have meaning, living and loving fully, cherishing life, perhaps for his father as well as his mother, to make up for the time his father didn’t have–and helping others to find meaning in their lives. When my mother, Jean Hadaway, died, I reached out to David and asked him to lead my mother’s memorial service. He cleared his calendar and came back to Connecticut for our family and led the memorial. You know you come from love. Pop Pop’s gift to you is all about love and the meaning of living life well.  Just as he has done, my wish for all of you wonderful Griffiths is that you, too, go forth and shine.- Debbie Hadaway, Niantic Conn (The Sandlot Years)

Some of my fondest memories with Dave are:  Back in the mid 70’s I had a job as a newspaper delivery boy. The newspaper had a promotion that if you could get 3 new customers within a specified time you would get a ticket to a NY Giants football game. I ended up getting 6 new customers and received 2 tickets. Even back then Dave was a Giants fan. It was my first time to a game and we both had a great day.   I appreciate and admire the way Dave has lived his life since finding Jesus many years ago as well as his desire and commitment to serve him.   Back when he accepted Christ we had not seen each other in some time but I always appreciated the fact that it was important to him to get a hold of me and tell me about it.   One of my first jobs was with Dave at the age of 13 (Dave was 14).  A man would pick us up with other young teens in a van and drop us off in various neighborhoods to knock on doors and sell subscriptions to the New York Times. Our crew was so good that we were selected to travel to Williamsport PA with our driver, get put up in a hotel, and do the same thing there. We did so well the company asked us to stay another day.   What I like best about Dave today is his commitment to his Lord and to his family. He has raised 3 great kids (not kids anymore) who have all made something with there lives and I’m certain Dave has a big influence in there lives today. I’m sure his wonderful wife June was also a big influence.  Joe Taraska – Randolph Years

Dave,  despite the struggles and challenges, my favorite memory of our time together was some of the early times in the movie theater, worshipping and praying with Iglesia Alianza together in the large theater. We built some good bonds of friendship of our people with Iglesia’s people, did children’s ministry together, did some great joint worship (especially “MYFAITH Sunday”), preached and taught well, heard some great testimonies from various people. It was a real highlight! Even though there was a lot involved in set-up and take-down, it was well worth it! Also, loved it when Dave & Dean and I met together in the Morristown Diner to strategize and pray together. We shared some great spiritual life together in all those early formative years.  Despite all the highs and lows that we experienced in our 14 years ministering together, we somehow together found a way to stay the course and finish well. I couldn’t have done it without you!  Pastor Peter Amerman – “The Ministry Years”

I first met Dave at Washington Valley Chapel in Morristown in 1987.  We became friends instantly.  Our kids were close in age and they became friends as well. We started our walk with the Lord doing many ministries together including being Elders in the Church, Boys Brigade, a Christian version of the Boy Scouts, and we organized a Harvest Festival in October, as well as Vacation Bible School in the summer.  I have seen Dave grow in the Lord over the years and for many years we attended Alliance Men’s Retreats in Pennsylvania. I greatly admired Dave’s courage when he left his full time job to go into the ministry as a Youth Pastor.  One of my fondest memories with Dave is when we took the Youth Group down to Florida to help out after a tornado hit the Orlando area.  I have never seen such devastation, and it was amazing to see Dave along with the youth, to comfort people who lost everything!  I will never forget one family that we bought groceries to, where Dave and I were comforting the parents, while the Youth Group girls took a 7 year old girl into another room to comfort and talk to her since she was now having trouble sleeping, since the tornado happened in the middle of the night. We both left the Morristown church, although we still kept in touch and remained friends. Years later he approached me and wanted to know if we wanted to be part of a church plant in a movie theater in Morristown and of course I said yes..  To be able to minister in Morristown was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up and from there we went to a church in Parsippany where Dave and I served the Lord. Dave and I started a bible study in our homes and continue to have it to this day. In addition, we played a lot of golf together including the Bible Open, which is a fundraiser for Market Street Mission in Morristown. To sum everything up, I have enjoyed many years doing things together and enjoyed watching him grow in the Lord. And to this day I consider him a close friend.  Paul Pagano – “The Ministry Years”

So many memories!   Life on Lake Road – pre-speed bumps (loved it when the bridge was being redone – a much quieter road then!),  having baby boys weeks apart, and watching their friendship and fun for so many years,  long Governing Board meetings at WVC.  I always tried to help out by saying, “I move to adjourn” lol,  watching you grow in your faith and in your skills in sermon delivery. Probably my favorite memory was the summer day that you came to pick up (or was it drop-off?) Robert at our house in Mendham.   I asked you what was new with you, and you replied, “Well, I’ve just resigned as pastor of my church” and told me you weren’t sure what God was calling you to next, and, as I recall, that you had a heart for ministry maybe in Morristown.  I knew that Pastor Pete was in a similar position and gave you one another’s contact info.   And what a beautiful thing it was to see what happened next.   I had been thinking that you could encourage one another, but you ended up encouraging one another together!   And then Dean and Iglesia Allianza added much joy and depth to that time.  It was such a special group and time for Jimmy and me, together with you at The Well and at Living Waters. Dave, a few things that I love about you are your earnestness for Jesus, your transparency in your life, and the integrity with which you live.  Linnea & Jim Mescall – “The Ministry Years”

It was his “charisma” that attracted us to Pastor Dave.  His meaningful,  heartfelt, emotional delivery of the Lord’s message for the day, conveyed in a simple, easy to understand way, always touched us, and was memorable.  His use of “visuals,” to drive home the message, was always fun!  He did not preach at us but to us.  You know he believed in what he said.  He will remain in our hearts always.    Tom Meikle, Nancy Deubel.  – “The Ministry Years”.

Some of my best memories about my good friend Dave:  Morristown brother in Christ! Church Softball teammate !! Golf partner that golfs like me lol! Youth mission trips to Arizona and Montana, A place to stay when I needed it! A prayer partner at the kitchen table praying about the Morristown church startup!   Good friend always!   Karl Samuelson – “The Ministry Years”

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