I had a lot of favorite experiences and wonderful memories. One of the, imagine this, as a young boy, little little boy, laying in your bed and your mom singing the song the grandchildren sang to you, “When He Comes Again,” every night. I remember vividly the times when I asked her to sing it again two or three times. I look back on that and I see that attribute of my mother showing faith. That instilled faith in me. A faith that has led me through my whole life. Imagine going to bed with those memories and what do you dream of? When christ is going to come and what it is going to be like. Remember that and take that from my mother. And as detlon mentioned, later in life I had serious experiences where I watched my mother take a young man into her home, a young man, a teenager, into her home and love him and teach him. Alan McCord. I watched that, she brought him in, got him through high school and created a better life for him. And when I was in grade school, junior high, high school, my mom was there with me while I struggled to do homework sitting at the table for hours. My mom was there, she’d sit by me most of the time. She loved me most. But as you know, she loved us all the most. She gave her life loving us. Christ knew his fold an dHe fed his fold. Marianne, my mom, did that for me and for all of you. She loved us all and I know that and I know that we will see her again because of that faith she instilled in me. Thank you mom.